Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

Steps We Can Take to Protect the Crown Heights Neighborhood

From the COLlive inbox: "We've seen a slew of ideas as to how to handle the deplorable security situation in Crown Heights, many of which also apply to other areas throughout New York City. Here are a few basic steps we can help the situation greatly in a very short time." Full Story

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Mrs. Esther Reinetz, 76, OBM

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Good Article,
December 25, 2021 6:45 pm

How can we implement this though !!!

Reply to  Good Article,
December 25, 2021 7:10 pm

Probably step by step like having people reach out to interested possible recruits. The dividing neighborhood security patrols by block also focuses everyone involved. 

Reply to  drops
December 25, 2021 7:53 pm

We have a great Shomrim and shmira
Group we do not need outside siders
I don’t know when you moved here

Build A Center
December 25, 2021 7:15 pm

Crown heights should build a 7Noahide Center, a place that acts as a chabad house for 7Noahide and does community outreach, educational programming etc

I agree
Reply to  Build A Center
December 26, 2021 12:07 am

Good idea!!

Reporting is important
December 25, 2021 7:30 pm

You bring up very good points about teaching morals and not using drugs. You start off by saying that reporting crimes as they happen is a “terrible idea” and will “annoy the police” . You gave it all away by saying you are an out of towner. Here in new york city, everything goes by statistics. If more crimes are reported, the statistics go up. When the statistics go up, the political and police establishment get pressured to do something. When they get pressured then our precints get more funding/manpower. The only way for statistics to go up is to… Read more »

Polite but Firm--Insist
Reply to  Reporting is important
December 26, 2021 1:25 am

I posted before, people must insist on a report.
If 5 people are told “It’s not going to mean anything–there’s really nothing we can do” then that is 5 fewer reported crimes.

NO REPORT? THEN IT NEVER HAPPENED as far as the police are concerned.

Don’t be talked out of making a report. Ask for a supervisor if needed. Just be polite but insistent.

a package is different
Reply to  Reporting is important
December 26, 2021 6:56 am

Some were saying to report things that are not crimes at all. That would cause annoyance anywhere.

Do u have kids?
December 25, 2021 9:52 pm

I’m a mother and I don’t want my teen to hang around to protect your property, it’s not a job for the Youth to do. Youth need to go to schools or after school activities like sports & music, not something that dangerous.

Try to patrol yourself and tell us what exactly you can do about our safety.

I’m paying taxes and moral obligation is on our police to protect us from all crime, not our kids and others kids as well.

don't understand
Reply to  Do u have kids?
December 26, 2021 6:54 am

Youth groups based on sheva mitzvos would be meant to curb crime, not to patrol streets. They’re two separate ideas in the article.

Two separate ideas completely
Reply to  Do u have kids?
December 28, 2021 2:12 am

One idea in the article was to focus patrols by block. Another idea was to have Sheva Mitzvos based youth groups. There was never an idea to have youth patrol instead of police….. Please…

One of the ideas, Get involved
December 25, 2021 10:06 pm

Due to the very obvious dangerous increase and uptick of in Crime affecting Crown Heights, those that can get involved to help out should. All our Young Chevra, Older Mature Working Bocherim & Yungerleit in Crown Heights should be highly encouraged to step up to the plate, to get involved a little & to be active to an extent in helping their community. Older Mature Working Bocherim & Yungerlait should really consider joining either Shmira or Shomrim. We can’t always rely on other people in our community to step up to the plate to helpout, But to actually lead by example… Read more »

Add street lights!!
December 25, 2021 10:23 pm

In addition to the above valuable articule, add streat lights!! Some blocks are dark. Ive seen 5 dark skinned guys with dark clothes hiding in a driveway

Shomrim compstat
December 25, 2021 10:54 pm

Thanks for a great post.

Better statistics and analysis of them could help, by discovering patterns and where to focus resources, as the NYPD instituted a number of years ago.

Be respectful!
December 26, 2021 1:22 am

Many non jews are not respected by jews period.

This has to stop.

Show respect dont make a chilul hashem.

This is very rampant in williamsburgh
And boro park.

If you think the non jews are stupid think again

Reply to  Be respectful!
December 26, 2021 11:54 am

2 separate things. stay focused!

Not so separate
Reply to  Be respectful!
December 28, 2021 2:09 am

If there’s Kiddush Hashem among us then there are less attacks and more of them to help us. These aren’t two separate things.

Better Solutions
December 26, 2021 12:08 pm

1) Report all crimes to police.
2) Push for more police in our neighborhood.
3) Push to undo the disastrous bail reform laws which allows criminals back on the street immediately after committing a crime.

Stop the hate crimes at the source
December 26, 2021 1:57 pm

They sometimes (not always but sometimes) start online, like with antisemitic comments under youtube videos (which youtube encourages, and fully supports).
If more pressure were put on youtube to stop it, perhaps some of the street crimes, might not happen in the first place.
I know this doesn’t solve everything at once like the article says to do.
I do not believe there is one solution to all aspects of all these problems.

reinventing the wheel.
December 29, 2021 2:04 pm

Why should we reinvent the wheel? – there are many youth groups for non jews already successfully functioning in the neighborhood – that are culturally relevant and working to decrease crime and gun violence. Most of them are connected to faith leaders who talk to them about ” the eye that sees…”. They are working on this, and have been for years – notably Neighbors in Action, SOS – Save our Streets, and now Elite Learners. Instead of ignoring these groups- you can support, follow, share their events, connect your neighbors to them, and donate. This article is good, because… Read more »