Fort Lauderdale lawyer Yechezkel Rodal of Rodal Law has filed a federal lawsuit against Spirit Airlines Inc. after a family of Orthodox Jews endured an alleged anti-Semitic “discriminatory campaign” from flight attendants — one of whom allegedly labeled them ”retarded Jews,” Daily Business Review reports.
It started with a misunderstanding about a car seat, according to the civil rights and defamation suit filed in the Southern District of Florida, and ended with rescinded return tickets and a lifetime ban for New York couple Yisroel Sternberg and Chana Beck.
“These so-called ‘retarded Jews’ simply wanted a peaceful flight to Fort Lauderdale and to enjoy the start of their family vacation,” the complaint begins.
The plaintiffs traveled with their 6-week-old, 2-year-old and 3-year old daughters, and wore traditional Orthodox clothing for their Jan. 8 flight from Newark Liberty International Airport.
The plaintiffs claim they faced continued “harassment” from the flight crew, who refused to allow them to bring a car seat on board for their baby, even though they had purchased an extra seat for that purpose.
The plaintiffs agreed to stow the seat below deck, and Beck held the baby on her lap for the flight, the Daily Business Review reported. But they claim relations worsened when a flight attendant berated Sternberg for switching seats to help supervise the children, as it meant there weren’t enough oxygen masks for everyone in the row. After Sternberg moved back, the attendant allegedly refused to tell the couple his full name, told Sternberg to “ shut up” and threatened to call the police.
When the plane landed, two Broward sheriff deputies escorted the family off the plane.
Rodal — an ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jew — said the incident was hurtful and embarrassing for his clients, who deny being disruptive.
“If it was just a bad experience then we wouldn’t be having this conversation, but the fact they called the police is just outrageous,” Rodal said. “With anti-Semitism on the rise, it’s extra critical to bring this to people’s attention that it’s not OK.”
As the plaintiffs waited at the gate in Fort Lauderdale, they claim a passenger they’d never met stopped to tell them the flight crew had called them “the retarded Jews.”
Rodal’s clients seek punitive damages, attorney fees and costs.
Why so sensitive?And why a lawsuit?
If you were taken of the plane by police for no reason, wouldn’t you be upset
We Want Moshiach Now !
May I ask for what reason you are trying to make a lawsuit?
I mean this is straight up harassment
Yechezkel Rodal is the best lawyer
Wishing lots of Hatzlacha
If you read the full complaints you’ll see that the couple paid for a seat for their infant car seat. At first I thought maybe that could be it because I didn’t want to believe that there was such blatant anti semitism. Unfortunately I was wrong 🙁 it’s outright anti semitism
Spirit Airlines is awful over the years there have been plenty of complaints against them, they’re rude and disrespectful
A “lifetime ban” alone is reason to go to court, not to mention the fact that they weren’t allowed to fly the return trip!
Wasn’t this also the case where the family was also told they “smelled bad”?
I can’t believe some of the commenters below are trying to minimize and criticize the fact that the family is suing! They must be trolls!
This is a manifestation of the anti-Jewish sentiment that’s sweeping the country like wildfire, r”l. If it were a black family, I’ll bet the outcome would have been far different!
It’s much easier to just move on and not deal with this situation legally but the fact that they are doing something about this harassment is a favor to us all. Less chance of this happening in the future to others!!! Thank you for taking the time and putting in all the effort it takes to make this happen!! No one should get away with behaving this way!! NOT OK!! Hopefully you get all the compensation you are hoping for!!! Good luck!!
some of it is also from Jews who think we should just accept being kicked on, never speaking out in order not to antagonize them even further. Golus mentality basically
hopefully spirit will be closed down. we must stop all anti-semetism ASAP, before it gets so bad like germany r”l
The only one who can stop it is hashem
Its good they brought a lawsuit as no one should be treated this way and it should not happen to anyone else
Unfortunately,women flight attendants are often given a pass.They should be accountable the same as a male flight attendant.Also,don’t fly spirit any more.