Wednesday, 26 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 6, 2024

It Ain’t Worth It and It Ain’t Right

Op-Ed: "Fools only see the here and now and do not anticipate future events." Full Story

Lessons from the July 4th

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“Dire Need” for Kallah Teachers

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Republican does not mean conservative.
July 6, 2017 6:49 pm

To those who wrongly think that because some (not all, and to pretend or imply it’s ‘all’ Republicans is nothing but Loshon Hara) Republicans engage in theft is somehow ‘proof’ that ‘conservatives’ are evil, is a ridiculous and specious claim. Those who are actual conservatives, by definition, would never and could never do such things, nor would they ever deliberately do anything else wrong except in extreme circumstances where Torah would approve of them doing it (like someone holding literally a physical gun to someones head and saying they are dead, unless they do it, for example). Also don’t pretend… Read more »

It's not stealing;)
July 6, 2017 1:44 am

Taxation is theft. Hagonev min Haganov — Patur.

July 5, 2017 2:11 pm

Few comments: One of the few questions they ask every neshama when they return their soul to their maker, is “Were you honest in business?” There’s no hiding the truth up there! In addition, the way you are to other people, is the way Hashem is to you! If you are dishonest with others, Hashem will act like that toward you. Lastly, the Rebbe said in many places, that when you put all your energy and focus on KEDUSHA (like shlichus, chinuch), Hashem takes care of your gashmius! It’s a real chilul Lubavitch that so many Lubavitchers live with stealing,… Read more »

Chillul Hashem
July 4, 2017 12:55 pm

In the past, in Europe, we couldn’t rely on governments to treat Jews fairly. Depending on the country, social welfare was almost non-existent. Jews did not have equal rights and couldn’t necessarily expect fair treatment from the authorities. All of this made the ‘scam culture’ more excusable. America is not perfect but we have equal rights and opportunity. I know it is hard and a certain level of dishonesty is practiced by people in all communities (not Jewish) but there is no real excuse for a lifestyle of thievery which is what the article is describing. The potential for chillul… Read more »

To #81
July 4, 2017 12:08 pm

That’s not my issue, my issue is with those who buy themselves luxuries with my money

Unfortunate truth
July 4, 2017 9:42 am

I agree with 77. I guess the only solution is for ever Jewish community to have major tzedaka organizations to support most of the yidden since majority can’t afford the Jewish lifestyle. It’s very challenging,
Mashiach now.

July 4, 2017 8:56 am

So local taxpayers rather all their taxes go to ppl outside of their culture? It hurts to see it going to your fellow struggling Jews? You’d be happier if it all went to people you dont know? Do u honestly believe that if your fellow neighbors weren’t benefitting, you’d pay less taxes? Be honest with yourself – don’t resent how others are surviving, and don’t be judgemental about it either…and the same Gd that would provide their food without snap also decided how much tax you’ll pay either way- youre actually giving tzedaka with ur taxes….So let’s all be happy… Read more »

To 63 from 41 parsonage - Rebbis
July 4, 2017 8:48 am

You are not correct. Ministers include rebbis in a yeshiva, and shluchim with a shul. There are decent amount of people in crown Heights who fall under this category. They are not working off the books, but may be eligible for some benefits.

Can we all stop for a moment-
July 4, 2017 7:42 am

And think about the elegance of this peice of writing?

To 68:
July 4, 2017 7:39 am

As for money, get advice. Ask for advice, get money twice.

Turning Point
July 4, 2017 6:48 am

Pretty obvious from reading all these comments that this endemic ‘frum’ lifestyle is unsustainable for much longer, and for the majority, if they can only manage by dishonest monetary gain, and illegal practice.

Jewish life
July 3, 2017 11:59 pm

Jewish life is expensive
All the income brackets for the different programs are based on peopple who can send their kids to piblic school eat non kosher etc live in Harlem or Irvington etc
Yeshivas should be free supported by gevirim , etc
Food should be free for struggling Jewish families
Rents should be subsidies by gevitim etc etc

well said
July 3, 2017 11:53 pm

There are a lot of people in CH, BP, Williamsburgh, they know how to work the system, so why are so many people getting upset with the person that wrote the article

To 63 from 41 parsonage - Rebbis
July 3, 2017 7:59 pm

You are not correct. Ministers include rebbis in a yeshiva, and shluchim with a shul. There are decent amount of people in crown Heights who fall under this category. They are not working off the books, but may be eligible for some benefits.

