Picture of the Day
An Israel Defense Forces soldier seen carrying a large sized backpack while in the field. You won't believe what's inside. More
An Israel Defense Forces soldier seen carrying a large sized backpack while in the field. You won't believe what's inside. More
Mi shema’amin lo mefached
משמאמין לא מפחד
I did guess it. How fantastic. IDF shows so much strength to the rest of the world
This is a fantastic, incredible picture of an Israeli soldier carrying a Sefer Torah into battle inside a back pack! This is truly SUPERFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS, and that’s for sure!!! Kol Hakavod!!! Am Yisrael Chai!!!
this is an amazing sight – I just loved it –
that is just amazing that a soldier is carrying a sefer torah! i was not expecting that!
A super-human shield? 😉
שהשם ישמור על החיילים
…And somewhere in this scroll is written that, 37 centuries ago, the ARK was ALREADY along the Jews when they fought their enemies in the Sinai
שאלקים תמיד ישמור עליכם ושימשיך לתת לכם כח והשראה חיובית. תבורכו, אנו גאים בכם.
אין כמוכם
Love it. The Jewish spirit lives on. May it continue for ever!!
Great stuff,…..HOWEVER ……
An adage: Rabbi Smuel / the youngest son of the Tzeamach Tzedeck often said this.
The world says, if you can not crawl under an obstacle then try climbing over it and I (the Rebbe said) Le’chalchila Ariber. In the first place rise above it. One must overcome by strength and not be intimidated by anything, thus achieving what one must, and when one persists (Pause) G-D helps!
We must keep the faith no matter what!
If everyone were like he is, there wouldn’t be any wars in the entire world…just peace! He knows, WE Need Peace!!!
He’s brave too!!!!
the philistines lost when they stole the aron hakodesh,they got the plague,and they lost now with the destruction of their city,because of their bad choiches.
blessings and well wishes for the ISRAELIS.may G-D will watch over you always!AMEN
God use to, God is and God always will on a side of brave soldiers defending not just Israel but the entire world!
This is the real Iron Dome …
I agreed with opinion – Inspiring but very impractical on the battle field.
May G-D bless you and watch over you and keep you safe.
The Torah is wonderful and beautiful, and knowing it is essential, but it will not save anyone, not any more than the Ark did at Shiloh when it was taken from there into the battlefield. As I understand the Shiloh event from 1 Samuel, God wanted His people to seek His face.
Que D,,,,,,,les protege ET en effet they should carry a smaller one
This is why the Jews are chosen!
G* bless all of the yehudim inside & outside Israel.
It is the most fulfilling sentiment we can have.
Israel has given us pride,self esteem, respect & most of all the right to be here for ever & ever. Samuel Tati
Bless our IDF..
May this mess be over very soon
great the best armement good luck love you all tsahal the best our prayers with you
Boruch Hashem
Que ce Sefer Torah protege chacun de ces soldats de Tsahal!
Thora mi Achem zé Thora mi Israël gam ha kol Yehudim
yo und dus ist richtig
Boruch Hashem
May all the soldiers come home in good health and good spirits as fighting could do much damage. May Hashem watch over them.
ful but I hope he has some practical stuff in there as well.
God bless him.
Amazing and beautiful. Hadshem is with us all the way
A thousand YES YES YES YES……
Chadesh Yomeinu C’Kedem
The iron dome and the IDF will save us, not the Torah!
only in Israel
In spite of its religious and dramatic impact. willfully presenting the Torah as a target is both sacrealigious and foolhardy.
Ki haim chayanu!
An inspiration. Let’s not lose anymore. No more boots on the ground.
God protect them!
TR de Sefertoralarin Keilladan disari cikarilmasi günah.Ancak onarim veya silinen bir harfin tadili icin cikarilmasina musade edilir.Gel gor ki burda cepheye goturen var.Adam vurulabilir veya esir dusebilir ve sefertoranin yere dusmesi veya dusmanin eline gecmesine sebep olmak gunah degil mi.
Tora kaideleri medinada baska golada baska mı.
Good thinking!! But why so big?
I can give you my book…
God be with us!! Amen
I am not surprised at all – Hashem looks after Klal Israel and it is so very beautiful to see. Am Israel Chai
Hashem is with us ALL the way and will be our Head in any battle who opposes Israel
Wonderful. Hashem be with him and all of Israel. Amen.
I wonder if they read from it when they get a chance?
There is nothing more useful in battle
Inspired and led by G_d
Should have been carrying something useful in battle.
Ki Mi-tzion tetszeTorah,u-d’varAdonai mirushalayim
Baruch she-natan Torah l’amo yisrael bi-k’dushato.
We must be strong and ready for any thing, we have to do with Arabs – and not with the ordinery people – ruther with merder. We don’t need the world compliments – we should do all we can to force those who comes to attack us – and make from teritory a big publice parking. Let them take another 30 years to rebuild thier homes. They all knew what is going on under their homes schools and muscks – No pardin for those who lost thier life, we didn’t mean to kill many of them – but they themself… Read more »
So moving, Am Yisroel Chai. God is on our side
it helps so much and i cant believe he actually carried the sefer torah on his back! our soldiers are tzadikim and amazing!
