Remember the year 2019? It seems like a lifetime ago – schools were open, stores were bustling, parks were full.
One thing is the same this year, though. Though Covid-19 has forced us indoors, the Sefer Hamitzvos Chidon still went on! Chidon 2020 had the largest audience yet – over 120,00 people tuned in from around the world.
The live streamed program included an interactive gameshow for the 460 finalists, an awards ceremony for all participants, and live entertainment from Eli Marcus, Avraham Fried, Benny Friedman, and Chony Milecki.
Through the challenging circumstances of the past weeks, the over 3594 chidon finalists studied more than even. Though under physical quarantine, they certainly curb their diligence and enthusiasm.
Viewers of the game show could see their efforts pay off; finalists displayed dazzling mastery of the countless intricate details of all 613 mitzvos.
Congratulations goes to the talented and dedicated winners!
Girls Chidon:
Gold Winners:
Chana Schochet, Grade 4 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles, CA
Mussi Wilhelm, Grade 5 | MyShliach Burlington, VT
Cheli Kagan, Grade 6 | Lubavitch Educational Center Florida
Nechoma Schochet, Grade 7 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles, CA
Etya Jacobs, Grade 7 | Lubavitch Senior Girls London
Simi Vaisfiche, Grade 8 | Beis Rivkah, Brooklyn, NY
KHK – Shaina Fischer, Grade 8 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles, CA
KHK- Sara Chitrik, Grade 8| MyShliach, Istanbul, Turkey
Shalva Miriam Rosenberg, Grade 8 | Bnos Menachem, Brooklyn, NY
Silver Winners:
Esther Drizin, Grade 4 | Bnos Menachem, Brooklyn, NY
Chaya Mushka Zavdi, Grade 5 | Lubavitch Junior Girls School, London, UK
Rochelle Mann, Grade 6 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Toronto, CA
Tzivia Osdoba, Grade 7 | Bnos Menachem, Brooklyn, NY
Batsheva Dubov, Grade 7 | Lubavitch Senior Girls London
Sara Lazar, Grade 8 | Lubavitch Senior Girls London
Chaya Mushka Notik, Grade 8 | Cheder Lubavitch Chicago
KHK- Chaya Mushka Brody, Grade 8 | Lubavitch Educational Center Florida
KHK- Shaina Drizin, Grade 8 | Bnos Menachem, Brooklyn, NY
Bronze Winners:
Golda Rochel Kamman, Grade 4 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Toronto, CA
Hinda Rivkin, Grade 4 | MyShliach Hillsboro, OR
Luba Wolowik, Grade 5 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles, CA
Chava Miriam Kudan, Grade 6 | Lamplighter Jewish Academy, Oxnard, CA
Chana Esther Cohen, Grade 7 | Beis Rivka, Montreal, CA
Devorah Leah Loewenthal, Grade 8 | MyShliach Copenhagen, Denmark
KHK- Sarah Yisraelis Chaikin, Grade 8 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Toronto, CA
Boys Chidon:
Gold Winners:
Mendel Zacklos, Grade 4 | MyShliach Boston, MA
Mendel Shemtov, Grade 5 | Cheder Lubavitch, Chicago, IL
Mendel Zaklos, Grade 5 | MyShliach Vacaville, CA
Aryeh Mochkin, Grade 4 | Tomchei Temimim Montreal
Nissi Yarmush, Grade 6 | MyShliach Wesley Chapel, FL
Nechemia Segal, Grade 7 | Oholei Torah, Crown Heights
KHK – Dovber Bernstein, Grade 8 | Cheder Chabad, Toronto, CA
Menachem Mendel Zirkind, Grade 8 | Cheder Lubavitch, Chicago, IL
Silver Winners:
Mendy Cohen, Grade 4 | MyShliach England
Mordechai Rivkin, Grade 5 | MyShliach New Orleans, LA
Yisroel Doch, Grade 6 | Lubavitch Educational Center Florida
Levi Yitzchok Schechter, Grade 7 | Cheder Lubavitch, Chicago, IL
Yossele Levin, Grade 8 | Oholei Menachem Iowa
KHK-Mendel Peles, Grade 8 | Anash Kinder
Bronze Winners:
Lipa Samuels, Grade 4 | Ohr Menachem, Brooklyn NY
Shmuel Fischer, Grade 5 | Oholei Torah, Crown Heights
Yisroel Shemtov, Grade 6 | Cheder at the Ohel
Levi Bitton, Grade 7 | Tzivos Hashem Vancouver
Yosef Nachman Libersohn, Grade 7 | MyShliach Chile
Mendele Levin, Grade 8 | Oholei Menachem Iowa
KHK- Yankel Sirota, Grade 8 | Cheder Chabad, Monsey, NY
Trophy Winners from previous years:
Thank you so much to everyone at Chidon, to Shimmy Weinbaum and everybody else. The work and effort that went into making this the amazing event that it was. Thank you for inspiring my daughter!
these kinderlach are bringing Moshiach NOW
Machayil el choyil
We are so proud!! Love, Your Cousins in Yerushalayim