By COLlive reporter
The administration of the Chabad Yeshiva in the central Israeli city of Cholon has notified that the institution will be operating a different structure.
The Yeshiva will be opening a smicha program for rabbinical ordination intended for Chabad bochurim in the post-Yeshiva age.
“It will be for older bochurim who concluded their Shlichus or Kevutza year,” said the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Feldman.
Bochurim will be learning in a full Yeshiva format with shiurim in Nigleh and Chassidus, farbrengens and visits by guest Mashpiim and Shluchim.
The evening seder will be dedicated to studies of halacha to qualify for smicha that will be granted by Rabbi Yochanan Gurary, Cholon’s Chief Rabbi and a member of the Chabad Beis Din of Israel.
Bochurim will also be given the opportunity to experience Shlichus by learning with residents of Cholon in cooperation with the local Shluchim.
Accommodations will include a dormitory and dining room.
There will also be a scholarship available for bochurim entering Shiur Aleph and Shiur Beis of Yeshiva Gedola – Zal.
For more info, call +972-54-6537704 or email [email protected].
In the evening means the afternoon sedorim.
Is it going to be a smicha program, or a yeshiva?
Semicha in the evening? Smicha is intense, it’s not an after thought to stuff in at the end of the day