Visitors Comfort Family of Miriam Mintz
Many visited the Shiva of Shlucha Mrs. Miriam Mintz obm in Crown Heights on Sunday. Among the visitors: Rebbe’s Mazkir Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Crown Heights Bais Din Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, Lecturer Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Philanthropist George Rohr, Mashpia Rabbi Nachman Schapiro and others. Photos
Many visited the Shiva of Shlucha Mrs. Miriam Mintz obm in Crown Heights on Sunday. Among the visitors: Rebbe’s Mazkir Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Crown Heights Bais Din Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, Lecturer Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Philanthropist George Rohr, Mashpia Rabbi Nachman Schapiro and others. Photos
Very Special…
May we meet only in Good/Healthy occasions…
These photo makes me cry from the depth of my heart. Asking the question….. why why why ??? It’s so unfair in every level !!
Answer are coming very soon
Let’s hold on TOGETHER to our Emunah & Bitachon
It truly is heartbreaking 💔
Though to say unfair would not be correct (afterall we say ברוך דיין האמת)– we do not understand Hashems ways. If you know the story of the man who went w Eliyahu Hanavi and not allowed to ask questions.
Rabbi Mendel Mintz is a very special person. May Hashem give him koach to get through this very sad time. We are with you….
May Hashem bring you so comfort Moshiach Now!