Yidden from around the world continue to flock to the Rebbe’s Ohel. This is especially so on Gimmel Tammuz; when tens of thousands of people are expected to come to the Rebbe.
Due to the large numbers, it has become increasingly challenging to accommodate everyone, leading to long hours of waiting in the heat. This is particularly difficult for the elderly, families
with children, people with health issues, and groups such as camps.
In numerous Letters and Sichos, the Rebbe highlighted the connection between Yomei D’pagro and the days surrounding them, the ‘Yamim Hasmuchim.’ In later years the Rebbe himself would accept Pidyonos and distribute Lekach days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Rebbe also sometimes visited the Ohel after the day of Yud Shvat.
Accordingly, in coordination with the Hanhala of Ohel Chabad Lubavitch, Agudas Chassidei Chabad makes the following suggestions:
1. Alternative Visiting Times:
Those who cannot stand in line for several hours should consider visiting the Ohel on the days before or after Gimmel Tammuz.
2. Group and Camp Visits:
Groups and camps should also utilize the days surrounding Gimmel Tammuz for their visits. Please call Ohel Chabad Lubavitch to make the necessary arrangements.
3. No Special Accommodations:
On Gimmel Tammuz itself, there will not be special accommodations for groups or camps, as well as individuals who are unable to wait in line. The moving line to enter the Ohel will begin on Monday evening around 7pm and continue through Tuesday until midnight.
There may be the possibility of spending an additional few minutes in the Ohel on Tuesday early morning, between the hours of 2 to 5am.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Vaad Agudas Chassidei Chabad
For more information, visit www.aguch.org, a newly established website in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz.