Building on the enormous success of last year’s Challah Bake International – Tu B’Av Shidduch Challah Bake, when close to 800 women worldwide participated, there will once again be the opportunity for women around the globe to daven for children of marriageable age, and unite through the powerful mitzvah of Hafroshes challah.
The Friday closest to Tu B’Av, August 4/ 12th of Av, erev Shabbos Nachamu has been chosen for the event, an auspicious time for women to join in the mitzvah of Hafroshes challah together with the giving of tzedokkah and davening for each other’s children of marriageable age; evoking Heavenly mercy for a significant, positive change in finding shidduchim for our children.
What could be easier than a mitzvah performed in your own home, while harnessing the power of women throughout the world in a unique unity and harmony of prayer? This year, there is capacity for 2000 women to join. They will be divided up into 100 participants per what’s app group, and the names of their submitted “singles” will be read by each woman at the time of taking challah, giving of tzedokah and taking on an hachlota to motivate one other woman to light Shabbos candles.
The way it works is that you submit the name/names of your single children, being careful with the spelling of names. Even if your children are married, you can submit the names of singles for whom you will be davening and baking.
Last year all the names were read at the Ohel, and will IY”H be read again this year.
In the spirit of Tzeddakah, Tefillah and Torah, we will be listening to an uplifting message from Rivky Slonim, Shlucha, Chabad of Binghamton, New York.
The testimonials of people who participate in last year’s event were truly heart-warming and inspirational and came pouring in with love and appreciation.
Woman who bake challah regularly every week remarked that the unity of the Challah International Bake experience was unique… unlike anything they had ever previously experienced.
May all our efforts, teffilos and ma’asim tovim be counted and answered l’tova b’korov!
For more information on how to join the CHALLAH BAKE or if you would like to join the group of women going to the OHEL the day of the event please visit: or email: [email protected]
Ask a friend to join the amazing challah bake and register your daughters name.
I’m traveling so I cannot bake but would really appreciate if my daughter could be included.
Try it, it worked fabulously last year!!! And everyone was connected through whatsapp groups , posting their pics etc…
Shadchonim should also bake!!
Stay at home and join our minyan by sending an email!
Feel the achdus!
What am i missing? How does this work?
I cannot tell you enough the incredible experience it was. The achdus, love and care we had for each other and our children was living in the worlds way above teva.
Thank you organizing again!
Now this is what being a Stong Woman is all about! Baking Challah, giving tzedekah, learning Torah and most of all giving Chizuk to people all around the world! May all your efforts pay off in many new shidduchim!
The unity that the challah bake has created last year, is the path for Moshiach!!! Hundreds of shidduchim have happened since…Lets do it again!!
Woman doing this Again!! Very powerful!!! Thamk you Esti Fogel and Neshe Grossman!!!!
so nice achdusdike and special
This is an event where women daven for each other’s singles.
If you are single then please have someone bake on your behalf.
For more info please contact admin at:
[email protected]
I bake challah and light candles as I’m the only Person in my house, I am a man can I join in the challah bake to have my name read at the ohel for a shidduch?
It is events like these – those that bring people together for good – that have the yichoiles to effect positive change! Much hatzlocho to all involved!
B”H I like this idea better than Grand Challah Bakes together in one place as a group, which sound like a new mivtza that the Rebbe never introduced and wouldn’t it be questionable for l’hafrish challah since the challahs would be baked in different ovens? The Rebbe was not into segulohs so I am glad the article does not mention this as a segulah but a prayer. The time of l’hafrish challah, like the other mitzvas of ladies, mikvah and candlelighting, is an auspicious time for one’s prayers to be answered so may all our prayers be answered – guess… Read more »
I have had a first-hand view of what this campaign entails… I am amazed at the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious effort that went into this inspiring initiative. May it bring the desired results – and may the achdus it generates bring us to the full redemption TUM!
The feeling of unity worldwide was just incredible!
An event not to be missed!
Kudos to the organizers!