The Chidon school representatives are some of the highest achievers in the world.
While the Chidon has become very inclusive with many different tracks to cater to all types of children, to become a school representative is an extraordinary achievement. Anyone who has watched our game shows can attest to the expertise of the school representatives. Over 1000 children work in overdrive to compete for these spots on stage.
Last year, the average to become a school representative was 70%. This year, only the top scores in each grade with at least an 85% average qualified as school representatives.
“However, the challenge was so great that most school representatives had to earn a score of over 90% and in some grades, a 95% average to earn their spot,” says Chidon Director Rabbi Shmuel Bronstein. “And there were many hundreds of chayolim just behind them, sometimes missing the spot by just a fraction of a point.”
In addition to school representatives, there are the Kol Hatorah Kulah contestants. These superstars will be in the Rapid Response Round on the game show. They are asked questions on all 613 mitzvos with a second to respond. “It’s not good enough just to know the information,” say judges Rabbi Levi and Yosef Zirkind. “It needs to be on the tip of your tongue.”
“Making it to the stage is a huge accomplishment,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. “But in truth, every one of the 5000 chayolim are truly stars as they have mastered Hashem’s mitzvos. This will stand them in good stead to keep the Rebbe’s Takona of Limmud Ha’Rambam.”
The Chidon is brought to you by Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch and Tzivos Hashem Headquarters. The Chidon is dedicated by Mr. George Rohr in honor of his mother Sara (Charlotte) Rohr and the Tzivos Hashem Partners Association.
Click here to support a child’s Chidon experience:
Boys School Representatives video:
Girls School Representatives video:
Boys School Representatives
Academie Yeshiva Yavne Montreal
4th grade Naftali Bouzaglo
5th grade Eli Benitah
Anash Kinder
4th grade Mordechai Davidson
5th grade Shmuel Yisroel Fuss
6th grade Yosef Rivkin
7th grade Meir Leibowitz
8th grade Hirshel Spritzer
8th grade Levi Sasonkin
8th grade Shabsi Pewzner
8th grade Shalom Yosef Chaim Rosenberg
Bais Chaya Mushka IA
4th grade Chaim Schimmel
6th grade Menachem Mendel Goldstein
7th grade Mordechai Schimmel
Chabad Youth Boys Melbourne
4th grade Shalom Dovber Nakkar
5th grade Nochum Zalman Sufrin
6th grade Motti Abenaim
8th grade Elchonon Greenbaum
Cheder at the Ohel
4th grade Menachem Mendel Lebovic
5th grade Tzvi Reiter
7th grade Yisroel Shemtov
Cheder Chabad Baltimore Maryland
4th grade Chonon Geisinsky
4th grade Mendel Labkowski
5th grade Menachem Mendelel Kavka
6th grade Yosef Yitzchok Gopin
8th grade Chaim Bukiet
8th grade Chaim Slavaticki
8th grade Dovie Givre
8th grade Elisha Brody
8th grade Levi Yitzchok Kaplan
8th grade Menachem Mendel Green
8th grade Sholom Ber Rivkin
8th grade Shua Tenenbaum
Cheder Chabad Monsey
5th grade Yosef Weingarten
