In the midst of unprecedented times in Eretz Yisroel, Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel in Beit Shemesh has seized a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact. As the nation yearns for positivity, the Bochurim of the yeshiva stand ready to go above and beyond.
Beyond the regular Seder hours dedicated to maximizing learning, the yeshiva has implemented extracurricular programs and activities, utilizing the Bochurim’s time outside of formal study. Each afternoon, they engage in meaningful acts of kindness, reaching out to others in need.
A short drive away lies a bustling army base where soldiers tirelessly protect both the nation and Yiddishkeit. Thanks to the generosity of a dedicated partner, Bochurim represent the yeshiva daily. Their mission: to inspire, empower, and uplift their fellow brethren. Whether it’s wrapping Tefillin, distributing pizza and falafel, handing out snacks, or simply offering a comforting hug, the Bochurim consistently stand by the soldiers’ side.
Fridays are dedicated to intensifying their mivtzoim efforts, with the entire day devoted to mivtza teffilin and connecting with more bases and communities grateful for the touch of love.
As the joyous festival of Chanukah approaches, the call for positivity amplifies. The shluchim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel invites others to join them in being a beacon of light in the face of darkness, a source of endless happiness and love—both physically and spiritually.
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Non stop doing the Rebbes work!
Real dedicated Shluchim
Mei chayil el chayil
Ultimate nachas. Keep it up. Such joy! Such positivity. So proud of you!
The Rebbe knows which one of his chayalim to send to the front lines
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