I’m sure you’ve seen signs for the 4th Annual MCM Auction, live for just a few more days. Mikvah Mei Chaya Mushka carefully selected Chof Av to culminate 3 weeks of bidding for the auction, raising essential funds for their mikvah.
But what do R’ Levi Yitzchak and a luxury mikvah have in common? One was a religious activist against the Soviets, while the other sits freely in a country where religion is a human right. One represents the fight to upkeep Yiddishkeit no matter how life-threatening, while the other highlights luxury and comfort.
In reality, the two seeming opposites are part of one single progression. This connection illustrates the distinction between the 6th and 7th generations. While our grandparents fought to observe Torah and mitzvos in seclusion, we fight the same battle today. Only this time, it’s out in the open.
A significant challenge creates an opportunity for extraordinary strength – to stand firmly in our beliefs and risk everything for our values. But when the challenges dissipate, will we continue to apply the same effort? Will we beautify the mitzvah with the same fervor and passion, or will we lose direction of what we’re fighting for?
In an era of religious freedom, the struggle to uphold Yiddishkeit may be just as challenging, perhaps even more so, than it was back in Yekaterinoslav.
As we approach Chof Av, yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father, we strive to follow in R’ Levi Yitzchal’s footsteps. Among the Rav’s many efforts, he diligently worked to establish a new mikvah for his community and was actively involved in mitzvos that preserved the sanctity of the Jewish family.
The Rebbe promised tremendous brachos to those who gave tzedakah in honor of his father. On 20 Av 5739, the Rebbe encouraged chassidim to donate in R’ Levi Yitzchak’s memory, adding that Hashem would pay them back “up to 500 times over”.
The best way to honor R’ Leivik’s holy legacy is to continue the fight that he started.
Today, invest in a mikvah that emphasizes the true beauty of the mitzvah!