6th grade Moishi Backman
7th grade Avraham Yakov Silber
8th grade Moshe Drew
8th grade Sholom Dovber Lowenbein
8th grade Yossel Litzman
8th grade Zushi Borenstein
Cheder Chabad New Haven
5th grade Avi Baitelman
7th grade Shaya Kessler
8th grade Mendel Kessler
Cheder Chabad Philadelphia
4th grade Ari Goldman
4th grade Eli Goldshmid
6th grade Yehuda Goldman
8th grade Pinchas Eliyahu Wellerstein
Cheder Chabad Toronto
4th grade Levi Wechter
5th grade Sholom Dovber Jacks
5th grade Yechezkel Altein
6th grade Menachem Mendel Bakshi
7th grade Meir Steiner
7th grade Menachem Mendel Altein
8th grade Aryeh Yarmush
8th grade Cheski Goldberg
8th grade Daniel Eliyahu Zaltzman
8th grade Hillel Lang
8th grade Schneur Zalman Marmulszteyn 8th grade Sholom Dovber Serebryanski
8th grade Zelig Nelken
Cheder Lubavitch Arizona
4th grade Meir Tiechtel
Cheder Lubavitch Chicago Boys
4th grade Levi Shemtov
5th grade Leibel Tenenbaum
5th grade Shmuel Hecht
5th grade Yehoshua Katz
5th grade Yisroel Moscowitz
6th grade Mendel Shemtov
6th grade Nochum Benjaminson
6th grade Shalom Posner
7th grade Moshe Staal
7th grade Nochum Hertz
8th grade Dovber Silberberg
8th grade Dovid Tzvi Walters
8th grade Levi Yitzchok Benjaminson
8th grade Levi Yitzchok Schechter
8th grade Mordechai Moscowitz
8th grade Tzvi Moscowitz
8th grade Yechiel Brody
8th grade Yosef Yitzchak Hecht
Cheder Lubavitch Morristown Boys
4th grade Yosef Dubov
5th grade Yitzchok Zeev Wilhelm
6th grade Gavriel Noach Touger
8th grade Levi Yitzchak Hendel
8th grade Levi Yitzchak Touger
Cheder Menachem Kingston
4th grade Yosef Yitzchok Kazen
5th grade Yisrael Hershkop
Cheder Menachem LA
4th grade Motti Brook
4th grade Shalom Ephraim Carlebach
5th grade Menachem Mendel Hecht
5th grade Menachem Mendel Raigorodsky
6th grade Ari Cohen
6th grade Aryeh Leib Kramer
6th grade Avremel Heidingsfeld
6th grade Isaac Mintz
6th grade Moshe Davidson
6th grade Schneur Zalman Gurary
7th grade Yitzi Heidingsfeld
8th grade Menachem Mendel Brook
8th grade Menachem Mendel Kirschenbaum
8th grade Mendel Gottlieb
8th grade Moshe Wagner
8th grade Shalom Schwartz
8th grade Shlomo Aharon Posner
8th grade Yosef Massoud Wagshul
8th grade Zalman Belinow
Cheder Menachem NJ
8th grade Menachem Mendel Brownstein
Hebrew Academy Tampa Bay
4th grade Arik Yarmush
7th grade Nissi Yarmush
Hillel Academy
4th grade Mendel Lein
Kesser Torah College
4th grade Shua Light
5th grade Moshe Schapiro
Lamplighters Jewish Academy CA
4th grade Yehoshua Schneerson
5th grade Shalom Loschak
Lubavitch Cheder Day School Minnesota
4th grade Mendel Goldberg
Lubavitch Educational Center Florida Boys
4th grade Asher Sossonko
4th grade Zalmy Schwartz
5th grade Meir Kagan
Lubavitch Educational Center Florida Boys Middle School
6th grade Netanel Glazer
7th grade Yechiel Michel Wolff
7th grade Yisroel Doch
7th grade Yosef Barash
8th grade Avraham Thaler
8th grade Menachem Mendel Diamont
8th grade Shlomo Amar
8th grade Shneur Zalman Weiss
8th grade Zushi Citron
Lubavitch Boys London
4th grade Levi Yitzchak Gordon
4th grade Mendy Lieberman
