Israeli Captain Trainees Rejoice
Thousands of IDF soldiers were visited on Purim by Chabad Shluchim and Chassidim. Among them was Rabbi Menachem Ofen who came to the IDF's Captain School in southern Israel with a Megillah, Shalach Manos and an illusionist. The troops danced away with Jewish music in the background. Photos
Thousands of IDF soldiers were visited on Purim by Chabad Shluchim and Chassidim. Among them was Rabbi Menachem Ofen who came to the IDF's Captain School in southern Israel with a Megillah, Shalach Manos and an illusionist. The troops danced away with Jewish music in the background. Photos
To these Bachurim, who brought great Simcha to the Israeli soldigers, the Rebbe is having so much Nachat, from this, this is true Hafatza and bring Purim to those who can’t celebrate it the same way as us Bachurim.
wow this is really amazing!! good job to whoever put this together
i beileve that we can with a little coordination make eretz yisroel proud of its jewish story
kudos to the guys who put this together!