Those that have faith in the good of the almighty are blessed indeed.
The size,shape and cover was a give away. I’m all for what ever helps our heros, even if the backpack is a bit cumbersome!
a smaller sefer would have been just a kosher but easier on the soldier
To have a TORAH with you at war, May GOD pray for all of the TZAVAH in Israel be with our Jewish soles to protect them, and keep there lifes alife. AMEN.
An army being led by the Ark of the Covenant is invincible.
Seeing the soldier with the Torah brought tears to my eyes.
This is the past, present and future
Is there a multi-kit for the Christian & Moslem (Druse) too?
Could a smaler (mini) size be used ?
May the torah protect all Jews but foremost the men and women of the IDF who are fighting to protect the torah and their homeland.
It is wonderful to see that the Torah continues to be a source of strength to the soldiers of the IDF. It was a pleasure to read all the comments of enthusiastic appreciation.
this is a symbol of Israel’s strength.
this shows the difference between good an evil – GOD BLESS THE IDF – ISRAEL FOREVER –
May there be peace on the house of Israel. Kol Hakavod
Without doubt,”The Ultimate Weapon.”
We always had someone carrying our flag. It is important to let everyone know who and what you are fighting for. I would carry G-D with me, into battle. This battle is so important, as Israel goes, so goes the World. Don’t be naive.
Wish I could believe the Thora is helping. Too many handsome young soldier died in this war.
Jews out of Israe, Hear !! You are mislaken. It is not Israel, itI was a religious soldier who is ambarrassed to think that it is a religious war.
This is the shame! written by a genuine Israeli national
Am Israel Chai .
Wow, something I’ve never seen. Never seen anything like it. Sad to see, but they need to do whatever to keep us together. God bless each and everyone one of them. I’m so proud to be Jewish. It is a bitter sweet existence. Norm
Good as a symbol. But the expression is externalized too concretely. In real life, it would be a silly thing to do.
Absolutely great!!! I hope he is able to keep his platoon, company, and all of K’lall Yisroel safe and victorious
This Torah will keep him SA FER,,!!!
At 80, I wished I was a few years younger and was able to join this historic event and lend a hand or two.
Ha-am Israel chai.
Harry, Howard Beach, NY
Wow, this sums up our heartfelt belief in G-d.
May G-d bless all our soldiers & the people of Israel to get through this time with triumph!
Land of the FREE and Home of the BRAVE
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His countenance shine upon you and may He give you and all Israel peace…
Baruch HaShem
Baruch Hashem!
G-d bless and keep these brave soldiers safe.
May G D protect Israel and their brave soldiers
May G-D keep our soldiers safe and Israel to live on in peace for jewish people all over the world shalom
G-d bless our brave soldiers, keep them safe as they battle for the freedom and safety of our people, and country.
How awesome – Hooray for Israel and their soldiers.
Can the Scroll be protected against desecration, should the worst happen?
Beautiful !!!! No nation can come close, Israel is a tiny State but a wonderous one, and our soldiers are the best in the world. May H’ keeps you safe.
Very inspiring and moving
May Hashem protect everyone
faith can move the world, this must be the sign of the justice of auer fight
How incredible!! Jews don’t forget Hashem and he protects his chosen ones.
Seeing this brought tears to my eyes. This soldier has a very important task and seems vitally aware of his responsibility.
לא יאומן-מרים את המורל
We don’t need to criticize # 13th
She obviously don’t understand how Holy our Torah is
and how impoworing it is to see our IDF soldier carrying the
Torah. We believe that the Torah is protecting us wherever
we are.. It’s an honor and a priveledge to see an Israeli soldier
carrying the Torah ..Hashem bless you and keep you safe
The soldier was protected and may it always continue. Let’s all pray the cease fire will continue but we all know Hamas never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Israeli Defense Army….God Please watch over them 24 hours a day and night…..
Am Israel Hai
Our hearts, prayers, & money are with you and Jews all over the world….
mi ke-amcha yisrael
WOW We love this. Just like when Yisroel went out to war with the Holy Ark. Kol Hakavod. Well done. We need more of this
For a believing orthodox Jew, having the Torah is a basic necessity of llife. Studying G-d’s words and following His will are our life work.
Kol Ha Kavod!!!!
May Hashem look after our people everywhere in the world.
Amazing photos!
wow I can not belive it Amazing
They shall all be blessed as they carry the torah into combat
Fantastic! I always knew that HaShem was the greatest General of all time and that his Torah was his Holy Shield which protected Klal Yisrael, keeping them in life and relative safety. While we have to Pray for Survival and Peace, our Chayalim must physically protect all of us, and, with HaShem’s help, they will succeed. Shabbat Shalom, Binnie Stein, Woodmere, NY, USA
As Jews we have a high value on morals and belief of Hashem. May Hashem hear their (and our) prayers and peace be in our lifetime.
