For a local Crown Heights family, life has revolved around caring for one of their children, who was born with a severe illness. Keeping up with the medical bills and grueling treatment schedule was difficult enough, but now, their son was just diagnosed with a rare heart condition at just 9 years old.
אלמלא גמילות חסדים, אין העולם מתקיים אפילו שעה אחת.” ~ מדרש אותיות דרבי עקיבא
If it weren’t for acts of kindness, the world wouldn’t exist for even one hour.” ~ Midrash letters Darbi Akiva
Now before Pesach if you’re able to give to this family it will be a tremendous help and ישועה
Click here to help
Please say tehilim for יעקב בן אסתר רחל
Righteous Helping is a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) federally tax-exempt charitable organization. (Tax ID: 92-3827720)
The Righteous Helping Committee—Rabbi Shlomo Segal, Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany, Zalmen Hertz
Bikur cholim of CH. They are amazing
May hashem bring this boy a Speedily recovery
רפואה שלימה בקרוב ממש