Henech Bowick, a young father and member of the Chabad community in Oak Park, Michigan, tragically passed away on Friday, 29 Av, 5779.
He was 41 years old and passed away suddenly.
He is survived by his 5 young children, Devorah, Brachie, Leah, Avremi and Mendy Bowick.
He is also survived by his parents Philip Bowick and Rhona Jackson and sister Andrea Marks from the UK.
The funeral will be held Sunday at 3 pm at Hebrew Memorial.
Shiva will be held at 14410 Sherwood street Oak Park, Michigan 48237.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Ad mosai
We need Moshiach now
Is there a fund for his kids?
Were in the middle of setting one up
Levayah is at the cemetery at 3pm
33550 Gratiot
Clinton Township, MI
Bdeee!!!! He has the most special kids!!!!!! Ad mosai We need Moshiach!!!!!!!!
Sweet soul!
לא יאומן !!!
נשמה טובה!!!!
I can’t stop crying
What a tragedy!!!!