First, she’s a young girl playing with dolls…
Next she’s a teenager fantasizing how she’ll do things when she’s a mother…
Suddenly she’s a kallah circling her chosson and davening for their future together…
But then she’s waiting. First at home, then in the fertility specialist offices. The dream hasn’t changed, but the yearning has become painful. And yet, so many waiting dreams can come true with your tefillos and $1/week.
It’s time to give a waiting couple’s dream a chance each week.
This Erev Shabbos, on Purim, 30,000 Vzakeini women around the world will stand by their Shabbos licht at dusk ready to greet the Shabbos. Together will daven for and fund a childless couple, helping make their dreams come true.
It’s time for you to join V’zakeini. $1 a week, 36,000 women. Making miracles happen every week. Please click here to join the movement.