Community members of Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach united Sunday night to share in a Seudas Hodaoh in honor of the safe return of two teen girls from their community and the special day of Beis Nissan.
Rabbi Yosef Marlow expounded on the true power and uniqueness of a community with the immediate outburst of response.
From a midnight tehillim gathering, bringing a turnout of over 30 women within five minutes of the email being sent out, to members literally dropping everything to travel four hours north to be there for support or assistance for the family, the school and the search. Guest speaker Rabbi Zalman L. Markowitz inspired the crowd with words of wisdom.
The community gathered to commemorate the miracle in true spirit of Beis Nissan. The fathers of both girls thanked all for their quick action and willingness to assist immediately, both in tefillah and going up to the site and helping out. Everyone’s quick actions really made them feel part of a broader family.
Members who immediately rushed up to Orlando spoke about the impression this ordeal had on the police force. One community member quoted an officer who said, “If I were to go missing tomorrow, even with all of my connections with police officials, I would not have this support or presence.”
Don’t the girls get to celebrated the girls’ being found?
“We are coming to you” note, made me think, maybe Hashem is sending us a message; “Stay put” (emotionally) Moshiach is coming to us!!!
B”H for all the Nissim in this miraculous story!
I was by the Ohel Sun A.M. writing to the Rebbeh,asking for the return of the 2 girls,gezunterhait & frailicherhait.As I,m going into the Ohela young man tells me he just got a call with the good news.At that moment I was thinking should I change the words since they were found.My second thought was,being I asked for 3 things;their return,gezunt & frailach.The other 2 requests which ewere still open.I decided to give in the letter as is.Hashem shoiuld mhelp that the brochos should be fulfilled in full measure till 120.
I don’t know the girls personally, yet when I heard the terrible news Motzei Shabbos, they became my daughters. Our family was fraught with nerves, and fearful, yet we all davened to the Eibishter for rachmonis and yeshua. Chasdei Hashem. May the Eibishter always smile down upon their families and entire klal yisroel.
Thank you Hashem for this miracle!!!
Inspirational Farbrengen. Dancing around the room I felt true achdus like moshiach is coming..I can’t describe what it was like to share in the joy of the parents at the farbrengen. Bais Menachem was the stop on the way home from Orlando for everyone to come and share their thanks to Hakadosh Borcuh hu. After coming back from Orlando and not sleeping all night, it was great to have a cold cup of seltzer and a fresh meal waiting for us. and The father of one of the girls sat down to eat and he said this was the first… Read more »
Strangers from far and near felt strongly that the girls were our own and reacted accordingly.
May we feel this kind of family love in klal yisroel for happy occasions as well!
Moshiach Now!