By Sruly Meyer – COLlive
Living in Curitiba, a small town in Brazil where being Jewish is not the norm, 7-year-old Samuel Steigler stands out with his yarmulke and tzitzit, symbolizing his faith.
Recently, he participated in a judo competition on a Sunday, after having missed several competitions held on Shabbos. He was asked to remove his yarmulka during the event, but he refused, even if it meant losing points whenever it fell off.
Samuel understood the importance of valuing and taking pride in his Jewish identity, regardless of his teacher’s and spectators’ opinions or judgments. His unwavering determination deserves our utmost admiration.
When Samuel was asked about his reaction when he was asked to remove his yarmulke during the competition, his response was resolute: “I had no doubt. My first thought was, ‘No! I won’t remove my Kippah’.”
Samuel has shown us the strength and commitment that come from embracing Torah values. Our sages have taught us that true strength lies in conquering our own inclinations towards negativity. Samuel demonstrated this principle beautifully.
Rabbi Yossef and Tila Dubrawsky, Directors of Beit Chabad Curitiba, praised the young Steigler for choosing not to hide his Jewish identity, regardless of his teacher’s and spectators’ opinions or judgments.
Their daughter, Mrs. Tzivi Stolik, who runs the local Chabad center “Centro de Juventude,” that the Steigler family experienced a significant transformation in their connection to Yiddishkeit, embracing it more deeply just two years ago.
“Since then, they have become actively involved with our Chabad house, taking steps such as koshering their kitchen and faithfully attending our Shabbos services,” she told “Samuel has enthusiastically joined our classes and developed a remarkable sense of determination when doing what is right.”
She said that despite his yarmulke falling multiple times during the competition, some expected Samuel to give up or place it aside temporarily. However, Samuel remained steadfast and resolute in his decision not to waver or compromise.
“Samuel’s actions served as an exemplary display of strength and inspired everyone present and our entire community,” Stolik said. “Samuel reminded us that we should always stand firm in our beliefs and make the right choices, even when they differ from the majority. When others witness our sincere commitment to our convictions, they treat us with respect.”
“Let us all take inspiration from Samuel’s unwavering spirit and use it as a catalyst for positive change. May his journey encourage us to celebrate our differences, promote tolerance, and strive for a world where every individual can be proud of who they are, regardless of societal expectations.”
Gotta get the kid a pin
My 17 year old son is a black belt in Judo. We live in Yerushalayim, and one is not allowed to train or compete with a yarmulkah in the Israeli Judo system. So Yarmulkah comes off when he steps onto the mat and back on when he steps off.
Thank God Brazil is not run by zionists.
What commitment! Amazing kid! A real role model!
Tip: sew an elastic band onto yamalka ( goes under chin)- just like sports glasses have elastic worn behind head to secure it.
Or sew on a few pins kippas sold in judaica stores here in brooklyn ny
what a kiddish hashem
Very Exciting! Real chosid
Parabéns obrigado pelo kidush hashem valeu abençoado seeks os pais que tem filhos assim obrigado shlichim do Beit Chabad Curitiba tab shie s Paulo
Boruch Hashem what a good boy! And what joy he brought to his Creator!
If the goyim knew what a horrific request it is to make of a Jew to remove, chas v’shalom, his kippah, surely, their souls would be shocked out of their bodies similarly to how ours were when HaKadosh Boruch Hu spoke to us at Har Sinai.