Waste of Time
July 3, 2017 7:16 pm

Is the author trying to educate the ksil?

כְסִילִים יִשְׂנְאוּ דָעַת

Ksilim hate knowledge. They want to remain blissfully ignorant.

Ish baar lo yeydah u'Ksil lo yovin es zos
July 3, 2017 7:13 pm

The author is a total ksil!

If the author is (as he writes himself): “Kalman Ha’Ksil”, then why do comments for the author may be sent to “chanoch HaChochom” ([email protected])? Shouldn’t it be “[email protected]?!

אִישׁ בַּעַר לֹא יֵדָע וּכְסִיל לֹא יָבִין אֶת זֹאת

I may be an ish baar but u’ksil lo yovin es zos!

The unbalanced fact
July 3, 2017 6:16 pm

Its long overdue…
to get together and give the government an ultimatum; either you pay our tuition (school) or we will register our kids in the school system, which will cost the city approximate 2 billion plus.
Tuition is the biggest or the 2nd biggest expense for any Frum household.
Please keep it balanced

Government has no money
July 3, 2017 4:20 pm

Whoever thinks “oh it’s a government benefit, why not use it?!” Know this, the government has no money, it only redistributes taxes (taken from on the book workers) to programs needed to sustain the country. The money that goes to SNAP is from taxpayers. Yup that’s right, the guy making money on the books, he has every right to be angry (however asking for another Yid to be arrested is not at all ok). So before you go around spending SNAP, make sure your neighbor’s money is being used for the right purposes.

increase in Antisemitism in Lakewood since arrests
July 3, 2017 2:42 pm

various anti-Jewish posters have been found all over Lakewood denouncing Jews because of the arrests. Is the danger to our communities worth the money that is made by committing fraud?

July 3, 2017 2:20 pm

The wealthy used to give the poor money. Now they give advice.

To #48
July 3, 2017 2:19 pm

Spot on! Thanks for posting the comment. It made me think of it in the proper way: someone who is (thinking about) stealing from the government, fellow taxpayers or their neighbors are sorely lacking in emuna. It was all decided on rosh hashana, why would you consider stealing when Hashem can give you the money, the right way?!?!?!?!?!?

#6 and others like you
July 3, 2017 2:15 pm

Would you work on shabbos? If not why not? It’s the only way to make a parnosso…? Dina demalchusa dino lechulei almo applies to taxes. It is against halocho and shows chalishos in emunah that Hashem can provide for you without your cheating. Where is your yiras shomayim? How is it we are raising a generation who are “frummer” than ever when it comes to hechsherim etc. but are “krummer” than ever regarding yashrus? The rebbe once bought a book in kehos and they refused to accept money. He insisted on paying saying it was a personal purchase. And many… Read more »

Time to move
July 3, 2017 2:01 pm

NYC is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Try a cheaper city with local schools. In nyc even people making $500,000 a year are considered poor. The cost of living here is just too high. So saying anyone making a take home income of less than that needs to give you anything is asking a poor person to give of the bit they have. Halacha says to follow the laws of the country. Get paid on the books. And get paid more money as you develop more experience or gain new skills while working to… Read more »

To #17
July 3, 2017 1:31 pm

The issue is, my money (taken by government) pays for their luxuries

Reply to #41 Parsonage
July 3, 2017 1:23 pm

Parsonage applies to a member of clergy, not a congregant.

its impossible
July 3, 2017 1:06 pm

The status quo is unsustainable. US median household income is at approx 60k per year. An average frum family has expenses reaching in the 200k range. These include tuition, kosher food, tznius clothing, simchos, health insurance, taxes, tzedokos etc. How can a religion demand of its adherents to be rich?

Everyone has their own nisayon
July 3, 2017 11:59 am

Worry about yourself, and your own shmiras hamitzvos and yiras shamayim. when you do, you will find that what the next one does or doesnt have is meaningless to you.

#56 is the most helpful comment yet
July 3, 2017 11:50 am

The average American taxpayer gets very upset when he sees that for some citizens, going on the government dole is plan A and the person has no strategy for being self-supporting. Once the person is on the dole, they basically have to double their income in order to have the same quality of life as they had on the dole. Universal health care, which would probably be of poorer quality than traditional health care, might help to even up the score as far as one of the biggest expenses in the American budget. Then again, the lower quality would probably… Read more »

Wow everyone is getting offended! someone has a chip on their shoulder...
July 3, 2017 11:34 am

GUYS! its told as a story for a reason. It is not to accuse anyone, its to tell a moral. If it applies to you, hamayvin yavin. If not, it’s a story with made-up characters. I do not think there is a guy called Kalman HaKsil living in CH or anywhere else.

July 3, 2017 11:16 am

Someone finally had the courage to say it how it is. Yes, there are exceptions people who work and still don’t have enough, etc. etc. But we are talking here of a general trend in the frum community which is abhorrent. You know what? Get yourself out of it. Get a REAL job, out in the world where you will be paid on the books and things are run officially. Don’t work for a frum company which feeds into this vicious cycle. And then work and hustle some more……. If you then aren’t making enough you can still apply for… Read more »

Klever Ksil!
July 3, 2017 10:25 am

Clear and true points. Love this author’s style. Is he the same guy who wrote the famous tuition oped some years back?

July 3, 2017 10:18 am

Rather than justifying the various “Chesbonos”, it’s good to hear someone pointing out the hard truth: Working Kosher all the way (on the books) is the right way, the safest and surest way in addition to avoiding the Chilul Hashem. There are programs within the community to help people find careers, many training programs, and many of them are without college. I myself offer funding up to $5000 per person to attend a trade school or get professional training in any “Kosher” suitable career.
Yossi Ginzberg 347.749.1042 or Y.Ginzberg@Rabbi Moshe Wiener.org

Don't assume many people are poorer than you think
July 3, 2017 8:04 am

A lot of those using food stamps are actually very poor and the welfare aid is still not enough for their families. There are also people who spend their money on things they can’t afford and are in debt too, that is another addiction..

The Mosdos Chinuch....
July 3, 2017 7:59 am

….that don’t pay their teachers enough to live on will not be able to say, “Yodeinu lo shofchu ess hadom hazeh.” But the teachers “should be happy that they get paid on time” or “be happy you’re even getting paid at all”.. That helps pay tuition bills that often exceed their salaries. And when they have to make a Simchah, or chas vesholom, some appliance breaks and needs replacing, they just put it on a credit card with no idea of how they will ever pay it…. Not to say this justifies doing anything illegal, but when will the people… Read more »

once again collive is posting garbage
July 3, 2017 7:57 am

if rich people helped the poor like it says in the torah and as hashem requested, we wouldn’t be hearing such stories

It starts with the double standard in our lousy chinuch system
July 3, 2017 7:24 am

Giving liquor to underage talmidim – in the name of farbreingen – happens in ALL lubavitch mesivtas/zals.. Bochurim “sponsoring” their farbreingen food with their fs cards – happened in my son’s local CH mesivta ( i was shocked – but he said it was the norm). An out of town yeshiva that has the boys take secular study govt test despite their not learning those subjects in school – simply so the yeshiva receives govt funding. Looking down upon a bochur that chooses to educate himself to earn a parnassa – and/or not providing decent chassidishe environments with dual curriculum… Read more »

From out of town
July 3, 2017 7:11 am

Whenever Crown Heifhtsers move here, first thing they demand is off the books pay to keep their government benefits. Out housing and our tuition are very affordable, so these excuses don’t hold up.
Hashem is capable of providing kosher money.
Other commenters are correct- we all have areas in our behavior to work on.
No arrests or raids, though. Thank you

Dear #1.
July 3, 2017 6:11 am

To wish or dream that other’s get busted and go to jail, one would have to be one hell of a miserable/bitter individual. If you are already wishes or dreaming, do yourself a favor and wish and dream about better (more positive) things. This is what I wish and dream for you and all of klal yisrael. I wish/pray/bless all my fellow brothers and sisters, that they should have health, wealthy, and happiness, both materially and spiritually, may each one find peace with themselves and from that they will find peace with everyone else. Think good and it will be… Read more »

To # 6
July 3, 2017 5:40 am


to those who say they can't make ends meet if they report all their income
July 3, 2017 4:47 am

If you believe you won’t be able to feed your family, keep a roof over your heads, etc if you report all your income (which means you will pay taxes on it and will not qualify for government benefits, or will qualify for a lot less in benefits than you currently collect), where is your bitachon? The same Oibershter who masbia lechol chai ratzon tells us don’t lie and don’t steal. The former depends on the latter, we do our part, He will do His part. It is a known fact that the Rebbe reported and paid payroll taxes on… Read more »

It's an addiction
July 3, 2017 4:36 am

Thank you for such a great article.
There is nothing free in the world.
There is a price everyone ends up paying when getting something free.
For those who don’t get caught the biggest price paid is the fear of getting caught. Sleepless nights. Constant stress.
Unfortunately, getting off of programs is not an easy feat.

To #1 Wishing a Jew to get busted in court?
July 3, 2017 3:27 am

How do you even think that way, let alone to publish such evil.
and why?cause of your foolish selfishness that another yid “swipes his fs card at ease”!
So,you are bitter and want that other yidden should be bitter as well chas v’sholom!
Study the “parsha” of the “MESIRAH” that occurred in CH in the early 70’s when the Rebbe said that the Mosur should not be in his Dalet Amos!
wishing you and all of klal yisroel only true happiness B’g”ur.

To anyone making 75k on the books paying taxes
July 3, 2017 2:55 am

Don’t feel belittled by this guy I pity you long before I pity this guy and thank you for being a respectable person.

July 3, 2017 12:59 am

Why are people so judge-mental? I would assume that slot of the people making judgement calls have been on food stamps or Medicaid at some point. Yes, it’s a Chilul Hashem. Yes, a lot of people do it. Yes, it’s a wake up call to stop. Be happy it’s not you or a relative because even though you might not be dipping into benefits a relative of yours probably is. Honestly, now that I am paying tuition I wish that when I was younger I had taken food stamps which I didn’t take because I felt I shouldn’t. However, I… Read more »

it is known from the rebbe
July 3, 2017 12:46 am

that these people actually delays the redemption, these kinds of things actually delays the redemption, l didn’t become frum to be violate the 10 commandents, even though truthfully we are poor and yes wehad help from my in laws, there house was broken down mess, it just goes to show you how some people had m, nefesh, and they were not frum either

not all true, and not fair judgment to many
July 3, 2017 12:17 am

its way to expensive to live. period.
People have to figure a way to make it work and they sure wish they could manage without the gov benefits but some can’t

Parsonage is not illegal
July 2, 2017 11:18 pm

People that get parsonage, do not have to pay taxes on their housinng allowance. It is not part of MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) for medicaid purposes etc, and the person has a choice whether or not to pay Social security on it by filing Form 4361 with the IRS.

This perfectly legal and not considered off the books.

Peopke should get their facts right before judging others

Rainbows galore
July 2, 2017 10:46 pm

Did you see the rainbows these last two weeks. Two in one day, seen in NJ and another one in NY.
I wonder what message Hashem is trying to tell us. Now I see.

To all those who commented on #13
July 2, 2017 10:42 pm

Guys start be leaving in hashem,
Most ehrliche yidin are ehrlich, and not everyone that goes to college are pious!

not true and not fair
July 2, 2017 10:07 pm

to the many people who work honestly and still qualify for these programs, there are many poor among us, more than you think

I don't like this article,
July 2, 2017 10:04 pm

and I don’t believe there’s so many in the community like the author. Sorry I don’t want to be that cynical!

July 2, 2017 10:01 pm

You forget another “benefit” for going off the books. You have to chase your employer to get paid. The problem is that many jobs are only being offered off the books (like mashgichim work) because the bosses don’t want to pay their taxes either.

July 2, 2017 9:53 pm

i think before u print u should use your brains think 10 times if you r going to spoil someones life .STOP PRINTING LIKE THIS .

