A joint collaboration between the Crown Heights Beis Din, mikvah.org, and Chaya Raichik of Mikvah Stories brings you The Halachos of giving birth on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Transcribed from a podcast given by Rabbi Braun, the Mara D’asra of the Crown Heights Beis Din, with new information added; these halachos are now more easily referenced in a clear, readable format.
Limited free copies available in select stores over Tishrei – pick yours up at Hamafitz, Judaica World, Kol Tuv, Empire Kosher, Kahns and the Marketplace. You can also download your free digital copy here.
Hard copies will also be available for purchase on mikvah.org/mall after Yom Tov or by emailing [email protected].
B’shaah Tova Umitzlachas!