Wednesday, 20 Sivan, 5784
  |  June 26, 2024

Chabad Rabbi Tells Disturbing Fact to President of Harvard

Harvard Chabad Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi shared a very disturbing fact during the Menorah lighting on campus and in the presence of university’s president Dr. Claudine Gay. Full Story, Video

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What am I missing?
December 14, 2023 2:35 am

Why would a Chabad host such a person to light a Menorah?

A lot
Reply to  What am I missing?
December 14, 2023 9:54 am

I get the emotions of it but she is still the president and it’s on her campus that’s one. And I can’t see chabad rejecting her in that manner because where there is an opportunity to take action and make change e.g spread light in the FACE of darkness that’s where chabad houses thrive. This isn’t a position of her acceptance just a reality

Who knows?
Reply to  What am I missing?
December 14, 2023 11:27 am

Trying to be politically correct?
Pandering to those in power?

Totally Agree
Reply to  What am I missing?
December 14, 2023 12:49 pm

Your 100% right, The Congress passed a measure demanding her resignation over her defense of public calls for another HOLOCAUST of the Jews on Campus while at the same moment Rabbi Zarchi was honoring President Gay with lighting the Shamesh of the Chanukah Menorah.

Reply to  What am I missing?
December 14, 2023 2:03 pm

Chabad is not a political organization.
Chabad is A political, that means if the president of Harvard is in attendance, you would ask her to light because she runs the institution.

Reply to  What am I missing?
December 17, 2023 5:48 pm

She actually didn’t light the menorah. She lit the Shamash with words of encouragement from Rabbi H Zarchi to be a true Shamesh and light the world with positivity justice and truthfulness.

She’s a huge part of the problem!!!
December 14, 2023 6:13 am

She’s number one Anti semite at Harvard!!
Why would you invite her to the Chanukah lighting?

Reply to  She’s a huge part of the problem!!!
December 14, 2023 10:28 am

So he can PUBLICLY speak directly to her, and let her know she’s the problem.

December 14, 2023 6:46 am

Rabbi Zarchi is incredible!
With all the criticism and pressure he is getting he put himself and own feelings aside and did what was best for the Jewish students at his university.
Takes so much courage dedication and selflessness. Much respect.

Reply to  Incredible
December 14, 2023 11:25 am

How can it possibly be best for the Jewish students to host the president of their school after she made it very clear that she has no intention of protecting Jewish students from hatred.

The world we live in
December 14, 2023 8:09 am

Fire her!

December 14, 2023 8:19 am

Excellent speech!

December 14, 2023 9:30 am

He spoke so well. I hope this video goes public.

December 14, 2023 10:05 am

Kol HaKavod Rabbi Zarchi! Fighting darkness and turning it to light. You face a challenging mission.

May you be Matzliach!
Moshiach Now

December 14, 2023 10:27 am

Again, the “considerate” and “well-meaning” people tell us to remove the symbols of our religion, for our “safety” and for fear that we will be harmed or that the symbols will be vandalized. It has absolutely nothing to do with antisemitism, for they are totally in favor of free-speech and expression (sarcasm). I would have hoped, after all that has transpired, that this president would have openly declared that the Menorah would be displayed in the yard all night shining brightly, and that the school would ensure that no harm came to it. But alas, no. It is just another… Read more »

Yes it is Chanukah the festival of light for many
December 14, 2023 10:38 am

And we will continue turning the DARK into LIGHT
Naase Venishma
Now it is not time to Understand
This is a Moment in our life were Hashem is looking down at us and expecting full performance from HIS ARMY to accomplish THE DIVINE PLAN
Stay Strong
Am Yisroel Chai for eternity
NOW ,Let all United be part of it
We will see Miracle taking place at every step of the way

Reply to  Yes it is Chanukah the festival of light for many
December 14, 2023 2:17 pm

At what expense !!!
Maybe look at Zarchi’s Web page instagram
98% negative comments
Get real

We will hold our heads high
December 14, 2023 2:01 pm

As angry, hurt, frustrated as we are, it’s wise to follow this Rabbi’s example of speaking and acting with dignity and respect and holding out the olive branch to influential people.

Reply to  We will hold our heads high
December 15, 2023 9:31 am

You’re dead wrong! Anti semitism – Jew hatred should be condemned and berated. At best she should have been ignored from being given an honor.

December 14, 2023 8:11 pm


See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil
December 14, 2023 10:23 pm

Washington DC wasn’t afraid of vandalism when they painted Black Lives Matter on the public streets ( which was vandalized), so why shouldn’t Harvard also make a statement by showing solidarity with the Jewish community and allowing a menorah to be displayed 24/7.. Black Lives Matter Plaza – Wikipedia The Dean of Harvard, made a compromising political move by not SPEAKING OUTfor an overnight menorah display, for fears there would be anti-semitic vandalism. What’s next, should students tuck in their Star of David or wear a baseball cap instead of a yarmulka to help Harvard avoid bad press? Harvard should… Read more »

Reply to  See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil
December 15, 2023 9:36 am

The proper response from Harvard should have been, “we will have a guard stationed next to the menorah to protect it overnight.” And THAT is what Zarchi should have demanded from Gay.

See No Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil
Reply to  See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil
December 15, 2023 9:52 am

The above comment should be corrected to reference the President of Harvard, Claudine Gay, instead of the Dean of Harvard.

Harvard covered up secret plagiarism probe into president Claudine Gay during antisemitism storm — threatened The Post (msn.com)

Jay S

Rabbi Goldstein
December 15, 2023 5:11 pm

That was an amazing speech! Fire! Spitting straight facts! So much guts! The Rebbe is so proud! Telling the dean in her face that we need to be proud! One of my all time favorite speeches, hands down! Rabbi Z is the goat!

December 17, 2023 5:46 pm

There is a story with a Shliach that was having major issues with a
Horrible Menagid to ChaBaD.

Through the Rebbes instructions he overcame the obstacles etc.

A while later the Shliach made a dinner / function. The Rebbe advised him to invite that Menagid and honor him respectfully.

Sorry I don’t remember all the details. The punch line is of essence.