So low on so many levels
July 2, 2017 9:50 pm

The situation is bad as it is. Let’s face it a family man without an education or deep family connections is forced to contend with apartments being rented to “roommate yuppies” further more health insurance is intensely expensive and you need it if you have kids add the tuition expense. I think the real kasil is the fool that wrote this article, instead of encouraging the landlords to give rent breaks promote fair redistribution of the head start money and encourage a tuition fund, this fool writes about a guy making 75k on section 8 with 8 kids, if the… Read more »

Vote Republican!
July 2, 2017 9:46 pm

All you free loading liberals who take take take. Entitlements galore!
Well President Teump, whom you voted for, wants to cut you off. Time to make an HONEST living and stop trying to justify gnaiva

To #22
July 2, 2017 9:44 pm

Yup, that is the mother of all shtick. The ultimate free pass.

Spot On
July 2, 2017 9:39 pm

Defrauding the welfare system by misrepresenting your income is stealing. Stealing is Asur. Just as we would never consider a person who routinely violates Shabbos a Frum Jew, we should not consider people who actively steal tens of thousands of dollars every year Frum Jews.

To 22 and 13
July 2, 2017 9:38 pm

Milamdim are truly struggling and it doesn’t look like the author is addressing people who truly qualify for government benefits. He’said trying to help those that are criminals and still have the ability to go clean before the cops Crack down and do it for them while they end up in a jail cell. As a community it is the right thing to do to raise awareness and make sure we are encouraging people to take the derech hayashar and not fall into a situation that they need to justify criminal activity in their own minds while putting their wife… Read more »

To #1
July 2, 2017 9:38 pm

Wow, you would feel BETTER if some people got arrested and went to jail, just to even the score so that you can feel better about yourself? Think about what you are wishing for, then ask yourself if everything YOU do is perfectly legal an by the book. -Do you give your cleaning ladies a 1099 at the end of each year, and do you check their papers? Immigration and tax fraud right there. -Do you get parental consent before hiring underage employees to babysit your kids, and do you declare it on your tax return? I suppose they should… Read more »

to 13
July 2, 2017 9:32 pm

But, actually…..how??? Seriously, I know there is parsonage, maybe someone decided to help with a gift, maybe you are renting out part of the house…??? I never would have been able to buy n CH…

July 2, 2017 9:28 pm

Food stamps
Rent control

#2 is right
July 2, 2017 9:20 pm

It happens all the time.

Just wow!
July 2, 2017 9:20 pm

This is a great article, but some of the responses are just embarrassing. #1 – If seeing a bus in CH will make you feel good, you’re not much better than the ones you look down at. In a different way, but still. #3 & #7 This article is apt, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the folks in Lakewood. This kind of thing has happened, and I have no doubt it happens still. So, the reality is whether these particular people are guilty (I hope they are not!) it’s worth remembering that one way or another, theft catches… Read more »

Well said
July 2, 2017 9:13 pm

Sometimes I feel resentful when seeing people buying food that is beyond my budget and paint with there government benefits. These same people somehow can afford to send their kids to expensive out of town camps, yeshivas and seminaries. The wear designer clothes. They even take vacations. They have housekeepers. Meanwhile, my wife and I have have to break our backs working to pay for our food, clothing and mortgage payment. Because all of our income is on the books, we do not qualify for Pell grants etc… So we must beg the Yeshivas for a discount. It never ceases… Read more »

I'm no Talmud Chochom but
July 2, 2017 9:12 pm

doesn’t it say somewhere or another not to steal or lie ??? When hiding money ( for ANY reason ) do you actually believe that HaShem isn’t taking notes ??

To 13
July 2, 2017 8:29 pm

melamdim are making it because people help them and they get paid parsonage.
that is the only reason

July 2, 2017 8:28 pm

Awesome stuff. I love your creative charaters. Your points are spot on. This is a must read for all yungerleit (and their parents!). Toda!!

Wow :)
July 2, 2017 8:25 pm

Thanks for sharing, going the honest route is a way more joyful life. In milwaukee

A mase hi ha ikar
July 2, 2017 8:22 pm

Look instead of pointing fingers maybe u can help the people with some action not just words .

