R’ Ariel Brill, a young father from the Chabad community in Nachliel, Israel, passed away suddenly on Friday, 26 Tishrei, 5783.
He passed away on his 29th birthday.
Ariel, the father of two young children, tragically did not awaken on Friday morning and resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.
He was known as a person with yiras Shomayim and as someone who learned regularly and was kind to many.
He is survived by his wife, Sarah Brill, and children.
The levaya took place in Israel.
Help support the family during this difficult time. Click here to donate now.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
ברוך דיין האמת
Ad Mosai 🙏
Boruch dayan haemes.
Since when it became so comom for young people to pass away sudenly R’L. Enough Hashem pls!!!