Two words.
Two words that uplift us, empower us, and inspire us to do what we do.
Two words that we have heard innumerable times. Two words spoken from the soul of someone we have helped. And from their loved ones.
We have heard these words from 90-year-olds as we have from 9-year-olds. We have heard them spoken in more languages than we know.
These two words aren’t two words. They are our eternal oneness distilled into ephemeral ink.
They are not two words. They are one heart.
They have abbreviations and elongations. TY. THX. TX. TYVM. But there is nothing abbreviated or even elongated about their power.
As Hatzalah members, we have heard “Thank You” at the joyous beginnings of life, through life’s many ups and downs, and, sadly, at life’s culmination.
One thing always remains the same. We are here for one another. And when we are, we say these two immortal yet very mortal words: Thank You!
Usually, we hear these words. Now, it’s our turn to say them:
Thank You!
Thank You Crown Heights and the world for giving more than we could have ever imagined! Thank You for always being there for us so that we could always be there for you! Thank You for building our future together!
Thank You for donating your money so that we can save lives!
We say those two words, Thank You, for those who have given and those who will give here (again or for the first time).
We say Thank You to all of those who have said, are saying, and will forever say Thank You to us!
Thank You!
Hatzalah of Crown Heights.
P.S. If you did not get a chance to join yet, click here to donate today!
I envy your Gan Eden!!!!!