By COLlive reporter
In a monumental celebration of Rambam learning and Achdus, the global Chabad community came together for the Siyum HaRambam Haolami, marking the completion of the annual study cycle of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah.
The grand event took place at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, and despite the forecast calling for rain that evening, miraculously the weather held out during the inspiring and uplifting event.
This year’s event was extraordinarily significant, as it commemorated 40 years since the Rebbe initiated the takanah for Klal Yisroel worldwide to engage in daily study of the Rambam.
Eastern Parkway was entirely closed off for this grand celebration, aligning with the auspicious date of Yud Alef Nissan, which marks the Rebbe’s birthday. This year’s milestone—40 years of continuous Rambam study—is deeply symbolic, as Rabbi Shmuel Butman, chairman of the Vaad Siyum HaRambam Haolami, eloquently reflects. “As the Gemara states, ‘ואולך אתכם במדבר ארבעים שנה, וכתיב: ולא נתן ה’ לכם לב וגו’. אמר רבה, ש”מ: לא קאי איניש אדעתיה דרביה עד ארבעין שנין,’” says Rabbi Shmuel Butman, “It takes forty years to fully grasp and appreciate one’s teacher’s wisdom, This insight underscores the celebration’s significance, highlighting the forty years of Rambam.”
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, the leader of London’s Mill Hill Synagogue, was the guest speaker at this historic Siyum HaRambam.
Renowned singer Avraham Fried led the crowd in soul-stirring Niggunim, accompanied by Yossi Cohen orchestra and the Kapele Choir. Young singing sensation Gavi Greenbaum performed as well.
Please support the Siyum HaRambam. Your partnership will not only help cover the costs associated with organizing this significant event but will also ensure its success. Surely, by supporting the Siyum, you will draw upon yourself all the brachos. Remember, דער רבי בלייבט ניט קיין בעל חוב.
VIDEO: Gavi Greenbaum sings Anim Zmiros
VIDEO: Full Replay