Friday, 18 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 26, 2024

The ‘Secret Shidduch Recipe’

Rivkah Leah Bernath with the Chabad Shidduch Group in Chicago has been involved with over 100 shidduchim over the past five years. Here she speaks about "The Secret Recipe" for finding a shidduch. Audio

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September 22, 2011 4:57 pm

so beautiful thank you so much for reminding us of the Rebbe’s advice! B’zrat Hashem weshould all be married soon!

July 4, 2011 6:41 am

Alos I think the fact that “so many boys are going off the derech like I hear”
this should also be tackled.Why does this happen?
Than we would have more good boys,and we would have more chances.
No offence to anyone,but the problem is deeper.The difficulty in Shidduchim is the end results to many more underlying problems.
We should definitely look for a solution now.But also we should think about how did we get here.

continuation of number 26
July 3, 2011 1:40 am

Ill excuse myself for the comment about the repetition of the Segulah…in terms of Torah and Tzedokah…It seems that it is quoting different lines from within the book of “Eternal Joy”. However, please, if you may GIVE SOME PRACTICAL ADVICE AS WELL, IN A BIT MORE OF A CLEAR SETTING. (KUDOS TO THE CHICAGO SHIDDUCHIM GROUP)

A Bit Unsure...
July 1, 2011 3:19 am

What exactly is the purpose of REPEATING the message, that as a Segulah for Shidduchim, one should increase in Torah and Mitzvos, as well as giving Tzedoka for Kallahs?? Yes, it is a Segulah, However I was totally expecting GOOD IDEAS and TIPS IN A PRACTICAL WAY AS WELL!! MOTHERS – BEING MORE ACCEPTABLE TO OFFERS ….PLEEEASE!! SINGLES – WE SHOULD BE DAAVENING AND LEARNING FOR THEM!! IT IS FOR US TO KEEP THEM IN MIND ALL THE TIME AND TRY TO GET THEM THE RIGHT SHIDDUCHIM!! I”YH BY ALL OF YOU!!

16 is so right
July 1, 2011 12:30 am

So so right.

And here is a keli, girls, don’t let your mother handle everything by herself. Are you not getting enough dates… are you otherwise normal..??

Fat chance your mother is being super picky and … Better check for that…

She means well… but…

to 23
June 30, 2011 9:22 pm

doing more mitzvos makes us a keili for Hashems broshos

Grammar Clarification
June 30, 2011 9:08 pm

After listening to the audio, I see that there’s an error that’s repeated many times and should be corrected.

The speaker talks about creating a “keili” and describes the sgulos of tzedaka etc as “making a keili”. If fact the term “keili” as used in chassidus and chasidishe talk etc means just the opposite.

The Keili refers to a gashmiyusdike “vessel”, that will receive the brachos etc associated with the segulos etc. So in this case the Keili would be the networking etc.

to #19 and to #21
June 30, 2011 2:34 pm

It’s not about “bettering yourself”. its about making a keli. would you walk though a hugh grocery store with a long list without a grocery cart? We are suggesting that maybe your beshert is so special that your cart needs to be bigger.

Making a keli is also about preparing yourself to meet your beshert in the right frame of mind.

To #19
June 30, 2011 1:53 pm

I agree with you come completely! It’s become OK for people to judge and decide why someone is single in such a way that it causes disrespect and embarrassment to anyone who is single. All of the learning and time spent on becoming better people seems to have missed the part about sensitivity towards others. It’s hurtful.

TO #16
June 30, 2011 9:43 am

1. Continuously until you get to the chupa give to a kallah, money or effort. 2. The parents and the single take on something in a ruchnius way. 3. Whether you are in a formal shidduchim group or not. start helping other people find names for their child. 4. Review the Rebbe’s letters on shidduchim. 5. Read, The Inner Circle, 7 Gates to Marriage . Feldheim 6. Give brochos to your friends and relatives. 7. Divide up the Tehillim amongst all your friends and say it by daylight. 8. Get a shiddduchim Mashpia. 9. Contact all shadchanite , then follow… Read more »

