As soon as the news spread about Morah Neiman’s passing, there was nonstop chatter on the various grade WhatsApp groups.
“I remember everything Morah Neiman taught, as if we learned it yesterday!”
“I can rattle off Pesukim from Yeshayahu by heart.”
“Remember the Bas Kol?”
So many warm memories surfaced, and so much camaraderie was shared.
To continue to honor Morah Neiman’s memory, and to share words of comfort during these difficult times, Bais Rivkah Alumnae International has planned a virtual Farbrengen. It will take place Wednesday Evening at 8:00 pm.
Friends and Alumnae are invited to hear lessons learned from Morah Neiman, and to share precious anecdotes and memories.
It is our hope that this will bring true comfort to the family, and bring an Aliyah to her Neshama. May we merit the coming of Moshiach now, when we will have the ultimate “Nachamu Nachamu Ami.”
Join Zoom:
Meeting ID: 929 4077 1390
Call In: 929 205 6099
We would like to compile our treasured memories for the family and for each other. *Please share your memories, stories, and tidbits with us by emailing [email protected]*
We will iyH include it in a future issue of the EmBRace magazine. (If you have not yet subscribed, sign up at )
*To be _Menachem Avel_ Mrs. Neiman’s daughter:*
Email Mrs. Perl at [email protected]
Will this be recorded for those of us in other time zones?
Is there a way to watch if one doesnt have access to Zoom?