As is done each week, JEM is once again featuring a free video on their YouTube channel. This week’s video is of a sicha delivered to the boys and girls at a children’s rally on 1 Teves, 5745 – December 25, 1984.
It’s amazing to witness the passion with which the Rebbe speaks to the children; while some would think of an address to young kids as an afterthought, the Rebbe clearly attached great importance to such events.
In the address, the Rebbe encourages every Jew, wherever he may be, to take the example of Yosef during his exile in Egypt. Yosef had the foresight to collect and store the country’s grain during the seven years of plenty not only in order to save Egypt, but to supply grain to all the neighboring lands during the seven years of famine which followed.
In our generation as well says the Rebbe, there is hunger. The hunger however, is not for grain but for Torah.
The lesson from Yosef, is that whatever Torah knowledge we had the fortune to acquire, must now be used to sustain others.
Beautiful and all from Our Rebbe is truth. Plus he never waters anything down and only sticks to the truth of our living Torah! Same today as in 1985. We are just now so close to Moshiah. We should all everyday make tushuvah for our redemption is soooo near!