By Jonathan Kalmus, Jewish Chronicle
Wearing a beard is not rare in the trucking industry, except when it is accompanied by a kippah and tzitzit. But Salford based Moshe Rothstein, known as Mozzi to his trucker colleagues, says he had nothing less than a friendly welcome to the trade since getting behind the wheel last June.
“It’s not hard to be Jewish and work for a proper company. I tell them when I can’t work because of a festival or I have to leave early on a Friday and they don’t ask any questions. Often I end up explaining about Shabbos and they are impressed with our day off,” says Rothstein.
Night shifts allow Rothstein – believed to be Britain’s only strictly Orthodox truck driver – to volunteer for Chaverim by day, a free service run by on-call Charedi volunteers who help in household emergencies ranging from a flat battery to being locked out of the home. His skills came in handy when he helped a colleague who had locked himelf out of his lorry.
“I got out my car kit and had the lorry open in five minutes. They really respected me after that.”
He adds: “One of the guys who trained me was wearing a Magen David. Apparently his grandmother on his father’s side was Jewish. He took me under his wing for the first few days and showed me the ropes,” reports Rothstein. “I was shocked myself how friendly people are. They respect me as much as anyone else.
“I’m not saying there is no antisemitism in the world, but no-one should hide they are Jewish. I think Jewish people are a bit too paranoid,” he adds.
The 26-year-old Chabad member studied for 7 years in yeshivot in Israel and Australia. But he gained a taste for driving large vehicles as a Chabad emissary driving buses on an American summer camp and ferrying tourists to a kosher hotel in the French Alps.
And after returning to his native north Manchester roots three years ago he decided his office would be a 44-tonne, 55-foot heavy goods vehicle. It comes complete with a built-in iPod connection which he uses to listen to Torah classes to keep up his studies. Two folding beds store conveniently away making enough space to stand and daven the Amida prayer while stopping on a nine-hour night shift in which he can cover 500 miles.
At Xmas time he joins other drivers who rig up festive lights inside their cabins, except for Mr Rothstein a giant electric menorah adorns his window.
“I learn Chumash, Tehillim (Psalms) and Tanya (the main Chassidic writing of Chabad), while I wait for my truck to be loaded. I have never had a problem with people asking me what I’m doing.
“But I stopped off at a service station to daven minchah recently. Some Jewish people watched me get into my cab and their mouths dropped open,” says Mr Rothstein, who described how he also stunned Charedi neighbours when parking his truck at his parents’ home in Salford’s Broughton Park.
“People look at it as a down-and-out job, but the people I work with are respectable with families. Down and outs can’t afford to get the licence.”
After completing training, which cost him £2,000, he works for a major distributor of well-known beer labels in Preston, Lancashire.
“I remember the first day on the job. When you’ve got £50,000 worth of beer and one little mistake could lose you your job and cause havoc on the roads it makes you concentrate. But now I’m not nervous and really enjoy it.”
Although not married Rothstein says that he is “hoping to settle down one day”. Referring to the night shifts he says: “I’ll give up the job if my wife didn’t want to be married to a truck driver.”
“These thoughtless knee-jerk attacks on me make it more and more apparent that the yeshiva system is failing.”
What’s the connection between peoples comments and the yeshiva system failing? So you’re saying that people who don’t have ahavas yisrael failed the system? So you’re saying that it’s more important to know more Torah than to have good middos? In that case, I know plenty of people who you probably consider to have passed through the system with flying colors, but I, on the other hand, consider them to have failed tremendously!
What does it have to do with the education system? Some people grow up saying I want to be a truck diver, and that’s what they do! Not everyone who goes through the “system” has to end up as a rabbi/teacher/shliach… First of all, there isn’t enough of a demand for it, and second, not everyone can do it! I think it’s amazing that someone is able to so what he wants, not only in an honest way, but he also makes sure to daven and say chitas! If anything, this shows how much of an influence the “system” has… Read more »
Correction: I’m sorry, it wasn’t you in #38.
Again, showing your inability to understand basic English. I haven’t taken anything personally. I’m just shocked at the nitwittedness of a bunch of Lubavitcher readers here. You still persist in accusing me of criticizing Moishe of something, which is pitiful, considering I clearly never did as much and I have repeatedly clarified that I did not, including once to you directly.
To #24/35 These are not thoughtless knee-jerk attacks – unfortunately you have decided to take these comments as personal against you rather than comments on your “thoughtless” original attack! We struggle to see why would consider this brilliant article and making of a person a “big tragedy!” Just because Moishe (who by the way we know very well) has decided to chose this path at this moment in his life is by no means your business to comment on the way he was brought up and the way the Yeshiva “failed him!” Do you not know the Pirkei Avos Mishna… Read more »
To #38,
One wonders whether you know how to read. You referred to the very comment in which I made it painfully clear that I am criticizing the yeshiva system and still continue to accuse me of referring to Moishe. Moreover, “struggl[ing] to make a living” in no way implies that I don’t have a job.
These thoughtless knee-jerk attacks on me make it more and more apparent that the yeshiva system is failing.
GO AND GET A LIFE!!!! Stop ‘bashing’ other people for no reason, in fact I also know moishy & he’s very skilled in the truck he drives + he makes a good livng + he’s home with his family EVERY DAY + he runs CHAVERIM in Manchester when he’s not trucking – like you said earlier “I struggle to make a living” – how about going out to get a job instead of staying inside your little closed minded box, leave Moishy alone! – MOISHY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK IN ALL YOU DO FOR THE COMMUNITY OF MANCHESTER –… Read more »
To #33
My original post (#24) said at the end of the second line:
“Says something about our education system …”
It was abundantly clear that I was referring to education system and I did not do it in a roundabout way. Perhaps the fact that everyone misread it as referring to Moishe despite the explicit reference to the yeshiva system demonstrates the very problem of poor education.
