Monday, 21 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 29, 2024

The Painful Word No One Wants to Say

From the COLlive Inbox: On the outside, my husband and I look like any other young couple. But it's impossible for even our closest friends and family members to understand every excruciating detail and the constant struggle that has taken over our lives. Full Story

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Our experience
July 5, 2020 11:02 pm

I, too, suffer from infertility. It is so difficult, especially for a frum person who has been taught from early on that family is paramount. We’ve been taught that raising our children to be servants of Hashem is our Raison d’etre, and when we suffer from infertility, it brings up the most basic and fundamental questions concerning our mission in the world. What indelable mark are we leaving in the world?

B”H Bonei Olam and ATIME gave us the financial support during IVF-ICSI! They were amazing and b”H we have one daughter, who is now 16 years old.

Wow so sad
July 6, 2020 9:36 am

Wow so sad please whoever can donate money to this couple

July 6, 2020 12:47 pm

We too were in your position and live outside of the USA. We struggled for 4 years and had countless treatments and in the end BH not due to treatment but the Rebbe brochos we were blessed with a son. Soon after we were blessed with a daughter and 5 years after another son. All naturally. I understand what you are going through and know what you are saying. Keep the faith the Aibishter will bless you.