5th grade Zevi Gavriel Cohen
6th grade Yosef Katz
8th grade Mendel Brandman
8th grade Mendel Lewis
8th grade Nochum Heller
8th grade Zelig Yisroel Vogel
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy Margate Florida
4th grade Mendel Shusterman
5th grade Sholom Dov Ber Steinberg
8th grade Menachem Sheinberger
8th grade Shmuli Rosenfeld
Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder
5th grade Mendy Gitler
4th grade Bentzy Wilhelm
4th grade Levi Yitzchok Konikov
5th grade Meir Yechezkel Druk
5th grade Mendel Zaklos
5th grade Mendy Cohen
5th grade Tzvi Dov Levitansky
6th grade Gavi Korik
6th grade Levik Bush
6th grade Menachem Mendel Zaklos
6th grade Mendel Chanowitz
6th grade Mordechai Gopin
6th grade Mordechai Rivkin
6th grade Moshe Lifshitz
6th grade Shmulik Lewis
6th grade Tzvi Yosef Greenberg
6th grade Yosef Yitzchok Wilhelm
7th grade Berel Levertov
7th grade Berke Chein
7th grade Mendel Cohen
7th grade Mendel Gurevitch
7th grade Mendel Hahn
7th grade Shmuel Konikov
7th grade Velvel Browd
7th grade Yechiel Cohen
8th grade Ari Lifshitz
8th grade Daniel Eliahou Zaltzman
8th grade Levi Korik
8th grade Mendel Chein
8th grade Mendel Labkowski
8th grade Mendel Mishulovin
8th grade Mendel Tiechtel
8th grade Muleh Prus
8th grade Tzvi Hirsh Matusof
8th grade Yehuda Leeds
8th grade Yosef Nachman Libersohn
8th grade Yoseph Yitzchak Labkowski
8th grade Zalman Wolvovsky
Oholei Torah Crown Heights
4th grade Moshe Silberstein
4th grade Yehoshua Bruchstat
5th grade Aharon Massieh
5th grade Mendel Wolvovsky
6th grade Dovid Altein
6th grade Mendel Flint
6th grade Saadya Liberow
6th grade Shmuel Fischer
6th grade Yaakov Dov Tzfasman
7th grade Ben Rosenbluh
7th grade Betzalel Andrusier
7th grade Chaim Jacobs
7th grade chezky Paltiel
7th grade Dovid Geisinsky
7th grade Levi Levin
7th grade Meir Rubashkin
7th grade Menachem Mendel Goldberg
7th grade Mendel Vaisfiche
7th grade Nochum Yosef Altein
7th grade Yosef Chakoff
7th grade Yossi Bell
8th grade Baruch Sandhaus
8th grade Chayim Vogel
8th grade Dovid Drizin
8th grade Leibel Butman
8th grade Menachem Mendel Halperin
8th grade Mendel Fischer
8th grade Mendel Okunov
8th grade Mendel Wilhelm
8th grade Mendy Brusowankin
8th grade Mordechai Yisroel Yitschok Okonov
8th grade Moshe Lang
8th grade Moshe Vishedsky
8th grade Nechemia Segal
8th grade Nosson Gourarie
8th grade Shmuel Rabinowitz
8th grade Shmulie Stock
8th grade Sholom Ber Weinbaum
8th grade Sholom Lieberman
8th grade Yechiel Michel Landa
Ohr Menachem Crown Heights
4th grade Yosef Yechiel Michel Piekarski
5th grade Lipman Samuels
7th grade Zev Wolf Wallach
Ohr Temimim Buffalo NY
6th grade Yosef Yitzchak Gurary
8th grade Tzvi Hirsh Kleyman
8th grade Yisroel Okonov
Southern CT Hebrew Academy
4th grade Menachem Schectman
5th grade Mendy Wilhelm
Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Ocean Parkway
4th grade Gedalia Bluming
5th grade Menachem Mendel Vogel
6th grade Noam (Chaim) Zacharia
7th grade Elchonon Korolitzky
Torah Academy South Africa
4th grade Menachem Mendel Wineberg
5th grade Shmuel Liberow
6th grade Menachem Mendel Deren
8th grade Yaakov Finkelstein
8th grade Yitzchok Tzvi Stern
Torah Day School of Houston
4th grade Benny Gavin
Tzivos Hashem Long Beach and Orange County
5th grade Gavriel Noach Tenenbaum
Tzivos HaShem of Wyoming Valley
4th grade Mendy Raymond
Tzivos Hashem Vancouver
8th grade Levi Bitton
United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Heights
4th grade Aryeh Leib Engel
4th grade Menachem Mendel Friedman
5th grade Menachem Mendel Osdoba
5th grade Mendel Rendler
5th grade Schneur Zalman Vigler
6th grade Asher Wolfe
7th grade Refoel Leib Prus
8th grade Eliyahu Brenenson
8th grade Menachem Mendel Yarmush
Yeshiva School Pittsburgh Boys
5th grade Shimmie Shkedi
8th grade Menachem Mendel Gurevitz
Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch Montreal
4th grade Aharon Shloima Zirkind
4th grade Mordechai Eliyahu Schneur
5th grade Aryeh Mochkin
5th grade Menachem Mendel Itkin
6th grade Shneur Zalman Sternberg
6th grade Yaakov Wenger
7th grade Menachem Mendel Silberstein
7th grade Moshe Ashkenazi
7th grade Yehuda Aryah Leib Minkowitz
8th grade Akiva Salomon
8th grade Chaim Yisroel Vaisfiche
8th grade Dovid Tzvi Menkes
8th grade Levi Aron Hendel
8th grade Levi Yitzchok Vaisfiche
8th grade Levi Yitzchok Zirkind
8th grade Menachem Mendel Fine
8th grade Shmuel Wenger
Girls School Representatives
Anash Kinder
4th grade Chana Fuss
5th grade raizel kagan
5th grade Etty Wigder
6th grade Esty Benenfeld
6th grade Rivkah Dina-Riva Tessler
7th grade Tzippy Katz
7th grade Chany Lisauer
7th grade Estie Scheiner
8th grade Naomi Davydov
8th grade Rochel Lapidus
8th grade Dina Weinberg
Bais Chaya Mushka IA
7th grade Shulamis Levin
7th grade Rochele Hertzel
Bais Chaya Mushka LA
4th grade Batsheva Damianou
5th grade Dina Damianou
5th grade Chana Schochet
5th grade Ita Labkowski
5th grade Leeba Cohen
5th grade Chana Rodal
6th grade Shaina Basha Schapiro
7th grade Menucha Pinson
7th grade Shaina Mushka Rav-noy
7th grade Mimi Stauber
8th grade Baila Glick
8th grade Chaya M. Naughton
8th grade Devorah Leah Backman
8th grade Mushka Zaetz
8th grade Nechama Schochet
8th grade Menucha Rochel Begun
8th grade Chaya Gordon
8th grade Chaya Mushka Teleshevsky
8th grade Bina Meyers
Bais Chaya Mushka Toronto
4th grade Ita Raizel Karpilovsky
4th grade Raizel Nelken
4th grade Devora Leah Jacks
4th grade Pessia Zaltzman
4th grade Esther Landa
5th grade Chaya Cohen
5th grade Yael Lavi
6th grade Chaya Kogan
7th grade Rochele Mann
7th grade Devorah Leah Selkowitz
8th grade Malki Janowski
8th grade Rivka Lavi
8th grade Mushka Slavin
8th grade Menucha Rochel Rappaport
8th grade Etya wilhelm
8th grade Sara Lezell
8th grade Emunah Forer
Bais Rivkah Crown Heights
4th grade Shterna Sara Goldberg
4th grade Chaya Mushka Tsap
4th grade Esther Gittel Engel
4th grade Sara Segal
5th grade Ettel Tzerna Alperowics
5th grade Yehudis Yarmush
6th grade Chaya Mushka Blesofsky
6th grade Chana Duchman
6th grade Batsheva Gansburg
7th grade Mirel Brook
7th grade Mushka Lieberman
7th grade Sheina Freida Soussan