An older single
June 30, 2011 7:44 am

Nobody would tell people suffering from infertility or the like what they should do to improve themselves, etc., especially not on a public forum. But lecturing someone who has tried for years to get married with no success is fine. How do you know what they have done already? Everything is in Hashem’s hands, and making oneself a keili is a strictly personal matter. Why do we not take the same advice that works for any yisurim – if it happens to you, figure out why you deserve it, and if it happens to someone else, beg Hashem to help… Read more »

June 30, 2011 4:43 am

i think hungry use the HUF. Hungarian FRANK. maybe we should all move there. this “recipe” repeats itself over and over. basically there r 2 rules. give tzedaka and learn torah. it just said that in 17 diff. ways. cong. on another ridiculous article by neshai. (not that those 2 points aren’t true, just the way they packaged it and put it across)

Practical Advice
June 29, 2011 11:35 pm

The not-so-secret-recipe to marriage is knowledge, preparation and a commitment to improve. I’m talking about structured course that teach the basic of dating and marriage so individuals have the knowledge. There was a class like that for girls this year, I hear it went really well.

June 29, 2011 11:09 pm

Could someone (Mrs. Bernath?) please list exactly and succinctly what she proposes as her “recipe” for shidduchim.

need not be embarrassed by scoffers
June 29, 2011 11:00 pm

al tisbayesh min hamaligim…

The Aibishter has such nachas when we care about one another
June 29, 2011 10:41 pm

Just like the father or mother of a happy family experiences joy when their children are kind and helpful to one another. So let’s help each other whenever possible, with kindness, without sarcasm or judgment, truly, truly. And when Hashem is so happy to see you helping someone else with a full heart and a full hand (money or effort, it doesn’t matter), He will be happy to bless you, too. Because, tayere chassidim, we ARE all ONE. Life is not a gumball machine!

actually, number 8
June 29, 2011 9:38 pm

I’m pretty sure Mrs. Bernath has a few shiduchim to her credit, and she definitely has been heavily involved in making many happen. As with everything else she does, and she does A LOT, when she started her shiduch program she put herself into it all the way. She has learned a ton about shiduchim, from the Torah perspective, from what the Rebbe says about it, from what she has seen with herself and her children and helping countless people and groups worldwide. I’m lucky to have been a Chicagoan and I’ve spoken to Mrs. Bernath recently and she really… Read more »

to 9
June 29, 2011 9:24 pm

I think surely everybody should wear tefilin… thats one of their diary mittzva.. so.. Kal vajomer Chabad, they try to influence other to put on tfilin, AND THEY DONT USE THEM? thats silly.. thats beeing, like we say in spanish “cara dura”. He says something but does other? Think lekaf zejut..

June 29, 2011 9:19 pm


my secret ingredient!
June 29, 2011 9:17 pm

find your own. Research on your own. Call all your friends; call their mothers once they are engaged. and PURSUE!!!!! Get someone that knows you well to go directly to the boy and let them know that you are interested! This is not a suggestion…. it’s a proposition. “This person is interested… are you?” This usually works!!!!

June 29, 2011 8:22 pm

lets say i dont put on teffilin does that mean im never going to get married? maybe we have to make sure that lubavitchers are putting on teffilin, maybe that will solve the crisis

Hi everyone
June 29, 2011 7:47 pm

These are quotes from our Rebbe, telling how to bring blessings and open the channels for blessings in regards to shidduchim.
Mrs. Bernath is not a shadchan, nor do I think she has personally made any shidduchim. She encourages people to do the above. It certainly can’t hurt.

to 5
June 29, 2011 7:00 pm

there are people who learn for years to get degrees,and don’t have a cent to their name,and people who don’t even have high school diploma and are billionairs…
I think everyone should just stop learning, you?

Humor is the best medicine
June 29, 2011 6:26 pm

Thank you for the good laugh. That’s what’s been missing – a sense of humor!!!

June 29, 2011 6:08 pm

there are plenty of people who follow this and are still not married while there are plenty of people who are married who don’t do this, so does it really make a difference?

June 29, 2011 6:06 pm

Unfortunatly even in France we don’t have francs anymore but euros.Hum…
Try in switzerland, i think they still have franc-suisse…..

reply to 2
June 29, 2011 6:06 pm

France doesn’t have Francs anymore that’s why there’s a Shidduch crisis…

reply to #1
June 29, 2011 5:24 pm

Clearly you should move to France.

June 29, 2011 4:52 pm

i dont have francs what should i do ?