To #13
July 2, 2017 8:15 pm

Without any shtick? Off the books etc?

great article comment to commenters
July 2, 2017 8:01 pm

Seems like soo many people who aren’t getting benefits have so much resentment to the people that do.
Are you really wishing on a fellow jew your own brother etc to be caught and jailed? ??
There’s a mitzva to be honest and there’s a mitzva not to be jealous. You do what you need to do and don’t worry about the test of the world

To #13
July 2, 2017 7:56 pm

While I am happy for you, you missed my point entirely.

Oh my
July 2, 2017 7:48 pm

The judgementalism here is sickening. Posting pics , accusing the poor of being fools?!? Some people cannot earn enough to support their families, not because they didn’t go to college, not because they don’t work , and not because they have kids- only because Hashem decided they should struggle financially while you were blessed to make enough to give tzedaka. So let’s be happy that we live in a country that can help struggling families. Comments hoping ppl get caught, or pointing the finger at ppl in low income categories have a lot to learn in the area of kindness,… Read more »

Really Like
July 2, 2017 7:47 pm

I REALLY, REALLY like this article!!!!!

to comment #4
July 2, 2017 7:46 pm

When my husband went into chinuch, someone told him – wait and see : within a few years you will buy a house right here in crown heights. Theres no way, we said.
He responded: Look around you, how many educators have houses. When you involve yourself in Klei Kodesh, Hashem finds ways to reward you.
Seven years later, we bought a house

Very wellwritten
July 2, 2017 7:23 pm

Good job author!!!! Nicely done bringing out ur point

Thanks for the awareness
July 2, 2017 7:18 pm

Well written

July 2, 2017 7:08 pm

It’s beyond pathetic and sad that so many ppl really fall into this category and are stuck in their ways

Seven letter word
July 2, 2017 7:07 pm

You are forgetting about the 50 000 dollars a year he is paying in tuition. When you subtract that amount, then he genuinely qualifies.

July 2, 2017 7:00 pm

Beautiful article! Well written and straight to the point!

Do you knows these people personally?
July 2, 2017 6:53 pm

So how can you pass judgement?!
You don’t even know if they are merely hearsay!
In Russia the presumption was innocence and here the presumption of our brethren is guilt?

Very low
July 2, 2017 6:48 pm

You describe a situation where an individual is just a thief. What about ppl like myself? Work hard but still don’t make enough and the only way to make it is by withholding about 10000 a year so that I can get A) Medicaid approx a value of 15000 in my case (and more of I actually need medical Care) B) snap and WIC an absolute life saver. Without it I do not know how I would buy food for the family. C) head start and early head start without it I would simply not be able to put my… Read more »

its actually todays sefer hamitzvos
July 2, 2017 6:43 pm

dont be jealous of other peoples stuff, because ultimately it will lead to stealing

To Kalman Haksil
July 2, 2017 6:43 pm

Clearly you aren’t Ksil enough. The vast majority of people who purchased homes in the last ten years or so are Ksils. The straight earners are the ones who get screwed. Ask yourself how many people in the field of Chinuch have purchased homes, and then ask yourself how they do it, while the people running to Manhattan every day and work in IT, accounting, law and even medicine are living paycheck to paycheck in small apartments. These same people dip into all of your above mentioned concerns, including social security and unemployment/disability benefits. Also Kalman, you forgot to metion… Read more »

Arrested but not proven guilty
July 2, 2017 6:43 pm

My gosh, they didn’t even have the trial yet. There was no conviction. How do you know that each one of these 6 individuals pictured was knowingly involved? I am sure that the police all too gleefully arrested as many Jews as possible. Deciding to post their pictures – in which their identities are all clearly detectable – is a serious action (if one considers yiras shomayim as a factor in such a decision).

Orthodox & fs they won't fargin
July 2, 2017 6:41 pm

If it were Muslims Mexicans or blacks you’ll get a pass, even sell drugs while on fs.

You know what is frustrating?
July 2, 2017 6:30 pm

All of those families in CH who are getting benefits (the ones who dont qualify, and or lie to get them), meanwhile saving $ to buy a house. People whip out their food stamp cards as if they are proud! I am an honest person and would never do this, but I feel like I am the stupid one coming out on bottom. If there is ever a major bust in CH (which I hope there is!) I would feel so much better.