7th grade Sima Esther Yarmush
7th grade Mushkie Duchman
8th grade Chana Gansburg
8th grade Fraida Nemanov
8th grade Charna Turk
8th grade Chava Risa Kahanov
8th grade Chaya Mushka Lerner
8th grade Mushka Yarmush
8th grade Chaya Mushka Levine
Beis Chaya Mushka Crown Heights
4th grade Devorah Lea Hertzel
4th grade Chana Perlow
5th grade Chaya Mushka Scharf
6th grade Yasha Liba Laufer
7th grade Chaya Moussia Engel
8th grade Rasha Roza Rubashkin
8th grade Chaya Mushka Bruchstat
8th grade Mussia Chaskind
Beis Rivkah Montreal
4th grade Chaya Mushka Shuchat
4th grade Chana Wenger
5th grade Rashi Gansbourg
5th grade Rivkah Silberstein
6th grade Chana Kremer
6th grade Rivka Marasow
6th grade Mushka Zhurba
6th grade Bracha Notik
7th grade Rivka Gittel Zwiebel
8th grade Chana Esther Cohen
8th grade Mushka Hershkop
8th grade Nechama Lison
8th grade Necha Esther Kremer
8th grade Bryna Brod
8th grade Chaya Mushka Cohen
8th grade Ceita Shur
8th grade Aydel Dworcan
Bnos Menachem Crown Heights
4th grade Menucha Rochel Bluming
4th grade Musia Wolf
4th grade Chana Roitblat
4th grade Rivka Raitport
5th grade Rochel Wolvovsky
5th grade Chaya Mushka Mishulovin
6th grade Shaina Esther Mendelson
6th grade Devora Baron
6th grade Chava Sternberg
7th grade Shaina Hendel
7th grade Menucha Rochel Zelman
8th grade Tzivia Glick
8th grade Gitty Komarovsky
8th grade Chaya Wolf
8th grade Rechama Simons
8th grade Tzivia Osdoba
8th grade Yehudis Heller
8th grade Shaina Rosenberger
8th grade Ita Labkowski
8th grade Chaya Mushka Spivak
Chabad Youth Girls Melbourne
4th grade Shaindel Raskin
5th grade Sarah Baila Abenaim
6th grade Rachel Perl Belfer
Cheder Chabad Baltimore Maryland
4th grade Miriam Green
5th grade Shaina Chava Wilansky
6th grade Chaya Mushka Labkowski
7th grade Sara Nejar
8th grade Raizel Katsenelenbogen
8th grade Cherna Labkowski
Cheder Chabad Florida
4th grade Pessy Matusof
6th grade Myta Menucha Katz
Cheder Chabad Girls of Long Island
5th grade Kiki Sanders
Cheder Chabad New Haven
6th grade Cheyena Borenstein
Cheder Chabad of Monsey Girls
5th grade Chaya Mushka Haddad
6th grade Zeldy Kaplan
7th grade Menucha Rochel Volfman
8th grade Miriam Hott
Cheder Chabad Philadelphia
5th grade Moussia Altein
6th grade Chana Sara Simmonds
7th grade Esther Gurevitz
8th grade Deena Simmonds
8th grade Dassi Goldshmid
Cheder Chabad Sydney Australia
4th grade Golda Moss
5th grade Chana Moss
7th grade Rochel Feldman
8th grade Rochel Raizel Feldman
Cheder Lubavitch Arizona
6th grade Reeka Levertov
Cheder Lubavitch Chicago Girls
5th grade Chayale Scharf
6th grade Chana Moscowitz
7th grade Chana Moscowitz
7th grade Zelda Brackman
7th grade Chaya Mushka Rothman
8th grade Mussie Blau
8th grade Mussie Moscowitz
Cheder Lubavitch Morristown Girls
4th grade Devora Leah Dubinsky
4th grade Rochel Leah Lubin
5th grade Rivkah Schapiro
6th grade Chana Rosenberg
7th grade Shaindel Baumgarten
7th grade Chaya Mushka Susskind
7th grade Devori Wilhelm
8th grade Rikel Rosenblum
8th grade Shayna Kornfeld
8th grade Mussi Benjaminson
Cheder Menachem Kingston
6th grade Shprintza Leah Green
