This past Sunday, the Solomon family celebrated the dedication of a new CommUnity Sefer Torah at the Chabad at Short Hills in memory of their beloved father, Reb Reuven Solomon, of blessed memory.
The Sefer Torah was a collective effort, funded by the member families of Chabad at Short Hills and the Solomon family, in which Rabbi Mendel Solomon, one of Reuven’s children, leads this vibrant community.
The Torah was also dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Mendel and Chana Devora’s granddaughter, baby Raia, who passed away on the same date as her great-grandfather Reuven. This poignant coincidence added profound meaning to the dedication, as their yahrzeits were commemorated this past Shabbos.
The event was marked by a warm and welcoming atmosphere, where family, friends, and community members gathered for a lavish catered breakfast buffet, followed by the Torah letter signing and dedication ceremony. This ceremony was a deeply moving moment for all in attendance. Following the program, a joyous parade procession took place, featuring the Hachnosas Sefer Torah truck, lively music, special Torah balloons, nosh bags along with joyous dancing.
Reb Reuven’s daughter, Rebbetzin Esther Gitlin, a Shlucha in Markham, Ontario, his granddaughter Freida Solomon of Short Hills, NJ, and his great-grandson Dovid Hirsch from Brooklyn, NY, addressed the attendees.
Rabbi Solomon highlighted the significance of the new Torah, stating, “The Chabad at Short Hills community has been blessed to host nine Sifrei Torah, but we were still in need of a uniquely sized, petite Torah that could be easily transported to various community events such as Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, baby namings, weddings, and Shiva houses. My father was a proud Jew and devout Chosid, dedicated to attending minyanim daily and was meticulous in his Teffilos. Our family is deeply humbled and honored by all who joined this special tribute, dedicating this Torah in his and baby Raia’s memory.”
Rabbi Solomon continued, “We are forever grateful that whenever the majestic Aron Kodesh doors open, our new Sefer Torah stands proudly as a constant reminder of my father’s love for Devening, learning and his contribution to his family and faith, keeping his life and legacy alive.”
The honor of writing the final letters of the Torah was bestowed upon Mr. Ralph Herzka, whose grandfather, Rabbi Refoel Feldman z”l (his namesake), was the Rabbi at the shul where Reuven grew up in Shepherd’s Bush, London, U.K. and was instrumental in nurturing a love of Yiddishkeit and davening in the young Reuven and orchestrated his attending the renowned Gateshead Yeshiva where Reuven attended for many years. Reb Rueven’s sons; Dovid Solomon of New York, was honored with the Hagbah and Rabbi Zalman Solomon from Los Angeles, CA, concluded with the writing of the last letter.
The celebration was a heartfelt tribute to Reb Reuven, reinforcing his strong sense of community, humble leadership, and enduring commitment to the importance of davening B’Zibur, along with love of life and family.
Mazal Tov to the whole Family of R Reuven zl. What a beautiful tribute to a man who throughout his life was moiser nefesh for Yidishkeit and brought up a beautiful Family of Chasidim, SHluchim and Yorei shomayim bringing the light of Yidishkeit to generations.
Very dear to our extended family.
May his dear Neshomoh have a lichtigen Gan Eden.