The cemetery that was founded in 1705 and was used until 1875, lies in the center of the city of Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave within Europe, also known by its German name Konigsburg. In this ancient cemetery which was destroyed by the hands of our oppressors during the Holocaust, rest great and holy people, may their memory be a blessing for all of us.
Exactly twenty years ago, the municipality began digging at the site and in light of the urgent appeal of the city’s rabbi, Rabbi David Shvedik, the excavation was stopped until the arrival of the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and the chairman of the Atara Kadisha Rabbi David Shmidel, who conducted long negotiations with the authorities, and at the end they signed an agreement in which they pledged to the Chief Rabbi not to dig anymore at the site.
Two days ago, rumors arrived that there are excavations at the site again, this time by a concessionaire planning to build a large parking lot for cars. The rabbi of the city, Rabbi Schwedik, immediately sent letters to the municipality and together with the Chabad emissary in Kaliningrad, Rabbi Avraham Baruch Deitch, went to the scene and succeeded in stopping the works. Directed by Rabbi Lazar to deal with all the local authorities, and with close halachic guidance, they arrived on the 17th of Tammuz with the head of the congregation, Mr. Eliezer Yermiahu Filtman and other Jews from the community, and returned all the bones exactly to their place and sealed the place well.
Talks are now underway between the parties to block off the site in order to prevent this holy place from being desecrated again, ch”v. Amongst those who are buried here: Rabbi Yehuda Ashkenazi of Tiktin, author of the sefer “Baer Heitev”, Rabbi Shmuel ben reb Eliezer Av Beis Din of Philipovy, Rav Shlomo Zalman ben reb Yehuda Leib Mirkes author of “Shulchan Shlomo”, Rab Arye Leib HaLevi Epstein Av Beis Din of Konigsburg and author of “HaPardes”, Rav Shimshon Av Beis Din of Konigsburg, Rav Efraim ben Reb Moshe, Rav of Konigsburg, Rav Zev Wolf be Reb Shaul Lazerman, Rav of Konigsburg, Rav Yaakov Zvi ben reb Gamliel of Ecklenburg, Av Beis Din of Konigsburg, author of “Haksav VeHakabala, and Rav Avraham Zvi Eizenshtat. Zecher Tzadikim LiVracha.
Rav Yisroel Salanter, zatza”l, founder of the Mussar movement is buried in a different cemetery in the city and a special tent was erected over his tziyun a number of years ago for the benefit of the many yidden who come to daven at his kever on his yohrtzeit. The tent was erected with the assistance of the director of “Oholei Tzadikim” Rabbi Yisroel Meir Gabbai. The local Chabad Shliach annually arranges a minyan at his kever on his yortzeit.
Photography: N. Kostmoyutz
Wow, holy work. they should be blessed.