Monday, 25 Sivan, 5784
  |  July 1, 2024

Family Seeks Info on Hit and Run

The family of a Crown Heights woman who was hit by two cars and knocked unconscious is seeking information from anyone who may have witnessed the accident. Full Story

Mothers Thanked at Melava Malka

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Troy and Eastern Parkway
January 13, 2015 11:55 pm

2 years ago on December 25th 7.02 a.m same place…a woman was hit by a speeding silver audio a6. She died on the spot after speeding from EP and Albany ave.

That corner is especially dangerous because of straight wide road calls for speeding. .

I’ve seen it in my own eyes. Horrific

Speed Bumps needed not just 25 mph signs..

January 13, 2015 6:09 pm

whats tehilim name?

January 13, 2015 4:57 pm

refuah shelamah to your m,om dina
can you post her hebrew name so we can sat tehillim and the kapital ple4sae

a family member
January 13, 2015 3:19 pm

BH she is home and stable, not in the hospital as the article says, but still can use some tehillim. Refuah sheleimah for אייראאדא בת דבורה.

RE: Moshiach Now
January 13, 2015 9:25 am

I couldn’t agree more.

Name please to daven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 13, 2015 5:09 am

What is the name?????????????????????????

January 13, 2015 1:32 am

Maybe u can retrieve by asking any
Stores or businesses close to the insidend
That hav cameras (banks ect.)

January 13, 2015 12:51 am

Is there a name so we can daven for a refua shleyma?

January 13, 2015 12:24 am

Good luck my wife was hit in front of a whole bunch of Jewish people and nobody seems to of seen anything so good luck

January 13, 2015 12:24 am

Refuah Shelaimah

mosiach now
January 12, 2015 11:01 pm

This once again reminds us we need the Rabbi.

To number one
January 12, 2015 11:01 pm

Me and my brother called Hatzolah and it happened to be raining and it was dark and hard to see anything it happend to be I was in the back seat and I saw something like flying or rolling and then I told my brother watch someone just got hit by 2 suv

Me and my brother
January 12, 2015 10:47 pm

if I am not mastakin it was me and my brother who called Hatzolah u can call or text me my 3479863896

January 12, 2015 10:13 pm

So sad…

post an email address
January 12, 2015 9:04 pm

that way it may be easier for the man to remain anonymous.

January 12, 2015 9:01 pm

As usual, it takes a Jew to stop and save the life of a stranger. We live in a jungle- only by the grace of G-d.. It is so important for the person at the scene who helped to come forward anonymously and give over car descriptions and hopefully license plate numbers. Most intersections have red light cameras which take pictures that are so clear you can see the license plate numbers. It’s possible that one or both of the drivers ran through a red light. But if it happened because they turned into the intersection without regard for pedestrians… Read more »