As the $770,000 mark was hit on day four of Avi Fishoff‘s fundraiser for Twisted Parenting, it is astonishingly clear how Klal Yisroel have shown up in the most unbelievable way for the families and their children in pain.
The charity is very unique because there is no overhead, there are no salaries, and Avi himself works with the parents knowing exactly what they need and puts it directly into the hands of the people who need it to save their kids’ lives.
Avi has given his life to these families expecting nothing in return aside for their love and dedication to their children and to each other. He personally ensures that every penny from the Kip fund goes directly to the parents for their Kip.
“I have referred countless parents dealing with kids in crisis to Avi Fishoff for support and guidance. Each parent is eternally grateful,” says Rabbi Moshe Feiglin, Director of the Aliya Institute. “His support has been a total game changer for entire families. Every penny Avi raises goes to help his struggling families make ends meet and help them support their holy children. Helping these children is the best Segulah for having nachas from our own children!”
“TP works,” says a TP family who are under Avi’s personal care. “He is 100% committed to your family and if you follow his guidance exactly the way you need to, you see results almost immediately.”
“This is really all about what we as Chassidim know intuitively when approaching a Yid,” says Rabbi Yoseph Vigler, one of the Lubavitcher Rabbonim whom TP parents and Avi consults with when Halachic issues arise. “you first look at your child as a חלק אלוקה ממעל ממש. We view him or her with an absolute sense of love and feel the privilege that Hashem gave us to tend to this Nefesh Elokis, instead of being blocked by a feeling of failure as a parent.”
“Your child is a beautiful Yid, a בן יחיד of the Aybishter,” continues Rabbi Vigler. “A plain, good Jew who walks into your Chabad House and you are their Shliach. And YOU have so much hashpaa on them. This is your first step to healing. We are really good at that. It’s a long but short path, but ultimately, they want to come back, they will want to follow your path.
“Don’t push it, you just create a space into which they can enter. And this is exactly what Avi Fishoff trains his parents to do. And it works.”
VIDEO: R’ Menachem and Devorah Rosenzweig of Five Towns, NY, speak about how Twisted Parenting and Avi Fishoff helped reconnect them with their daughter Dina Leah Rosenzweig. Tragically, at the age of 19, she was killed in a car accident.
The “TP Crisis Center” that Avi opened in Brooklyn, is perhaps the only center in the world that offers parents dealing with teenagers and young adults who are currently openly not religious, and in addition struggling with pikuach nefesh situations such as alcohol and drug addiction, a unique combination of personal expert guidance, along with the honor and respect of Daas Torah; all at no cost to the family in crisis.
A TP parent shares, “After trying so many other methods to deal with our out-of-control child, we were so blessed to finally find Avi who personally took the time, interest and with so much patience, experience and expertise to guide us. We realize now, that the other methods that we tried (and paid alot of money to learn) were just making our situation much worse. Under Avi’s guidance, everything turned around and began to go in the right direction.”
“Before we walked into Avi’s office, we felt like we were all alone in the world and that nobody would understand what we’re going through,” say another TP family. “But after coming to Avi, not only do we have his understanding and guidance, but we are a part of a group of 500+ parents strong that all have similar situations. I can’t even express how powerful that is for us as well as how soothing it is for both of us parents to be a part of a group where we don’t need to be in denial or ashamed or afraid to express every single aspect of our journey.”
Avi’s approach of Twisted Parenting is single handedly changing the world, one family at a time, one KiP at a time. Please help support this incredible movement. It saves lives, it saves families.
Please donate now!
So heartwarming
Thank you
You are amazing! And, your son who did semicha here last year is an exceptionally Chassidishe mentsch! Have nachas from all your children ka’h.
Awaiting Moshiach before 9 B’Av to celebrate with all Klal Yisrael in the Bais Hamikdash!
~ Chabad West Side
This story is so so heartwarming.
Thank you so much for sharing it!
You are both so brave to share this, and it is so beautiful to hear your turn-around.
I’m so sorry for your loss :(((
I have been following Avi’s work for a few years now.
What he does for the “Kids in Pain” – “Kips” that come to him is beyond Chessed. It is real Mesiras Nefesh and true Yeshuas HaNefesh Yeshuas HaGuf.
Kol Hakavod!!!
Thank you for the vulnerability
Thank you for sharing
Thank you 🙏
Thank you for bravely sharing your story to inspire others! May you have much nachas and nechama.
I’m so humbled. Wow. Such special people!!
Such a meaningful and powerful testimony of TP! Beautiful.
So so heartwarming!
Thank you for sharing your heart and experience, so much learnt and so much to think about