By COLlive reporter
Ephraim Sherman, a resident of Crown Heights who is a nurse practitioner and healthcare researcher, was one of the organizers of the “Tahalucha for Social Justice.”
The Jewish solidarity with the Black community in Crown Heights was held on Eastern Parkway this Sunday following the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the nation-wide rallies in support of racial equality.
Sherman penned the following article to expanding upon the ideas behind the march:
Imagine a shtetl in the alter heim. Imagine one of the periods in which the local gentile authorities are not, at that moment, being particularly terrible to the Jews. The local poritz is pretty friendly, there aren’t any priests actively planning our conversion or destruction, the taxes are basically fair, and the economy is pretty good. However, there are still incidents from time to time in which the poritz’s enforcement officers single out Jews for bad treatment, and every time this happens the local Jewish community erupts in rage.
Now imagine this conversation in the shtetl marketplace between an honest and friendly non-Jewish neighbor and a Jew:
Vlad says, “I see that the Jewish youths are really upset about that incident with the policeman the other day. I agree that it was wrong, but why all this anger? Why such complete rage? You guys have a pretty good life right now don’t you? You’re allowed to work and to earn an honest living. This is a great country!”
Yankel responds, “Things are certainly far better right now than they were 50 or 100 or 200 years ago, but do you think we’ve forgotten about those times? About the Cossacks, and the blood libels, and the murderous priests? We have not forgotten. And we have not forgotten about your silence – the silence of our non-Jewish neighbors.”
Vlad responds, “Now hold on, my family lived in France during those times! We had nothing to do with it! I have lots of Jewish friends and customers, and I love them. I have never said a bad word about Jews. What happened back then is not my fault!”
Yankel takes a deep breath. “Where do you think the field you grow your wheat in came from? Did you ever ask? I’ll tell you. It belonged to a Jewish family that was killed 80 years ago in a pogrom. The poritz who sold it to you is the grandson of the poritz who was given that land after that family was killed. This poritz is a good poritz, and you are a good neighbor, but it seems like you have no idea about all the things that had to happen, and did happen, specifically to the Jews of this country, to create this nice society for your family to be able to move here from France and find such a beautiful place. This town didn’t magically spring into existence the day before your family came here. There is a history. And it is awfully bloody. And most of the blood is Jewish blood. And if you want to understand why the Jewish youth are so angry even though, generally, things are so nice right now, you need to understand that history.”
I hope you can understand the moshul. America is a beautiful and fantastic country. It is truly a medina shel chessed, when viewed as a whole. But America has a history and that history is long and bloody. This time, for once, the blood in American history is mostly not Jewish. The blood that was spilled to build and shape this country largely belonged to the descendants of Africans enslaved and brought to this land against their will.
The American economy of today is the product of the economy 50 and 100 and 200 years ago. America became the superpower it is by growing cotton in the south, turning it into garments in the north, and selling them for huge profits all around the world. Cotton is a messy plant and it requires tremendous effort to grow it and make it usable for clothing. The only way to produce such a labor-intensive crop at a profit was to utilize slave labor.
Just as the height of a skyscraper is a product of the bricks laid at its base, so too, it is no exaggeration to say that the economic prosperity experienced by Americans today is a direct result of slavery. We all benefit from the American history of slavery because our economy was established with this venture at its core. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge this history and take active steps to remedy its aftermath. The slaves who gained their freedom in 1865 weren’t released with a handshake and well wishes, let alone forty acres and a mule. They had to spend another hundred years surviving murders, attacks, and repeated theft of their success and the wealth they built. The towns of Greenwood, Oklahoma and Rosewood, Florida are examples of that.
Then, in the years since, they have had to contend with police violence, job discrimination, and “redlining,” a policy of banks and real estate developers to explicitly keep black families out of “nicer” towns and areas, forcing them to remain in cities and neighborhoods like Crown Heights, Bed-Stuy, and Brownsville, long after their former Jewish neighbors went from poor immigrants newly arrived to homeowners on Long Island.
Are you reading this and thinking “…and Jews didn’t have it worse?” or “forget the excuses and just move on” or other thoughts like that? If so, ask yourself how much you are interested in hearing lessons about all the things Jews are doing wrong in the opinion of Igor the non-Jewish Russian American or Jakob the non-Jewish Polish American. Do you care what their opinion is about the best way to better our chinuch? Or to help wayward youth in Crown Heights? I don’t care about Igor and Jakob’s opinions. I wish that their ancestors had done more to stop violence against us in years and centuries past, so that we would not have been forced to flee to America in the first place.
Black Americans are not fleeing from the country that they built with their blood and sweat. They are continuing to build it and improve it. They are the most “American” Americans in the country, having been here longer than almost any other group, and they are asking for support in their righteous efforts. They began building in 1619, when the early English colonists bought the first slave shipment, and they have been building ever since. They deserve our help. And we owe it to them. This country, their country, saved us when it let us in. Also, it gave the Rebbeim a safe platform from which to launch ourselves to every corner of the globe.
I am a Lubavitcher. I make a new effort each day to live my life as a chayal in the Rebbe’s Army, and to do the things he asks of us, including the hard stuff. The Rebbe’s mivtzoim are not for the faint of heart! The Rebbe didn’t send his shluchim out to do the easy work; he sent them out specifically to do the very hard work. Sometimes he sent them out to do the work that seemed impossible. Russian Lubavitchers in North Africa? What kind of insanity was that!
As we all know, the Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach were a particular focus of the Rebbe. He mentioned them over and over, year after year. Most of us can rattle them off when asked, and some of us can even go into depth. If your non-Jewish neighbor asks you about the arayos, you can name the basic relationships that are forbidden. We can all discuss the importance of believing in one God. We must be equally comfortable discussing the mitzvah of establishing “courts of justice.” We must also be able to see that this is precisely the mitzvah that the Black American community and their allies are working on out in the streets of America.
We must consider what a Torah-approved justice system looks like in a non-Jewish society. When we write about the need for a court system on the Sheva Mitzvos cards, we are demanding a system of fairness and equality. We are encouraging the person who reads that card to pursue and help maintain a justice system that delivers equal protection to all. Stalin had courts, and so does North Korea, but it is manifestly obvious that those systems cannot be what halacha is talking about. Just like the rest of the Sheva Mitzvos, we must be pursuing this mitzvah as diligently (or more diligently!) than the non-Jewish world. Right now we are failing in that obligation, both as Jews and as Lubavitchers.
My mashpia used to tell me that when you are on mivtzoim all you have to do is “harcheiv picha v’amaleihu.” If you are trying to reach out and help Black people in this moment in history, but don’t know how to start… just start! Find a peaceful protest and go. If you aren’t sure where to find one, make your own, the same way you would if it was a tefillin route. The next time you see a Black person on the subway or climbing the stairs or walking on the street, help them. Do more than the bare minimum, do it with a smile, and then (this is key) engage them in conversation if it seems like they want to talk. The next time someone posts an awful comment on WhatsApp or social media, speak up and point out that it is wrong.
Racism is more than just the n-word and the KKK. It is also comments like, “the problem with the Blacks is…” The response to that, by the way, can be “maybe the better question to ask is what’s the problem with White people, considering all of the things that White people did, and still do, to Black people.” I understand that it is hard to call out Uncle Mendy on the family WhatsApp group. It is still the right thing to do. The path to fighting racism begins with White people, and us, and others who are not Black, asking what we can do to fix injustices. We must be proactive, and we must be brave enough to confront the hard and complicated legacies of this country’s past. Without doing that, we are not fulfilling the mandate to create a just system.
The Rebbe’s mivtzoim are not for the faint of heart. There are no excuses.
This is drivel and absurd. You want to protest do so, but stop with the cotton references. It was outsourced ages ago…. anyone who picked it by hand isn’t alive and as are their children…
It’s quite clear from the article that although the cotton took place many yards ago, nonetheless, if it were against the Jews, we would be furious…
Yet I would beg go disagree with the premise of the article; I don’t think the Jews would be furious! Is bout the Jewish thing to do. The Jews in the shtetle would be very sad and broken, and would turn to shul and Daven to hashem!
Not take it to the streets…
Maybe they should’ve taken it to the streets?
Not to mention that the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, did a lot to reduce labor. Fewer black hands were needed. There is conjecture that the cotton gin might have free the slaves if the Civil War hadn’t, because the cotton gin was more cost-effective than slavery.
This has absolutely no basis in fact. In fact the opposite, it made cotton more cost evening, requiring more slaves to grow cotton, not less
Just stop….. we’ve had enough of your lecturing…all these articles telling us how we should feel how we shouldn’t feel!!! You cannot compel people to think the way you do and YOU NEED to understand or at least respect people who disagree with you and see things differently!!! Enough with this “if you don’t think like me you are a racist etc…….”
Of course we get involved with how people should act, and feel! We never bought into the whole idea of “mind your own business”, remember? Kol yosroel areivim zeh l’zeh. People will speak up and try to bring more light. If you don’t see it that way, so be it.
