Tuesday, 20 Iyyar, 5784
  |  May 28, 2024

What to Answer Israel’s Critics: A Useful Q&A

Scholar and lecturer Rabbi YY Jacobson addresses questions: What Should Israel Do? What Do I Tell My Friends Who Are Confused About the Hamas-Israeli War? Full Story

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November 2, 2023 1:08 am

The Israeli intelligence and security apparatus have betrayed their own people and need to pay for it.

Reply to  Anonymous
November 9, 2023 6:52 am

this is not the time for politics

"the world is longing to hear our voice"
November 2, 2023 8:08 am

Yes!!! And they are listening to what we have to say more than ever before. Right now is a golden opportunity to share light and truth.

Thank you for this
November 2, 2023 9:01 am

This doesn’t even mention the amount of money poured into Gaza – including by Israel itself- that was used to create bombs and tunnels etc to terrorize Israel instead of building up their own infrastructure and helping their own people. It’s crazy how the world is so blind to all of this
We need Moshiach Now

November 2, 2023 9:52 am

Thank you, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, for once again providing us with moral clarity in such concise tidbits. Your shiurim are always such a pleasure to attend and
SO enlightening. May you be blessed with good health, shalom bayis always, simcha in your home, only yiddishe nachas from your children, parnasa b’harchava, and only revealed good. Please continue to inspire us for many, many years…

November 2, 2023 11:19 am

All of this is true and effective. There is much more that should be said, but indeed these are among the first things that those who don’t know about Israel, should be told.

Great article
November 2, 2023 1:03 pm

For last question, i think the fact that G-d gave Eretz Yisroel to the nations, and then took it from them, and then gave it to the Jewish people is essential to be said.

Reply to  Great article
November 2, 2023 3:57 pm

From experience, the biggest mistake when debating pro-palestinians (even Jewish ones) is to make any mention of a biblical Jewish right to Israel. Aside from the fact that the argument is questionable from a traditional non-secular Jewish viewpoint, and many of them are aware of that, it’s also the sad reality that most of these people do not accept biblical narratives, at least not to the extent of being applied in modern time geopolitics…

The rebbe
Reply to  Yonatan
November 5, 2023 8:59 pm

says that the ansswer we should give is the rashi on bereishis. I believe it was in living torah a couple weeks ago

Amazing article, missing 2 points
November 2, 2023 8:47 pm

Ty for this helpful article
Missing 2 points that Rebbe emphasized many times:
1. We must respond to ppl that as seen in first possuk of Torah: Gd the creator of world decides. He decided to first give EY to the nations and then take it from them and to give to the Jews for eternity
2. Israel fighting these terrorists is helping protect the rest of world too. It’s in their best interest for Israel to do what they’re doing

Excellent article
November 6, 2023 3:57 am

It seems that too many Westerners keep naively apply Western thinking to those areas of the world where Western type thinking is rejected or just doesn’t exist. Very few Westerners are realistic enough to accept that Hamas and others of their ilk, e.g.their physical and financial supporters in Iran, are very outspoken about their plans to wipe out Israel and then come after the rest of the West. It’s what their “holy” books teach them needs to be done. But of course, Western thinking keeps us from wrapping our heads around this “philosophy” and simply blocks that reality out of… Read more »