In July 1985, the Rebbe’s office made a call to Rabbi Yisrael Deren, at the time, a Shliach in Western Massachusetts (from where he had started the Chabad Houses in Amherst, then Springfield and in northern Connecticut).
There was a potentially troubling situation brewing in Europe, and the call came instructing Rabbi Deren to get involved.
“Someone wants to make an event in an iconic Shul in Poland – in a manner that would be a flagrant desecration of Shulchan Aruch,” the call said. “The people involved are from Stamford, Connecticut and it is important for you to see what you can do to influence them to change their mind.”
Rabbi Deren soon spoke with people in the community and better understood what was happening, doing whatever possible to resolve the situation.
When writing back to report to the Rebbe about everything that transpired, Rabbi Deren asked if perhaps the time had also come to establish a Chabad House there. And the rest, of course, is history.
This past month, those first seeds of Stamford Shlichus, sown into time with the intention of helping Europe, blossomed into an epic tour-de-force of Rabbi Yisrael and Vivi Deren and the “light and warmth” they spread across the European continent.
As Chosson and Kallah the Rebbe blessed and blessed them, “You will make it light and warm for others, and Hashem will make it light and warm for you.” And that is precisely what they did in a marathon of Farbrengens, Shiurim, Lectures, and one-on-one interactions leading up to Gimmel Tammuz.
The month leading up to Gimmel Tammuz is a time when Chassidim around the world heed the Rebbe’s timeless words about the importance of strengthening “the light and warmth of our connection to the Rebbe.”
For thousands of Chassidim and Nshei Chabad, Shluchim and Shluchos, Bochurim, and Girls, and countless other Yidden around the world, the Rebbe’s words to Rabbi Mrs. Deren now became a source of light and warmth as well.
The trip was organized by Rabbi Michoel Rosenblum, the director of the EU Jewish Building and Rabbi of the European Synagogue Ohel Eliezer and made possible with thanks to a grant by the European Jewish Association and Rabbi Menachem Margolin.
Their visits lifted people and inspired communities, in some cities to crowds of hundreds, and in others with an intimate Farbrengen with just a Shliach and Shlucha enjoying a quiet moment to feel closer to the “light and warmth.”
Atlanta and New England. The journey began a week earlier, just after Shavuos, when the organizers of the regional Kinusim of the State of Georgia invited Rabbi and Mrs. Deren (for the men’s and women’s Kinusim held on different days, back to back) to come Farbreng, followed by the Kinus of New England and New York that co-hosted by Rabbi Deren and others for a memorable weekend at the Yeshiva in Suffield, CT.
Rome, Italy. The next day, it was off to Italy, which began with the simcha of Rabbi Deren’s nephew Levi, son of Chief Rabbi Berel and Chani Lazar of Moscow, Russia, and from there, the journey began.
Beginning in Rome and thereafter in Tuscany on Shabbos, Rabbi and Mrs. Deren spent time Farbrenging, speaking, and sharing the classical “warmth and light” with the Shluchim and Anash who were participating.
Florence, Italy. On Sunday it was off to Florence for a Farbrengen with Rabbi Levi and Sonia Wolvovsky. As Rabbi Wolvovsky later said, “My blessing for every Shliach who could use “a pick-up” to have Rabbi and Mrs. Deren knock on their door, and spend the few hours with them that lifts you to the best place possible, in knowing what it means to be Shluchim of the Rebbe.”
From there, it was off to Antwerp, Belgium, where Rabbi Shabsi and Mrs. Risha Slavaticki hosted two days of Farbrengens and talks for diverse audiences and settings.
Tuesday night, Rabbi Deren Farbrenged with the community of Anash and other Chassidim and other Mekurovim to Chabad about the importance of preparing for Gimmel Tammuz in a way that is authentic and creates true Hiskashrus. Mrs. Deren was talking simultaneously to a group of Frum and Modern Orthodox women, highlighting in particular the Rebbe’s teachings about living with Emuna, Bitachon, and Simcha, which she shared in the context of her life experiences.