Most blacks here in NY are immigrants to this country.
Don’t see anything about Jews burning down stores and killing people in the moshul ….
Many blacks in this country are inherently anti semitic…
You are absolutely right in everything you say. It still doesn’t justify destroying people’s livelihoods and stealing everything they could get their hands on. This has nothing to do with racism. This is just criminals acting like criminals.
Did you protest with such vigor when your fellow CH residents were being subjected to near daily hate crimes few months back?
What did you do for those injustices?
I bumped into him at the No hate no fear march in Jan. Ms Halberstam spoke. Were you there? A lot of people are saying the same thing but I only saw a few Lubavitchers.
a ‘solidarity’ photo for my social media feed? no thanks why didn’t the author pen a lengthy article to collive and arrange a march through the streets of Crown Heights when his own neighbors were being attacked? it’s not like it was a one time isolated event, it happens year after year after year. why didn’t the author decry the deafening silence from local legislators who represent Crown Heights? why didn’t the author march through the streets demanding action from his local legislators who did nothing but post a sentence long response “i stand in solidarity” on their social media… Read more »
All Jews in Europe, for example, should stop what they are doing and start rioting, looting, killing and hurting random people, burning and destroying property, because Europe’s economy is built on Jewish blood (which is thousands times more true than the claim that America’s is built on Black blood).
The only ppl who are racist are white liberals who think “the poor blacks” need their help.
Yes, let’s just force these folks into victimhood for the rest of eternity. “You’re a victim! We made you into victims! And we must always remind you to keep on being that victim”
The serious problem marching arm to arm as a Jew with BLM is the simple fact that legitimizes their pursuit to try to separate Anti- Israel and Anti – Semitism that always end up in pure Anti- Semitism. Also nobody deserves a death like Floyd but also he did not deserved a funeral of head of state as a 9 times incarcerated delinquent, he is not a paragon of virtue to emulate for any black youth. More than marching as community teach your children not to be condescending or racist and the only way is your family refraining of derogatory… Read more »
Where were all our friendly african american neighbors when our children were frightened to walk the streets? Did they come out to defend their jewish friendly neighbors? Earlier this year, we were being attacked, slapped, pushed in the streets of our community….why were u not setting up demonstrations defending your own?
And you only see 1 side of the issue but ignore the facts and statistics. Why don’t you be brave and organize these “mivtzoim” in Chicago since you’re such a righteous guy. This was a perversion. Mivtzoim for goyim means publicizing 7 noach Mitzvot – but that is not what happened. Amazingly you didn’t mention the rioting , looting, and murders that occurred, nor the three 11:00 at night marches we have to endure at eastern parkway. But hey thanks for preaching to us about racism and setting us straight.
If you feel so comfortable with your decision, then why are you posting a long article explaining yourself, and telling people what to do. I agree that we should be nice and kind to all individuals regardless of their skin color but Please, Chanting BLM in CH is SHAMEFUL! Antifa and BLM are terrorizing people. They come to Eastern parkway in middle of the night. My child is terrorized, you call that peaceful? Defunding and dismantling the police should never be supported by any CH member. This is not about racism. The mission of BLM has become clear to many… Read more »
still doesn’t explain why I didn’t see you do any march organizing for Jews who were beaten and murdered this year. or why you don’t ask the same people you marched FOR, to march for those Jews beaten and murdered as well. or how about people from other races who are roughed up by specific cops? Did you march for them? Or what about the cops that are brutally murdered in cold blood by blacks? Did you march for them? Or what about the blacks that are beaten and murdered by other blacks? Did you march for them? How can… Read more »
This entire thing is outrageous! Even your story doesn’t make sense. This underdog society is terrible where that take any and all advantage to wreak havoc where they could. You don’t see that in the Jewish community. We just had the holocaust where we lost not a few but 6 million yes I repeat 6 million! We don’t go looting stores and we don’t go on a rampage wreaking havoc we express ourselves through discussion and awareness. The black community can do the same but many don’t they are so busy crying wolf and they destroy what little good they… Read more »
Historically slavery existed in most cultures and countries for thousands of years.
Only recently has slavery in most places stopped.
Slavery is not a black issue. Slavery is not an American issue. Historical Slavery crosses almost all races.
we were slaves in eygpt
Everything that a Jew does must be guided by Torah and our Rabbi’s, no Matter how much sense it makes to you.
