Bais Shmuel Chabad in Crown Heights spent a meaningful and inspiring Sukkos, with Farbrengens held each night of Chol Hamoed.
On Wednesday night, the Farbrengen was held at the Sukkah of Chanan and Chumi Feldman. The farbrengen was led by 770 Mashpia Rabbi Shlome Zarchi.
On Motzei Shabbos, Rabbi Ari Chitrik hosted a Gemara shiur in his Sukkah.
Later, a Farbrengen took place hosted in the Sukkah of Dovid and Maggie Rogatsky. The guest speaker at the Farbrengen was Rabbi Efraim Mintz, Executive Director, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Sunday night a Farbengen was held in the Rubashkin sukkah with a Farbrengen by Rabbi Kuti Feldman.
Hundreds joined the Shul for an uplifting and joyous Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich, Rabbi Dovber Pinson and Rabbi Levi Garelik.
The Yomtov ended with a Farbrengen which lasted way after the holiday was over.
Amazing what a beautiful crowd thank you for sharing