Photos: Sholem Srugo/COLlive
L’Chaim: Friedman – Ginsberg
The L'Chaim of Yechimelech Friedman of Ohr Yehuda, Israel and Perel Ginsberg of Boro Park, NY took place at Bais Rivka Hall in Crown Heights. Photos
The L'Chaim of Yechimelech Friedman of Ohr Yehuda, Israel and Perel Ginsberg of Boro Park, NY took place at Bais Rivka Hall in Crown Heights. Photos
Go Yitzchok and Meir!!
You guys are adorable:)
Mazel Tov Perel!!
so so happy for you and Yechimelech!!!
wishing you a lifetime of hapiness
mazel tov
Yechimelech! Great name ! Yechi for short !!!
Wishing Yechimelech and his kallah a happy life ,may the merit to build a binyan adai ad and welcome Moshiach !!
Mazel Tov to the Ginsburg and Friedman family both family should go from strength to strength happiness and successful we want moshiach now the Lchaim was nice
Best wishes for a binyan adai ad !