This article is a mix of facts, half truths, and pure fantasy.
going out of your way to find a black and help him is racist in itself. it’s essentially telling him i came to offer you help because i know i am better than you and you are less and therefore need my help. I treat blacks the same way i treat everyone else, i don’t do anything more for them or anything less.
Social justice is the exact opposite of justice. Whenever you need a qualifier in front of justice, you’ve gone against Torah’s view of צדק צדק תרדף. We don’t change justice to fit the narrative or whatever social campaign you’re on. When you do that, you pervert justice.
so why are all the laws divided into books-books of jewish law…of course there is order within law…
If you look at Rashi on the פסוק of צדק צדק תרדף, you will see that Rashi explicitly states the פסוק comes to teach us to do justice and not social justice.
into different sorts. They’re all about the same unhyphenated justice.
Any hyphenated justice is not justice. Social justice, environmental justice, racial justice, economic justice, gender justice, etc., are all inherently unjust. They all call for justice to take the blindfold off and take sides, to put her thumb on the scales. And the Torah explicitly tells us that a judge may not favor the rich OR THE POOR. If in a case between a rich man and a poor man, the rich man is right, the judge has no right to have mercy on the poor man and change the verdict. That is the opposite of “social justice”, and it… Read more »
You seem to be missing about 90% of the facts
We do not believe in the nuclear family
Defund police
Defeat Donald Trump
Look a what you supported! Hillul Hashem
The author is self victimizing. He takes the premise that whites did something to blacks and whites have to fix their problems. This is totally false and misleading. Having said all that, now let me tell you why I chose NOT to join the march, even though I totally condemn the senseless murder of George Floyd. First of all, we as jews have tolerated a lot of injustice at the hands of local thugs. Whenever we hold protests, none of our black friends join us, besides a handful of politicians who pay lip service to our cause. Secondly, and even… Read more »
Maybe the world should pay us for our slavery in Egypt!?
Egypt was built by us, Babylonia stole their riches, followed by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Europeans, America…
America was built on our slavery in Egypt!
Please remember the line from Haggadah: if the Holy One, blessed be He, had not taken us out of Egypt, we would still be slaves. The Rebbe has an interesting comment to this. Not only were we physically redeemed, emotionally and spiritually we were removed from the status of slaves.
Very interesting and insightful article. The march was a big kiddush Hashem and a beautiful display of community unity. Thank you!
Outstanding points and Kol HaKavod, super proud of you organizing this and writing this!
Don’t listen to the nay sayers, your truly doing the Eibeshter’s work and making the Rebbe proud
Your friends from a small island in the Pacific 😉
Bhaskomas harabbonim? Didn’t see any rov attached to this.
The Rebbe would be ashamed of this. Don’t contaminate the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim and Tahalucha with this garbage social justice. We don’t support defunding the police, we don’t support rioting and looting.
Did you organize a march on behalf of Jews in Crown Heights when just a few months ago we were being terrorized by Blacks?
You suffer from severe self-righteousness. Don’t tell us how to live our lives.
find something more practical to do with your life
Just look at sensible black people like Candace Owens and others like her you will see the distinction between true objective conservatism and racist fanatic liberalism!!
1. The racism is in part due to the fact that African Americans have a higher level or criminal activity than many other cultures. True, that does not excuse racism. However, there is not as simple as you make it either. 2. You cherry pick your history. Ever heard of the industrial revolution? A lot happened since slavery. Also, the other reason American is rich is that they financed wars. As in wars full of Jewish blood. But I wouldn’t expect you to know your own history. 3. Ask your African American neighbors where they come from. Surprise! Surprise! 4.… Read more »
Jews arent white. I dont have white guilt. My ancestors were murder by Nazi Germany 80 years ago. I need to feel bad because some europeans enslaved black people 300 years ago. That being said, no human deserves brutality based on their skin color. Support the protests, enough with the racist white gult, and surely dont justify the riots.
For the first time I’m impressed with the comments on col! There may be hope in our community. Maybe we didn’t all lose our way..
The other day an Arab pleaded guilty to the charge of raping and murdering a beautiful Jewish teenager here in Eretz Yisroel.
Where are the protests? Where is the outcry?!
