Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro, Director of the Nissan Mindel Publications (NMP), presents “Historic Treasures.”
Each program shares ‘treasures’ from the archives of Rabbi Schapiro’s father in law, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel OBM, a prolific writer who served as a personal secretary of the 6th and 7th Chabad Rebbes.
The program uncovers fascinating stories, rare artifacts and precious documents from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Thank you very much Rabbi Schapiro for your dedication in strengthening our hiskashrus to the Rebbe and having this weekly program.
It is fitting that you memorialized Rabbi Butman a’h who had great hiskashrus to the Rebbe and imparted it to many, many others.
Only our rebbe can have chassidim that follow a different derech yet are still his chassidim. Serving Hashem that’s the main thing!