Friday, 30 Tishri, 5785
  |  November 1, 2024

Chabad Shluchim Are Pushing for “Moment of Silence”

Watch: TV commentators on Fox News praised a "Moment of Silence" as Chabad Shluchim press for its reinstation in public schools. Full Story, Video

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May 6, 2019 6:37 pm

When MSNBC will support it, then that would really great news.

Purpose of silence
May 6, 2019 7:02 pm

I think it’s possible that the moment of silence that the rebbe encouraged and the current moment of silence being pushed mainstream might be getting blurred. The Rebbe’s moment of silence was to have the students reflect on the creator of the world. The mainstream associates a moment of silence with remembrance – e.g., in honor of someone who was killed, etc.

Purpose of Silence
Reply to  Purpose of silence
May 7, 2019 8:59 am

That’s not true. If you listen to their discussion you will hear them remark that the uniqueness of this campaign is that it doesn’t specify prayer to one specific deity which is germane to a particular religion. Thus, it is clear that they are on the same page.

True, but...
Reply to  Purpose of silence
May 7, 2019 10:53 am

…there’s anyway no way of controlling what the child is thinking during that minute anyway. If it’s supposed to be to reflect on G-d, then some children will do that, and others will be thinking of something else; same is true if it’s pitched as a moment of remembrance.

the purpose
Reply to  Purpose of silence
May 9, 2019 6:22 am

was to get kids to think about other people. ‘He will first learn to think about what is good for others and only then what is good for himself.’ Also, the teachers should have nothing to do with talking about a religion…that should be the parent’s role. And that is another important part…that we need to bring back the role of the parents in their children’s education and not just hand it all to the teachers. ‘instruct them to think about justice and honesty…tell them to think about do not steal and do not lie, to be peaceful, considerate and… Read more »

Thank you Rabbi Avraham Frank!
May 6, 2019 7:20 pm

Kol Hakavod!

Those kids ...
May 6, 2019 9:53 pm

Those kids did not get the g-d part. But calming down and organize thoughts is also good.

calming down and organizing thoughts
Reply to  Those kids ...
May 7, 2019 1:01 am

Especially since so much crime today takes place without thinking, i.e. a person with no self-control sees something, wants it, and simply takes it, or physically assaults someone who is in his way or whatever… the simple act of spending a moment in silent contemplation at the beginning of the day helps a child get into the habit of actually PLANNING his or her actions.

Rabbi Frank!
May 7, 2019 8:46 am

Go Rabbi Frank from Flatbush!