By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon – Cincinnati, Ohio
We are coming from Yud-Daled Kislev, the 95th wedding anniversary of our Rebbe and Rebbetzen, and it is a fitting time to have an open and honest discussion on the recent trends in Simchas in general and weddings in particular.
We all know that the wedding day, in the Torah view and especially according to the teaching of Chassidus, is the foundation for the entire marriage. It is an elevated and spiritual day and as the Rebbe’s father (whose 80th Yahrzeit is this year) wrote to the Rebbe: “Whoever increases and intensifies his tears [of teshuvah] during this fast day, a day that is likened to Yom Kippur, is to be praised.”
With this holy mindset, let us highlight how some of the preparatory stages to this very special day should really be:
The “Proposal”: It is in the last few years that I received this question from some of my – former – Talmidim: “Rabbi: Do you like the way that I proposed to my Kalla”? They will then send a video of some type of “will you marry me” scene. While it may seem cute, it is clearly sourced in secular culture.
The lines have become very blurred, especially with easily shared social media clips, and many young people think that this is what they are supposed to do. While there clearly must be a time where the two people agree to write to the Rebbe for a Bracha, it must be done in a dignified and refined way.
The “pre-game” and official L’chaim: There is a new way things have developed. After the couple get officially engaged, close family and friends – after being by the Ohel – get together and say Mazal Tov and Lchaim. At some later time (it could be a week later) the two families rent a hall and spend thousands of dollars on a “mini-wedding” called a L’chaim. Does anyone feel that this is really necessary (unless you are a shliach and doing it as a Peula in your community)?
It was just “recently” that it was common and acceptable to have a “vurt” in a house and people came and wished Mazal tov and the chevre sat for Farbrengen and everyone was happy. Most families are stretching themselves to make a wedding and could really benefit from scaling down these extra – and really unnecessary – events.
While it may not be practical for many families to make a Lchaim in the home, and they must do it in a hall to accommodate the crowd etc, it does not need to be an extremely lavish affair.
Most people just like to follow the crowd and want their children to feel that they “got what they deserved”. It will take a few brave people to forgo the lavish l’chaim that they can afford and recreate the standard for the rest of the community. While the Rebbe did not officially endorse “takanos” – as in other Chassidishe communities – he did not want such wasted spending either.
[On a separate – and very important – note: Are people aware that there are people that make a full Parnasa by setting up these lavish events are working without a reputable hechsher or mashgiach? It is a very serious issue that is demanding communal attention.]
The wedding: We must have an open discussion about the current music, dancing and lighting that is happening by our weddings. Instead of a wedding being a time where true and Chassidishe joy is expressed, which is so beautiful and uplifting for all those that attend, many weddings have turned into discos and rave parties. This affects the atmosphere and the level of Tznius.
While people have the ability to set their own standards in their own homes, the Rabbanim – and wedding halls – are allowed to “impose” standards in these important public areas and events. It affects the community and the moral compass of the young children – and bochurim and girls – attending the wedding.
[I will not start with the absolute waste of money that is spent on many seemingly extras and trivialities by a wedding. Parents must remember that the wedding night is a few hours and that money – if you are willing to spend – will be best spent on the couple themselves in their first year of marriage.]
Shana Rishona and Honeymoon: Shana Rishona is a very important year in the life of the young couple. It sets the true foundation of the home and it gives them the time and opportunity to really connect to each other. In the ideal situation, the yungerman learns in Kollel while his wife is involved in some type of part-time occupation.
With many Bochurim already working full time, and the limited Kollel incomes and very high cost of living, it is becoming a little more difficult. Yet all married men should be encouraged to set up part of their day in the Beis Midrash. It creates a Torah foundation for the home.
What can be detrimental to the Torah-foundation of the home is an official “honeymoon”. There are so many Halachik nuances that the young couple must get used to, in addition to the general adherence to Tznius etc, that many couples’ internal Shalom Bayis are ruined by these grand (so-called) vacations.
[This is not the forum to publicly address at length the tremendous Churban of marriages that are a result of young couples going out together for date-nights and other social events. The early years of marriage must be used for personal bonding and connection.]