I realized recently that I’m actually a subtle racist. The reason I say that is because I become more cautious when black people approach me. And I am not when white or Jewish people do. I DO NOT want my children to have to feel the way I do! I AM WILLING TO CHANGE! BUT, We need the black communities help. They need to stop with all the crime. Fact is they do commit more crime. Especially in crown heights. How often did one of my friends as a kid get mugged from a white person? The black community can’t… Read more »
You are right to be cautious of black people and not of white people, let alone of Jewish people, because the fact is that a random young black man on the street is about ten times more likely to assault you than a white person is, how much more so a Jewish person. That is not the fault of all the decent black people who oppose crime, just as Arab terrorism is not the fault of those decent Arabs who oppose it. But just as Jews in Israel would be suicidally insane not to fear all Arabs, you would be… Read more »
I like the way you tried to convince everyone with the shtetle, but, sorry, I don’t thing anybody fell for it. Listen, joining, or making a protest of our own, may have been the right thing, but not for the reasons you gave. If you would have said “the rebbe spoke for hours about justice reform, education reform, living in peace and love, treating every creation of hashem with respect”, but that was not the angle you came from; you began by imagining you were in the same position. If I’m not mistaken, the main drive of this “protest” was… Read more »
I hope this comment doesn’t get drowned out by all the negativity and ignorance.
Thank you for this article and standing with our POC neighbors!
You’re a true chassid!
but what have I been ignoring?
The rioters who looted countless businesses, taking away the livelihood of many?
BLM’s open support of other hate groups like Antifa and BDS?
My child, who’s scared to leave the house?
Associating the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim with all that?
Sorry, but YOU are ignorant. (Kidding, I’m not sorry in the slightest)
You’re literally ignoring every SINGLE claim put forward in these comments. Why don’t you go ahead and respond to them first?
(And just in case your ignorance got the better of you, and you didn’t read the comments, you should go back and do so. Some say pretty good stuff)
Thank you for your article. I dont agree with everything in it, but I commend your bravery for writing it with your name attached and for challenging Crown Heighters to think about things differently.
Let talk about how we had some many black on jews attacks in this neighborhood, and i’m not talking about 20 plus years ago during the riots, im talking about the last year and months. Stop pushing your white liberal agenda that we all have to feel sorry for blacks and that somehow we are responsible and it’s our “fault”. This movement in crown heights is just the modern american version of neturei karta. if your going to protest, please start with causes that hit close to home. How are you okay as a frum parent not allowing your child… Read more »
An amazing read. I can’t believe the deep and inherent racism that lives in CH by reading the comments to such a wonderful and compasionate piece about our black neighbors.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves of pretending to be holier than thou.
Absolutely disgusting!
I actually DO think I’m holier than people who loot and riot and terrorize and spread disease.
And by extension, I actually DO think I’m holier than those who associate with and support the above-mentioned people.
(And if you find my opinion terrible, don’t automatically assume that everyone who’s against the protest feels the same way. Thank you for your patience)
I believe your problom is that you base everything off feelings.
The data does not support your statistics, on the contrary it supports the exact opposite.
Blacks are not oppressed more than whites. Its just a media lie.
(That is no way excusing what happened to GF. That was wrong all the way and justice was served.
We are not the white people years ago,and they are not the same as the people who lives years ago.
Let us all get along.
Firstly, most of the blacks in this area are immigrants, so the whole history you mentioned doesn’t apply to them. Secondly, there’s no evidence that the killing of George Floyd had anything to do with racism. There have been many unarmed white men killed by police too. Thirdly, you seem completely oblivious to the history of anti-Semitism in this country. Jews were also barred from many areas and we didn’t respond with violence and victimhood. You say that fighting racism begins with white people. But historical injustices to the black community are no more important than fear and terror that… Read more »
I think we can all agree that the killing of George Floyd was wrong. No one is disagreeing about that. However, to then conflate this to say that blacks are still being mistreated by whites and that they are being treated unfairly by the police is statistically inaccurate. Statistics show that approximately TWICE the amount of whites over blacks are killed by police in the last 4 years. The idea that there is a police “pogrom” against black people is a lie. If you want to talk about how there is a smaller proportion of blacks to whites in America… Read more »
Based on the facts currently available, it’s not at all clear that Floyd was murdered. He was not choked to death. He died of a heart attack caused by many factors, one of which was the stress of being restrained by the police. But they were right to restrain him. The only real criticism is that in hindsight rather than just holding him restrained while waiting for the ambulance they’d called, they should have checked on him more often and as soon as he passed out they should have turned him over and tried to assist him. But that failure… Read more »
Where was your outcry when just a few months ago Jews were being beaten just for being Jews. By our friendly black neighbors. Where was your voice then?
You and the other marchers are a disgrace and do NOT speak for our community.
