By COLlive reporter
Since its launch on Yud Shvat of this year, project Likkutei Sichos has brought thousands in the Chabad community together in learning all of the Rebbe’s sichos.
5,840 men, women and children have united in the learning of Likkutei Sichos in an organized, systematic fashion, with a plan to finish the entire Likkutei Sichos in 7 years.
The website offers shiurim and resources in various different levels and languages, to facilitate all ages and backgrounds to be able to learn Likkutei Sichos at their own comfort level.
The initiative is being organized by Shluchim Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm, Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, and Rabbi Shmulie Nachlas, with funding by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald of Crown Heights.
“Baruch Hashem, thousands of Yidden have joined and are learning Likkutei Sichos in unity,” Rabbi Moshe Gourarie told COLlive.
With the unfortunate start of the coronavirus pandemic, in addition to offering material, organizers have begun to offer online Shiurim to help people be inspired and learn and push through these difficult times.
“We have seen all through Pesach and until now, it has given so many people strength and inspiration to continue in these challenging times,” Rabbi Moshe Gourarie told COLlive. “We heard from many people how this uplifts them and gives so much encouragement. We will not stop, with Hashem’s help we will carry on with this endeavor through the challenges and beyond.”
Participants in the program from around the world have expressed their appreciation for the project, which has changed the way so many are learning the Rebbe’s Sichos and is making completing all of the Rebbe’s sichos an attainable goal.
“I am very happy that I joined the project,” says Yitzchok Meyer Lipszyc. “Being that I am focused on learning the Rebbe’s Sichos in this manner, rather than just haphazardly jumping from one subject to another, I find that I am actually learning the Sichos much deeper, with more gusto and appreciation, focusing on how to personally apply the horse, and most of all, it’s keeping me sane in these crazy times,” he said.
“Learning the Rebbe’s words, chidushim, and torah, in an accessible format has been amazing,” said Adam Kaman of Austin, Texas. “Prior, it was very challenging to be able to learn as my text skills are not up to par. Now, there are readily available translations, source sheets, and a real eagerness to learn, to be a part of something bigger than me, to complete a cycle and get closer to the Rebbe.
“I think about the sichos when I am not engaged in activity. I think about them in my davening. I review them during shabbos and speak about them to others when I meet other yidden. I can say, this has been a blessing for me. Yasher Koach!”
“I love the diversity of Shiurim given,” said Chana Grossman of Brooklyn, NY. “It enables me to understand any given Sicha better because one teacher may provide a way of explaining that clarifies points not fully grasped with another teacher. I can learn inside with the text or outside of the text if I have less time…Your project brings so much light to the world!”
Now, during the coronavirus shutdowns, the project has expanded to include live virtual Shiurim.
“The live virtual Shiurim are not only a valuable learning tool, they also create achdus, with people from all over the world tuning in to learn at the same time,” Shloimy Greenwald told COLlive.
Classes are interactive, with participants being able to ask questions and interact with instructors.
This week, live shiurim will be given by:
Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim of Morristown, on Tuesday, 9 PM on Acharei Chelek Yud Beis.
Rabbi Moshe Kesselman, Shliach and Rov in Los Angeles, on Thursday, 9 PM on Kedoshim Chelek Yud Beis.