We are a holy nation and, in the spirit of Yud-Tes Kislev, holy Chassidim. We must constantly strive to add and bring holiness in our lives and communities around us.
Davening for the safety and security of Klal Yisroel and for the Hisgalus of Melech Hamoshiach and have the ultimate simcha and wedding of Hashem and Bnei Yisrael!
Please feel free to share your thoughts, or possible solutions, on the above in the comments section or by sending me a personal email: [email protected]
The good Rabbi Avtzon had been on quite a streak recently, with several quality pieces that appealed to a very broad audience.
This one was way over the top. Stay in your lane.
Shame on you
This was not over the top. All of the things he said were from the Rebbe and if that is too much for you then maybe you are in the wrong lane
I’m 31 and nearing our tenth anniversary. Im a girl who hopes to live an elevated life influenced by the teachings of Torah and Chassidus but also enjoyes fashion, restaurants, beauty and enjoying life.
Everything he said resounded. These are the standards we lived with and that protected us and helped our life and marriage flourish till now.
Now that I have younger relatives getting married, I’m sad to see how much the norm has changed in the last ten years.
Thanks for sharing the truth!
…that the purpose of an article is “to appeal to a broad audience”? It’s to tell the emes, whether the “broad audience” likes it or not.
let’s talk about a bigger problem
what is everyone going to do to solve the shidduch crisis, and also the intermarriage crisis among tinok shinoshbas
Can you just stop ranting over and over again about the same rehashed topics and just thank Hashem that our kids are marrying Frum Lubavitchers?? Sheesh, boomers are never gonna change.
אויב גוט איז גוט איז בעסער ניט בעסער? Stop with the soft bigotry of low expectations. We don’t have to refuse to talk about how things should be just because they’re not freing out. There’s no reason we shouldn’t expect the standard to be where it should be. Yes of course there will be people who are higher and lower than the standard and that’s the be expected, but it is a problem when the standard itself moves. That is something that cannot be ignored and it is good that it is being addressed. We cannot lose sight of what… Read more »
So glad no one gave up on me and was just glad I married a Frum Lubavitcher. So glad our sacred values were passed on to me so that I could BENEFIT.
Boomer 🤣
I think Rabbi Avtzon is probably Gen X, not Boomer.
Around 1980 – so boom to the boomer comment. And thank you Rabbi Avtzon for putting out a piece that saves marriages, those who can’t splurge from embarrasment, those who can splurge from being forced to do so and attacks the insane lack of standards that ruins lives.
We strive for higher standards
I think you see many things with a strong lack of positivity.
That’s not a real claim.
Why the defensiveness. Since when do claims need to be made for someone to be negative
It’s always important to strike a healthy balance. My husband was very into being a kollel guy and not doing a honeymoon so he refused to go anywhere with me during shanah rishona and that wasn’t very healthy either. Similarly, we never spent any time with other couples where he may have picked some healthy ideas of what husbands do. True it’s not healthy to often spend time with other couples as it leads to comparing etc. But we were told to never do it and that wasn’t healthy either as he didn’t have any marriage models except his parents.… Read more »
I remember going to l’chaims in houses when first becoming frum…so much more inspiring- the event felt more focused on the couple, the joy. Now there is so much more unnecessary glitz- and unnecessary money being spent.
Get some lechaim a bunch of cheap for farbaison and everyone will be happy. No need to pay for everyone’s fourth dinner that night.
As a person coming into the frum world you should know there is no right to judge or say what is unnecessary… let people live there life how they want just like you do
are both equally bound by all lashon hara rules
tinoks who found Torah do not have less “rights” to judge or say things. Obviously no one should judge except for when Torah tells us to.
A bracha by the Rebbe before to get engaged. Ummm…. many of Anash and Shluchim alike are going to the ohel to receive a Bracha but are disobeying the Rebbes instructions through Igros Kodesh. You cant disobey the Rebbe and not expect consequences that follow. You can build a home based on your definition of being jewish but definitely not the Rebbes beliefs of what Chabad stands for. If you have the foundation wrong expect everything to follow suite to be wrong.