Your moshol is nice, but inaccurate. You’re correct, America was built on black slavery. Who sold those black slaves? The Africans. Now imagine, in your moshol, that a group of Kurds move into town. They buy some property after fleeing persecution in their native land and start a new life. Now imagine Yankel and the yidden in town (ch”v, just for the sake of the moshol) start harassing these Kurds, beating up their children, robbing them, disturbing their lives, cursing and yelling at them, breaking into their barns, stealing, constantly trying to scam them for money, and even killing these… Read more »
That u compare this to old antisemitsm is absurd. A black president was voted in twice. Does that sound like systemic racism. Cuz I don’t see a Jew being voted in anytime soon. So get ur facts straight. And ur match was based on falsehood. Didn’t see u March when a Jew was attacked by a black in Monsey in his Shul and has since died Where was ur voice then.
I admire your effort to explain it using the local lingo. Unfortunately it seems people are not willing to look past their biases and are too taken in by inflammatory rethoric.
‘cuz I’m pretty “Defund the police” and other statements being shouted at riots and protests are EXTREMELY inflammatory. And besides, speaking more calmly doesn’t make it more true (and in this case, it sounds like a whole lot of self-righteousness). How ’bout you respond to each and every claim made in the comments here? How ’bout that? Maybe then we can talk
I was also raised to have respect for my fellow human being, and NOT to feel superior because I am Jewish. Something I feel is NOT being taught in Crown Heights. We are raising our children with a superiority complex! Raising them to think they are superior not just to Gentiles, but to Jews who aren’t “Chabad.” This is so racist, and contrary to what the Torah teaches. We are here to be a light to the nations, and arrogance about being “Chabad,” does NOT bring light!!!! I have never seen such racism towards blacks as in Crown Heights and… Read more »
The Torah says we SHOULD feel superior because we are Jewish. If you were raised otherwise then you were raised on a belief which is against the Torah and you should abandon that belief. Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu. Shelo som chelkeinu kohem. We are bonim lamokom and other people are NOT. That makes us superior to them, but it also gives us a big responsibility to live up to that status. And we are NOT here to be a light to the nations. There is no pasuk telling us that. Some interpret some of the pesukim in Yeshaya to mean… Read more »
The protests initially began because the cops involved with the incident were not arrested. Now they are, and charged with murder. Sadly, once these protests began, they have evolved into people just letting out their bottled up feelings about everything (The president, white privilege, the police system(Again, now they are protesting that ALL COPS ARE BAD – not just the one in Minneapolis who is a murderer-(ACAB) and some cops who were just trying to protect themselves and their cities were KILLED during these protests)). As we have seen in the past week and a half-these protests have nothing to… Read more »
They were only arrested to placate the mob, on the orders of the vicious Jew-hater, cop-hater, and white-people hater Keith X Ellison. They will not get justice if it is up to him.
don’t bring in the Rebbe’s mivtzoim in to your opinion! similar to the lady at your “tahalucha” holding a sign reading “hevai zahir bireshus= defund the police”. don’t pretend like the Torah somehow agrees with you, or ch”v one of the Rebbe’s mivtzoim is not being racist(?!)!!!!
It seems the writer has been brainwashed by the overwhelmingly leftist media and academia.
I do business with many african Americans right here in Crown Heights. They are smart and savvy business people. They ALL want nothing to do with these marches. They all realize that this is all an excuse for criminals to run wild. Mr. Sherman, if you were not racist, you would be doing business with all people and won’t consider the skin tone as a factor. If you had any real relationships with African Americans you would know that the real African American community is not out there rioting, it is criminals that are looting. This has nothing to do… Read more »
The real victims are the normal black middle class — those with business (many of which got looted) and those going to work each day to keep the city going. Unfortunately, in the public mind they are going to be lumped together with the rioters, looters, and left-wing people like the writer above.
‘Tahalucheh’ was a holy thing, something that the Rebbe sent baalei batim and bochurim to go on. I leave it to others to argue about the merits of your cause, but please do not sully the word ‘Tahalucheh’ by referring to what you participated in as a ‘Tahalucheh’.
you are 100% right
Maybe you want to write an article supporting AOC about how detainment at the border is just like Nazi concentration camps? Your fantasy narrative about the shtetl shows you have absolutely no knowledge of the nature of Jewish life then, and the nature of the atrocities committed against us. You’re doch a Jew – go learn your nation’s history better. Such a comparison is beyond dangerous.
While it feels good to be in the public eye and march perhaps you should organize something that would actually help and impact their community i.e. a mentoring program since so may black kids are sadly without fathers in their lives.
