Friday, 18 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 26, 2024

What Surprised Trump at the Torah Umesorah Event

Former president Donald Trump spoke at the Torah Umesorah conference in Florida on Friday, where he listed his acts as president in support of the Jewish people...and was surprised at which item got the loudest applause. Full Story, Video

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And Yet
December 16, 2022 2:20 pm

People are still pushing the notion that Trump is an anti semite.

I wonder why
Reply to  And Yet
December 17, 2022 5:41 pm

Could it be because he invited two Holocaust deniers to his house and had dinner with them?

Brooklyn yid
December 16, 2022 2:23 pm

The liberal media and the secular anti frum groups jump on Trump as if he hates Jews. When it comes to Biden and the rest of the lefty liberals they say nothing about the millions of dollars being sent to the Palestinian Authority that funds terrorist families whose members killed Jews. Trump stop the funding which was Pay to slay innocent Jews in Israel.

that was one of two good things he did
December 16, 2022 2:46 pm

rubashkin and the embassy. that’s it. lay it on me, comment section.

12 more
Reply to  that was one of two good things he did
December 17, 2022 6:22 pm

Business back to America,
The wall,
Fighting terror,
The way he dealt with Iran,
The Covid Vaccine
There’s another 7 noticeable accomplishments

December 19, 2022 7:24 am

What the Biden gang is pressuring Israel not to build much needed housing for the large frum families in Israel. The DemocRATs are full of lefty Israel haters. Anyone with a half brain sees it. Now with a tough new religious government the issue of mehu Yehudi will finally be addressed as the Rebbe fought for so much. Non Halachic Jews are being registered as authentic Jews. It’s a dangerous situation. Trump was the best president for Israel in Americas history.

Mihu Yehudi
Reply to  Tzvi
December 20, 2022 5:31 am

No, mihu Yehudi will not be addressed. The religious parties backed down.

As long as the chareidim are getting the money for yeshivos and the tziyonim are fighting to be allowed to go onto har habayis (R”L), no one cares about the upkeep of the Jewish nation.

Right-wing/Left-wing — everyone cares about their agenda only. Not about wrong or right.
Happens to be that the right-wing agenda is usually more aligned with the truth than the left.

December 19, 2022 2:42 pm

The enthusiastic reception given to him at a TU event after he hosted Ye(mach Shemo) was a chilul Hashem of major proportions.