Wednesday night, the eve of Chof Ches Sivan, was supposed to be more of an “in-house experience, with Rabbi Deren Farbrenging for the Yeshiva of Yaldei Hashluchim which was Boruch Hashem a very geshmakeh experience for the close to 100 Bochurim, Shluchim, Hanhala and some Anash that joined.
Mrs. Deren’s Farbrengen was also supposed to be more for just the Nshei Chabad in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz, but word got out to the wider community about the previous night, and a much broader community group of ladies joined as well, wanting to hear more of what she had spoken about the night before. It ended up being a very special Farbrengen, combining the two topics that energized and uplifted everyone.
As Rabbi Slavticki later reflected, “Your Farbrengen in the Chabad House was true “words from the heart” that really inspired everyone, and the Farbrengen in Yeshiva Yaldei Hashluchim had a very big effect on the bochurim.”
“Mrs. Deren’s Farbrengen with the Nshei Chabad left a deep impression on everyone and really gave the women a lot of encouragement in dealing with life’s challenges. Many of them asked that we should have you speak again – and we even got a call from Switzerland asking for her to speak there. The Farbengen the next night was very successful and really inspired everyone – all of which definitely is bringing Moshiach closer!”
Brussels, Belgium. Thursday morning, after Davening at the Yeshiva (which made a deep impression on Rabbi Deren, seeing the deep focus and spirit with which the Bochurim Daven on a regular morning), it was off to the “capital” of Europe—the seat of the European Union.
Thursday night, the USA Expat community was invited for a 4 July BBQ at the home of Rabbi Michoel and Mrs. Sara Rosenblum. Rabbi Deren spoke, sharing stories and a light message, and also highlighted the Rebbe’s words in the well-known letter to President Bush Sr., highlighting the connection to Chof Ches Sivan.
On the sidelines of the event, Rabbi Deren sat and spoke for a lengthy period with the bereaved father of an IDF soldier, who took great strength from the experiences and lessons that Rabbi Deren shared from his own life experiences as a bereaved father.
Friday night, the European Synagogue hosted a special dinner. The local community came together for a talk on “what Judaism offers in the face of adversity and challenge,” which was very well received. Before Kabbolas Shabbos, Rabbi Deren also spoke for a group of over 100 BBYO youth, and Mrs. Deren addressed the girls before candle lighting as well.
Shabbos day was one long, nonstop Farbrengen, beginning during the morning Davening with Rabbi Deren speaking to the Anash community and the Israeli community under the leadership Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Director of the European Jewish Association (EJA).
Mrs. Deren spoke during the Kiddush at the European Synagogue about “My Jewish Toolbox—Tried and Tested Ways.” Shabbos afternoon, they led a joint Farbrengen for Nshei Chabad at the European Jewish Community Centre.
Late afternoon and into Motzoei Shabbos capped off the day with a memorable Farbrengen held at the EJCC with a mix of both Anash and broader community members, as Rabbi Deren spoke movingly about the reality of Hu Bachaim and our role as the Zaro Bachaim, especially in the spirit of the Rebbe’s words around Shloshim Shana.
The joyous dancing at the end of the Farbrengen close to midnight Motzai Shabbos was an expression of the “light and warmth” that the Rebbe spoke about – burning now brightly in the heart of Europe.
As Rabbi Rosenblum later shared:
“Rabbi & Rebbetzin Derens visit to the heart of the EU in Brussels was a marathon of sharing of course, wisdom, experience, and knowledge woven together with stories wit and humor and great Torah thoughts, but from the beginning to the end, whether at the July 4th Kosher BBQ with a US official US embassy staff, or one-on-one with a grieving father who just lost their child in the IDF, or Friday Night with a group of youth from the US at the European Synagogue Ohel Eliezer The VIP Shabbat dinner The Shabbos Kiduushim Talks, Q&A, or with the Neshie and Anash…
“There is no question that their every moment and every comment was filled with love and kindness from a very deep place that impacted all the many they encountered. They are living examples of the famous Chassidic Proverb words from the heart penetrate the heart.”
Manchester, UK. Sunday Rosh Chodesh Tammuz was a flight to Manchester where that night, Mrs. Deren spoke for the Nshei Chabad of Manchester about the opportunity to use the 24 hours leading up to Gimmel Tammuz as a day of reconnection to the Rebbe and our Shlichus.
One somber reflection for Mrs. Deren was the opportunity to sit at the Farbrengen with Rebbetzin Susan Jaffe, who was instructed by the Rebbe over 60 years ago to found Nshei Chabad of Manchester. This was the last Nshei Chabad gathering that Mrs. Jaffe attended as she concluded her Shlichus on this earth, with her untimely passing just a few days later.
Monday morning, in keeping with the Rebbe’s letter regarding Yud Shevat that the day should be utilized as an opportunity to speak to children about the special love that the Rebbe has for them and his trust for (and expectations of) them, Rabbi and Mrs. Deren visited the primary schools. They spoke to both the boys and the girls and shared beautiful stories that illustrated this theme so clearly.
Monday night, on the eve of Gimmel Tammuz, Rabbi Deren led a Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen for the entire Anash community with a running theme through the night that left everyone uplifted and energized to live up to the hope and vision that the Rebbe has for every one of us.
Rabbi Akiva Cohen commented later that “Manchester has never had such a Farbrengen with so many people, staying for so late” and, as Rabbi Mendel Cohen pointed out, “that people were dancing afterward, and while I’m not sure how that related to Gimmel Tammuz I think it was because they poshut felt lifted by your words, you lifted the crowd, so it was just natural.”
London, UK. Tuesday morning, on the day of Gimmel Tammuz, a train trip to London brought the Derens there in time for Mrs. Deren to speak to the Lubavitch Girls High School. There, she spoke about the Rebbe’s guidance to her as a teen and what those lessons mean for young women facing unique and unprecedented challenges today—with the Rebbe’s unwavering love as a guiding light.
On Tuesday evening, Motzoei Gimmel Tammuz, over 400 people from across the London Jewish community gathered for a Gala Farbrengen, where Rabbi Deren delivered an eloquent message that started the Farbrengen and continued for many hours thereafter.
“While I have Farbrenged with Rabbi Deren many times in the past,” said organizer Rabbi Getzel Itzinger, “I never heard him “keynote” a Farbrengen, which he did so masterfully, touching on many different themes, and then in one final touch, brings it all together so beautifully in a way that no one expected. The ambiance that Rabbi Deren brings to the room was truly an outstanding event, and we have been getting so much positive feedback.”
Back home…. Wednesday morning, Rabbi and Mrs. Deren flew back to Boston, where a car was waiting for them to whisk them off to Connecticut’s State Capitol building, where Shluchim from the state’s 26 Chabad centers gathered in the Senate Chambers in Hartford, as elected officials spoke about the Rebbe’s continued impact on the state and its Jewish community.
“The Rebbe taught that each of us can make a positive impact on the world around us,” State Comptroller Sean Scanlon said as he led the assembled in a charity-giving ceremony. “We need the Rebbe’s message now, more than ever.”
Watching the young bochurim from the New Haven Yeshiva now dancing on the floor of the State Capital, just three weeks after he had observed the soulful Chassidisheh Davening of the Bochurim on Shabbos morning at the Kinus, and on the Thursday morning in Antwerp, moved Rabbi Deren.
“Seeing this unbelievable manifestation of Zaroi Bachaim is truly the most powerful way with which we can hope that this is the last Gimmel Tammuz in Golus, and very soon the Rebbe will be pointing to these young Bochurim and proudly saying “Re’u Gidulim Shegidalti – look at the young ones I have raised” with the coming of Moshiach – today!” he said.
The Rebbe sent Rabbi Deren to Worcester Massachucettes in the 1960’s
Rabbi Deren said I don’t know where this is and I have no money. How will I survive ?
The Rebbe said , “ I am going with you “.
Even today The Rebbe is with us in our life
Yosef Mordechai Gati Queens , N.Y