Photos: Nachman Blizinsky, Chana Blumes
L’Chaim: Rosenfeld – Junik
The L'Chaim of Chanoch Rosenfeld and Mushky Junik, both of Crown Heights, took place at the Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights. Photos
The L'Chaim of Chanoch Rosenfeld and Mushky Junik, both of Crown Heights, took place at the Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights. Photos
mazal tov chanoch!
Lucky girl!! Chanoch is awesome!!!
An Incredible Morah, The girls LOVE you!
Mazel Tov to the best morah! Thanks for
Caring for our children with such sensitivity!
At YSP, he gave the boys a Chatham and sincere dedication to Torah and chassidus. May you be bentched with a beautiful, strong bayis neeman, and may the fruits of your time devoted to our boys continue to blossom!
one of the finest bachurim in Lubavitch!!
Mazel tov and much nachas. I am very happy for you.
Moshe Wiener
To the Junik and Rosenfeld Families.
From the Eckhaus Family
mazel tov!!