One picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to understanding complex halachos.
Many who follow the Rebbe’s takana of learning the entire Rambam annually find the halachos of Kiddush Hachodesh to be among the most challenging sections of the 14 books of Mishneh Torah.
Historically, only a select group of talmidei chachamim were fluent in the intricate calculations involving the sun, moon, and stars, which result in the molad and other related phenomena.
With hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh coming up in the cycle of shlosha perakim, a special visual 3D presentation will be held in Crown Heights providing an unparalleled understanding of these complex concepts.
The presentation will be led by Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Friedman, creator of the acclaimed Beis Hamikdash 3D presentation “VeHarenu Bebinyano.” The Kiddush Hachodesh presentation will bring to life the subjects discussed in the Rambam, such as the molad, mahalach hashemesh, mahalach halevana and so on. This will enable participants to fulfil the Rebbe’s takana properly.
The event, organized by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, will take place on Monday night, 19th of Iyar (May 27th), at Kollel Menachem, 1483 Union St. 8 PM.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of these vital Torah concepts with the help of cutting-edge visual aids! will broadcast the Shiur live for the Chabad community worldwide:
Can they please make this public, on line for those who don’t live in CH.
Will this be streamed please?
Can This please be made live
Is it men only?
where to buy tickets?
We’re out of town – watch live at 8:00pm tonight below by clicking the link helow
Rabbi Friedman has a great Presentation. Don’t miss it.
Thank you Harav Friedman. Your immense knowledge, talent, (and wonderful personality) is an enormous gift to the כלל. Not only have you made the סוגיה accessible, you have made it exciting to want to learn. Please know that the countless hours which you have obviously given to create this uniquely lucid and brilliant presentation is greatly appreciated. The clarity of your סדר והדרגה make this a masterpiece. אשרי חלקך.
Many, many thanks. I am not a מתמיד by nature, so I personally thank you for providing me the wonderful experience which normally eludes me, the joy of לימוד התורה.
Thank you for you very kind words!!
Why was it taken off Youtube? How can i get it now?
link dosent work
Was not able to be on during the Shiur due to a time difference. Is it possible to get access to the private video?