At the recent “Torah Discovery Week” at Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown, NJ, visiting college students got to experience life in yeshiva along with special classes and lectures from guest scholars.
On hand was the renowned author and speaker, Rabbi Shais Taub, to discuss the “body-soul” paradox of Judaism and how it connects to the paradox embodied by the month of Sivan, the month of the Giving of the Torah at Sinai as well as the month when the Rebbe and Rebbetzin came to America.
The first part of Taub’s remarks, entitled, “The Body and Soul of Judaism.” was captured on video. Afterwards, a farbrengen followed without cameras or recording, in which Taub discussed with prospective yeshiva students the importance of studying full time in yeshiva.
Thank you Rabbi Taub, for not using youtube when uploading your videos, so that everyone can watch this amazing video,even those of us who have a filter.
Whoever is in charge of the website, please allow it to be shown for those of us who have the filter: k9.
Its not opening up. it says its unrated.
Thank you