Do you mind explaining what in the world this moshull has to do with the white man in LA who’s store got burnt down? For the life of mine i cant figure it out. While that moshul is a nice piece of poetry, It has NOTHING to do with the practical case. The yidden NEVER did anything wrong to anyone else, Are you comparing the eisav sonie es yaakov to me hating the fact that these blacks are screaming BLM and that that gives them a excuse to riot? Think for a minute brother! You make NO sense
Racism is more than just the n-word and the KKK. It is also comments like “the problem with blacks is…” The response to that , by the way, can be “maybe the better question to ask is what’s the problem with white people, considering all of the things that white people did, and still do to black people.” Wow! way to solve racism with more racism. I am somehow responsible for other peoples bad behavior because of my white skin color? I sense from your tone that you are a good person and you care about these issues. I would… Read more »
Thanks for the moshel and nimshel, but your attitude is both condescending and patronizing. What, you think that if you don’t compare all this to “Vlad” and “Yankel” and “Uncle Mendy” and the “shtetl in the alter heim” and the “poritz” (whatever those are), we won’t be able to understand your point? Who living today understands your references??! Collive readers are probably all born post-WW2; are modern, intellectual and up-to-date thinkers. Don’t talk down to us as if you really ‘see’ this properly and we don’t, that you must educate us. I assure you that we all already have a… Read more »
People like to tell blacks what they need and how they need it etc. But it seems like they are just blind (or possibly worse) to the needs of the black community, starting with better education in inner city schools, criminal justice reform to bring the black father’s home to educate their children, obviously its easier to give out reparations but that dosnt really help them long term
I’m not sure if its racism as much as it is overall police agression, the cop that killed George floyd had a very aggressive track record, any police force besides for having people who genuinely want to help protect their communities, also have people which are power hungry
An aggressive track record is not necessarily a bad thing. Someone who wants to protect the community should be aggressive. Maybe his record simply shows that he cared about his job, and that’s why he attracted complaints from criminals.
Good people are good and bad people are bad. What does any of this have to do with skin color?
Did not read the article but I will say this – the March was a kiddush Hashem. Nearly every black person was appreciative that we were showing solidarity with them. Regardless of who is more respinsible in the grand scheme of how racism plays out – we can contribute in some way and try to do better. And for the record – I speak out louder when anti-Semitism is on the rise so don’t try to pull that question out. Were there some slogans being shouted that I didn’t agree with? Yes. So I didn’t say them. On the whole… Read more »
you went to the march that was shouting slogan you didn’t agree with? you voluntarily were a part of the crowd that was saying the wrong things? and you call this Kiddush Hashem?????
Thank you very much for going to the March and doing something positive. There is a lot of pain in our community and in the black community. This was one step to help alleviate some of the pain. Yasher koach!
They are in no danger from the police because they’re not criminals. They have nothing at all in common with George Floyd, let alone with the vicious criminals like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. They don’t need anyone to march for them.
And this was NOT a kidush hashem. On the contrary, pandering to the worst of the goyim’s demands is a chilul hashem. Kidush hashem means standing up for what’s right DESPITE what the goyim demand.
how dare you use the word “tahalucha” something that was very important to the rebbe on such an anti-Jewish thing like social justice
A Jew was stabbed nearby recently, why did noone march for him.
A Jew was stabbed in London today, noone even mentioned him.
It is nice to support others, where is the support for them?
Of course people mentioned him. But violence is not our way, we dont use violence and protest for this. What we do is DAVEN and say Tehillim (can everyone please do that). Thats what actually helps. The only one who can really change things, is Hashem. So can we please all say Tehillim and Daven for Moshiach? im sure that would be something Hashem and the Rebbe would be proud of.. Thanks. Moshiach now! Ad mosai?
Did you have the Haskama of Rabonim Baalei Halacha, and Mashpyim,
How are you uniting with? Always (not almost always) look at the end result to see what the initial intent is. all these rallies lead to free palestine, etc.
Vey iz mir! I was one of those community organizers by profession (a full time job!) in the 1980s — trained by some of the same people who trained Barack Obama a few years later! I was steeped in Saul Alinsky, the “400 years” rewriting of history, etc., as you so clearly are. I know you mean well, as do many of your fellow organizers and organizees. The worldview you speak of is not so different now than it used to be, I see, as I do keep up with what’s going on in the community organizing/social change profession, out… Read more »
It’s nice that thei4 open minded, but there’s no comparison at all. This black,person and bedsides 8 others in the last 12-18 months had NOTHING to,do with racsim, it was a BAD COP. When someone believes in a issue,( let’s say racism) you can’t pick and choose. Racism isn’t only for Black people, it counts towards Jews, Latinos,etc. .when jews we’re getting beat up and murdered daily this past winter for 4 months, where did all these fake people that cry now blm( which is a total,scam) march for Jews rights??? A matter of fact it was racist blacks doing… Read more »
Just making sure you know. He was a career criminal.