8th grade Dina Green
Cheder Menachem NJ
6th grade Shaina Gourarie
Hebrew Academy Tampa Bay
4th grade Runya Dubrowski
Hillel Academy Milwakee
4th grade Chaya Mushka Emmer
5th grade Rivka Mann
5th grade Hannah Knell
Kesser Torah College Sydney, Australia
4th grade Shaindel Chaiton
5th grade Chaya Mushka Milecki
8th grade Liorah Kessel
Lamplighters Jewish Academy CA
5th grade Menucha Muchnik
7th grade Chava Miriam Kudan
8th grade Mushky Kudan
8th grade Yehudis Seewald
Legacy Academy Los Angeles
8th grade Chaya Mushka Goorevitz
Lubavitch Cheder Day School Minnesota
6th grade Sheina Goldberg
7th grade Rishi Goldberg
Lubavitch Educational Center Florida Girls 4th grade Leah Slavaticki
4th grade Simi Sossonko
4th grade Tzirel Schechter
5th grade Devorah Korf
6th grade Chanale Rodal
7th grade Chaya Avigail Lipszyc
7th grade Cheli Kagan
7th grade Rivkah Dina Korf
8th grade Chaya Mushka Brody
8th grade Chaya Sara Steinberg
8th grade Esther Arkush
8th grade Mushka Kievman
8th grade Chana Hertzel
8th grade Risha Schapiro
8th grade Miriam Mann
8th grade Sara Bella Anavim
8th grade Chaya Mushka Feiner
8th grade Leah Unsdorfer
8th grade Perla Banon
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy Margate Florida
4th grade Sima Stolik
5th grade Simi Denburg
6th grade Menucha Rochel Shusterman
7th grade Tzivia Stolik
8th grade Chana Keller
8th grade Chana Gancz
Lubavitch Girls London
4th grade Rivky Katz
4th grade Chaya Weinman
5th grade Mussia Itzinger
Lubavitch Senior Girls London
6th grade Devora Leah Itzinger
6th grade Chaya Mushka Zavdi
6th grade Rochel Silberstein
8th grade Chanale Cohen
8th grade Rivka Zavdi
8th grade Rochel Junik
8th grade Batsheva Dubov
Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder
4th grade Chaya Paltiel
6th grade Dvora Leah Kesselman
4th grade Bassie Newman
4th grade Sara Perlstein
4th grade Devorah Leah Rivkin
4th grade Chaya Mushka Sharfstein
5th grade Mushka Chein
5th grade Hadassa Landa
5th grade Chanie Mendelsohn
5th grade Hinda Rivkin
6th grade Rochel Gurkow
6th grade Feigi Leichter
6th grade Menucha Sternberg
6th grade Mussi Wilhelm
6th grade Bluma Refson
7th grade Chayale Mendelsohn
7th grade Malka Resnick
7th grade Yehudis Rivkin
7th grade Chayale Stiefelmann
8th grade Rina Koncepolski
8th grade Mushky Korf
8th grade Sima Pape
8th grade Chaiki Rubin
8th grade Sara shemtov
8th grade Chayale Hecht
8th grade Chava Sternberg
8th grade Chaya Cohen
Ohr Temimim Buffalo NY
8th grade Nessa Grol-Norris
8th grade Esther Faiga Zingorenko
Southern CT Hebrew Academy
5th grade Chaya Hecht
Torah Academy South Africa
5th grade Rivka Grinshtein
5th grade Chana Mushka Stern
6th grade Chaya Mushka Finkelstein
Torah Day School of Houston
5th grade Chaya Mushka Trusch
8th grade Mihal Camhi
Tzivos Hashem of Wyoming Valley
8th grade Eliana Mina Raymond
Yeshiva School Pittsburgh Girls
4th grade Leah Rochel Taub
5th grade Shaina Frankel
6th grade Shaina Altein
7th grade Sheina Taub
8th grade Menucha Davidson
8th grade Devorah Hoen
8th grade Esther Rosenblum
8th grade Fraida Rosenblum