Help a Chabad couple bring a Neshama into this world.
What, again? If it didn’t work out last month, for sure it will work this month, right? As the months turn into years and the years turn into decades, the pain of a childless couple not being able to bring a Neshama into this world compounds month after month after month after month. Hopes are dashed again and again and again and again. Tears are shed again and again and again and again.
In all these years, they have never given up hope for a child of their own. There is still hope on the horizon. There is a treatment available that has a high chance of please G-d, bringing a precious Neshama into this world, ending over 20 years of pain for this couple, and giving them the miracle they have been waiting for.
As fertility treatments are, this will be very expensive and beyond the scope of what the amazing infertility organizations we are so lucky to have can sponsor. So please donate generously and have the merit of being part of this holy Neshama’s journey into this world.
Click here to donate now
All campaign funds are being overseen by PUAH, who will be responsible for paying out funds to the medical providers at the various stages of the process.
The campaign is endorsed by
Rabbi Yehoram Ulman, Senior Dayan Sydney Beth Din.
Rabbi Elan Segelman, PUAH Rabbinic Director.
Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, Chabad of the Five Towns.
Rabbi Levi Rabin, Chabad on Campus International.
Click here to donate now