Whatever keeps IDF safe from the enemies!!!
War is no excuse for davening without a Sefer Torah . You are pretty close to Hashem in the field .
“לא ימוש ספר התורה הזה מפיך והגית בו יומם ולילה”
In war you carry the most powerful defenses you can obtain.
If you teach Sefer Shmuel, bring in this picture so your students get an inkling of the idea of the Aron HaKodesh being brought into battle!
This soldier has an incredible job ,protecting Torah
And civilians. Yasha Koache!! 🙂
We need Davening and our soldiers as one then Moshiach will come Let them all stay safe
It should be required that the Prime Minister carry the Torah with him whenever he is on the job. Maybe he will even read it.
This view is a true Kiddush hashem. It is a really moving moment to see our chayalim together, Datiim, Charedim and Chilonim all defending our Am K-ish Echad Bilev Echad!!!
May Hashem Bless All Chayalim & Am Yisrael Forever!! What a Beautiful Kiddush Hashem.
May the Torah protect our brave soldiers and keep
Eretz Yisroel safe from our enemies.
We need a few more million of that kind to keep our nation alive. Kol hakavode l’am yisroel. They should all come home safe an unharmed
It’s amazing I can’t believe it
We are the very best!!!!!!!!!
Thank you IDF for fighting on our behalf.
We are the very best!!!!!!!!!
Thank you IDF for fighting on our behalf.
#7 – have a campaign in your community to buy a mini sefer torah for the IDF.. Seriously.. btw small ones are hard to read from
#10 – the aron habris was also inconvenient to carry…
#30 – you need to chill!
Love youuu IDF!!
this will surely help this soldier
what a precious sight im sure his mom would love to give him and the torah a big kiss right now.to all moms of idf soldiers may hashem protect them and keep them safe and sound…….amongst all klal yisroel
insurance packages…
may hashem protect these precious soldiers, fighting for their nation so selflessly!
may Hashem deliver each and every one of our soldiers home safely.
the torah is to protect the soilder from any harm
The ultimate bullet proof vest!!
Derachecha Darchi Noam V’hsalom. Ki me’Tzion taitzah Torah, u’dvar Hashem meY’rushalayim .What a Kiddush Hashem
Its a time for the entire Jewish nation to be united. Its important to appreciate all the work the IDF has done for Am Yisrael and appreciate the fact that these soldiers are risking their lives for Am Yisrael.
Am yisrael chai!!
Please stop criticizing! This torah gives the soldiers strength which they need. The responsibility to pray is mostlty up to the Jewish people to do mirzvot and pray on their behalf.
It might have been that he held it for a few minutes, not carried it wherever he goes. Its just for protection. The IDF are puttibg their lives on the line for the Jewish people, so please stop questioning and show your appreciation for their service!
May Hashem keep Israel and its beautiful people safe
I actually find this to be quite believable! The shape, size, and star of David on the case were dead giveaways. I find it highly doubtful that anyone from our communities and this sites readership had any problem identifying this as a portable Aron Hakodesh. (This is clearly indicated in comments such as “i knew it” and “i knew it from the start”.)
This begs the question, why does this site think we “won’t believe what’s inside”? Are you insulting our intelligence, or allowing yourself to become victim of the ‘over sensationalized title’ fad sweeping cheap online ‘news’ blogs?
This is Tzivos HaShem Mammash
Amazing! These soldiers are so inspiring, holding what’s truly precious will save us and make us win this nasty war against terrorism!!
Hinei Lo yanum vloi yishan shomer yisroel. How beautiful it is to see such a sight.
We are back to finish the mission , we are the Yetzer Hara Warriors! Fightng the evil inclination!
kol hachovod . am israel chai
love ilt
in this merit may moshiach come
i knew it from the start and the emunah theyve got is truly amzing. go IDF!
What a Kiddush Hashem.
the boys also gotta daven and lain kriah ya know
Spoken like someone who has no idea yet of what Israel and the soldiers are going through and the power of a Sefer Torah. May that Torah be a protection and source of strength for the whole battalion.
so special BH!!!!
Present day reenactment of the Ark traveling in the Bamidbar –
Nosei es noisov. Is he carrying the Torah or is the Torah carring him?
Whats the purpose of carrying a torah in the field?? is he a king? (who is obligated to carry a torah)
Honestly, this is the best way to keep our boys safe :’)
very inconvenient.
Ki me’Tzion taitzah Torah, u’dvar Hashem meY’rushalayim. Right on, comment #2! May it hasten the ultimate, everlasting shalom b’karov mamos, mamosh…
Me k’amcha yisroel!
They should carry smaller ones
thats awesome
youre kidding. wow.
Amazing this better help the Israelis
Look how much we’re doing
Hashem please listen to our prayers
Derachecha Darchi Noam V’hsalom
Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!! of course this HELPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, HASHEM IS LOOKING UPON THEM !!!!!!!!