My apologies for not understanding you first time round. I think we’re all clear now. Your thoughts reflect my feelings too, and I’m sure the thoughts of many others too. Unfortunately not many people want to speak out about it, or feel like they can have any impact. It sounds like you are a wonderful person, who not only have strong feelings about it, but also take the right approach by helping people navigate around these challenges. My question that I’ve always had: How does one navigate the seemingly contradictory approaches to Chinuch vs. the one our Holy Rabaim set… Read more »
Again, you people fail to see the point. This is an indictment of our yeshiva system, not Moishe, who, incidentally, I know too. Truck driving can be well-compensated in America as well, especially when you can find long-haul union work. However, trucking, is not considered a great job because it requires very little skill, pays comparatively little, has no potential for advancement, provides no transferable skills if one ever chooses to change professions, as Moishe indicated he might, and generally provides a very poor quality of life, being on the road all the time and away from family. I have… Read more »
So you are basically sour that you find it hard to make a living. In a roundabout way you were bashing the Yeshiva system, and not the good soul in this story. Understood, but you should have made that clearer as many of us did not understand it. To me, Moshe sounds like a very level headed, smart and nice young man. Just because he’s not gone the ‘traditional’ way of being a rabbi, in chinuch or an accountant, does not mean he’s not got a fulfilling job, which happens to be a decent wage in the UK as people… Read more »
Its because of you that todays kids are ‘going off the rails’ because of people LIKE U and speaking the way you do. HOW ABOUT BEING HAPPY AND PROUD FOR A FRUM BOCHER WHO’S GONE OUT AND GOT HIMSELF A DECENT JOB!!! – WELL DONE MOISHY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK – I’m PROUD OF SOMEONE LIKE YOU!!!
Well it sounds like you haven’t got a clue about truck driving because I Know Moishy & I’ve even been to meet him on the highway while I was in England and trust me its totally NOT a ‘low-skilled professional job’ – not just that, the wage is a very well paid job in England.
Everyone that knows Moshe knows hes a solid great guy, Kol Hakavod to him for working to make a living and being a good Jew at the same time, We need more frum people like him.
in your title it says “and he does mivtzoim” im just wondering where it says that on tha article just another example of trying to make a headline sound flashy and instead sounding stupid
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = response:
Your welcome to read the article again where it tells how Moishe Rothstein puts a giant electric menorah on his truck’s window. See the photo too of the pirsumei nissa.
I’m actually not someone who learns all day … I’m someone who struggles to make a living and not live off the government. I’ve never taken a cent in welfare or foodstamps in my life.
I criticized the yeshiva system that after 7 years leaves people with no way to make a living but in low-skilled professions with meager pay.
you seem to be the sort who sits learning all day & just lives off the government, – I think thats totally wrong! total fraud! – I really dont get why Moishe is sad by going out & obtaining his truck license & then getting a decent job in the transport industry, – I personally know Moishe & he’s told me all about it, not just that he actually sits and learns nearly every day after his driving shift, I THINK (24) YOUR THE ONE WHOS SAD!
What’s so sad about being a “baal agola”?
You know something, when I read comments like yours, I realize how unholy I am, and how holy you are. Please explain to me what is wrong with someone earning an honest living. Before the days of Medicaid, section 8, food stamp fraud (yes pure fraud), people used to earn an honest living. Moshe, keep being real.
Please explain why it is a shame that he is earning an honest living. He’s doing what he enjoys, being a good Yid to boot. Please explain to me what you think every bocher should end up doing – shlichus, teaching? Not only are there not enough jobs, but many Shlichim hold onto areas for their kids (my father in law does just that), so it makes the pool even smaller. But please do enlighten me – I’m curious what he should be doing in your mind.
The biggest tragedy here is that after seven years of yeshiva the only way for this bochur to honestly make a living is by driving a truck. Says something about our education system …
Its good to see you!
That was a specific horo’oh to R Yosef Beshenkovicher, for a few years; what has it got to do with anyone else?
Bring me a Tut Bannana!!!
you are one chassidishe cool dude!
you really are being mevaer the nitzutzus
good stuff
pretty cute for a truck driver ……
As the Alter Rebbe once told a venerable chossid of his. “For your soul, it would be better that you be a coach driver than a Rav”.
I know a few Lubavitcher truck drivers
WAY TO GO MOSES!!!!!!!!!! YOU DA BEST!!!!!!!!
Kol Hakavod !!!
More Bachrum in C”H and around the world should learn from Moshe. Earning clean/honest money, able to support himself or his family and remembering who he is and were he belongs even on the road. That’s an honest man and a Chosid!
Many youngsters are looking to make quick money and finding wrong ways R”L…
Though I don’t know you I’m wishing you much luck and a big
Yashar Koach to you Moshe
“driving buses on an American (Canadian) summer camp”
Good job Moshe
Say A song!!!
Good for you moshe. Doing what you enjoy with a great attitude and lots of confidence. Always the “go getter” and a good soul to go with it.
Moshe, You make us proud. Continue spreading the light.
moshe you know we love you
moshe keep up the good work!!!!!! ur mamosh a tzadik!!!!!! one of ur mushpuim
waiter at milky dream pizza in Manchester also.. only one over there you can actually talk to!
just keep on trucking like its nobody’s business
he was my mashgiach once upon a time
moish good on you mate .
With the green yarmulke as always moshe way to go cheers
how much do truckdrivers make