I didn’t see or hear from you, when R”L we have massacre in Monsey, and a yid was killed .I guess you were busy thinking about you neighbors, who don’t care about you or any other yid.
Where were you when your nice neighbors punched out another yid. Please it should be both ways , you care for them and they care for you. You want to stop racism . OK ,Tell them if , they stop calling me white or jew and I won’t call them black .
Dear Ephraim, I salute you for your actions, and in your standing by your values—to stand in the hardships of others who are in pain. The many commentators reflect our diverse characters we have among us. Diversity is in our DNA, and clearly this can be assumed true to the community. For people who wish to live their lives limiting their human resources-such as love, kindness, respect, sensitivity, compassion etc. there will be limited resources coming around. Best not to think it’ll only be reserved for those closest—this kind of limited thinking costs significantly in human currency where we are… Read more »
This is all lies and anti-Torah. I don’t even know where to start, but just a few major points. 1. “Imagine a shtetel, blah blah blah.” No, I can’t imagine your fantastic conversation, because it would never have happened. This is not how Jews ever reacted, or ever would react. You’re just taking the whining lies of black activists today, and putting Jewish names on it, but this story could only ever be told by black activists today, because the whole narrative is theirs alone. 2. Slavery. First of all, nobody today is in any way responsible for slavery. Nobody… Read more »
If we had courts as the 7 mitzvos require, George Floyd would have been executed the first time he was convicted of armed robbery. He would not have been around to commit the robbery where he stuck a gun in a pregnant woman’s belly, or any of the others. Consider that.
I think a lot of people are forgetting here that when there were so many attacks against the Jews, there WAS a protest. It was a huge solidarity march, and tons of non Jews came to support.
The whole idea that we blame others for not standing up for us, so we should stand up for them is nonsense. It’s an assimilated Jews’ fantasy. There is no history of us getting upset because others did not stand up for us. So long as they did not join in persecuting us we never expected them to protest our mistreatment. It was none of their business so why should they? It’s only now that people have started saying the Pope should have spoken out, this one and that one should have spoken out, etc. That’s a very ahistorical perspective.
are you a rov? a manhig? who are you to sign on to a goysihe movement? how do you know its the Torahdike thing to do? Shov val taseh would have been better. you probably made a chillul Hashem and did something ossur. Jews in golus aren’t supposed to be revolutionaries, nor should be be on their side. On the contrary, we are to be loyal to the country’s leader and his emissaries sent to keep seder (which historically, has always been to the Jews’ benefit, unlike revolutionaries and theis hatzlocho). These people are rebelling against the POTUS and saying… Read more »
This march was nothing more than propaganda show. It was just a way for a group of people to feel self important. This article only proved it more. The author is an NP, let fails to understand that healthcare is one of the biggest offenders in systemic racism. Also, I love how everyone conveniently forgets that, other than the border states, Blacks in the Union were free. They fought and died during the Civil War, to help defeat the Confederacy and end slavery.
Black lives matter is anti-Semitic.
all the things that black lives are fighting for are for the black people Besides one which states that the destruction of Israel. My friend this is not about justice, Justice was served almost straight away when the police were arrested. this is about the destruction of justice
I wonder why the people that marched in demonstration for black rights are not marching and demonstrating aggressively for Jewish lives. Frum people are being specifically targeted by the blacks and beaten or worse. No one marched in protest when a black thug came into Rabbi Rotenberg’s home in Monsey on Chanukah with a machete and injured several and one eventually passed away after being in a coma for months. You think blacks are not treated equally??? I guess then you approve of all the destruction they are causing, without accountability. Why don’t the whites try it and see what… Read more »
As usual, it’s sad to check out the comments section which seems to have missed the point of the article. 1. The author didn’t condone rioting. The author didn’t ask you to condone rioting. And the *vast* majority of protestors are peaceful. 2. “George Floyd was a criminal” – So he deserved to die at the hands of the police? What planet are you from? 3. “BLM is antisemitic” – The protests aren’t organized by the official “BLM” organization. And the protestors aren’t there to support an organization. They only thing they share in common is their belief that Black… Read more »