I’m sure the Rebbe loves your comment
I’m sure the Rebbe is displeased by a lot what’s going on. Stop lieing to yourself.
I’m not sure what exactly your referencing to. Please be more specific
Yashar koach! Points very well taken.
He makes some good points- I dont agree with everything, but yes- parents spend too much money on weddings and end up going in debt! That money could be going to the new couple.. Weddings should go back to how it used to be- based on dowry, like this is how much i can contribute to the wedding- take it or leave it. I have a sibling who when he got married ( my parents dont have money and have many kids bh) they pressured them into paying for stuff at the wedding- more then their means! Why is this… Read more »
When I started reading I was a bit sceptical , as in “what does he have to say now”. After reading however, I must admit that every single point very much resonates with me!
I am sure that you will get plenty of backlash, but please realise that plenty of people need to hear this and are actually happy to hear this!
I was actually wondering if I am crazy myself for having these sort of views!
It is good to hear that I am not alone .
Thank you !
Agree wholeheartedly with everything said here!
As far as music at weddings go, a wise person once pointed something out to me. If the music is the type where people feel they need to dance on their own, then it’s not Kosher. Where you see people dancing in a big circle, the music is on the right track!
Music should be unifying. Especially at a wedding.
Honeymoon vacation ruins Sholom Bayis? Please explain.
He’s probably referring to going on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding.
A few months after the wedding is more acceptable.
This has been mentioned numerous times before, the problem of kollel not being viable in todays expensive real estate and inflated market. No, we won’t get subsidized kollel housing, no, we won’t get more lucrative stipends. How about a new solution. Let’s open up kollelim in numerous Lubavitch cities in America. La, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal etc. there are lower living costs over there, and also the newlyweds can actually be close to their families instead of being in ch where they don’t necessarily feel comfortable. Also if it is successful it will lower the over the top demand for… Read more »
It’s a higher cost of living.
Despite the obvious dissent let’s take a look at WHY. In other words, take a look at why there has been this shift from small at home like L’Chaim’s to more lavish extravaganza. Did the older generation not have the money perhaps? We are more affluent right? Did the older generation not feel the need as they were more uptight and conservative? After all, that was the generation which dressed not as nice and chic and even the women looked more drab! Perhaps we have expanded our horizons ? Or Perhaps as the good rabbi writes, we generally have drifted… Read more »
Agree wholeheartedly! It wld be very difficult to find trendsetters to break the pastern of expectations for the lchaim!! As our educational institutions are painfully lacking in funds, not to mention other areas of need, it is a poor statement what we do with our money or lack of thereof. Losing sight of priorities.
Thank you Rabbi Avtzon!
Thank you for having the courage to speak up! Let’s not forget to mention what’s going on with pictures – firstly, of chassan and kalla taken before the wedding, even in the ohel. The Rebbe was very against chassan kalla taking pictures together before the chassuna. This used to be public knowledge but it seems that people have forgotten and the younger generation does not even know.
Secondly, with regards to poses of chassan kalla taken after the chuppa. Let’s not lose our sensitivity. We are a holy nation. Let’s hold onto our kedusha. May there be simchos by everyone!
BS”D Rabbi Avtzon, Re: “… many weddings have turned into discos and rave parties.” For a [R]abbi to place a Jewish wedding alongside a rave is disturbing. Rave’s may include mass lewd interactions. Is this an accusation against the Yidden? Did you not understand the profundity of the coarse word you chose? The lowness of this word. It is the job of the samach mem to accuse the Yidden, not you, and certainly not a [R]abbi. As a [R]abbi, a spiritual leader and guide of Am Yisroel, you do not need to step into the shoes of darkness and use a word that may have not… Read more »
Keep these great Chasidishe articles coming
One must celebrate the marriages and the joy.
The Rebbe spoke about these things with his heart and soul deep in them. After and together with much love, care and attention.
That’s why this article rubs wrong. Just trashing hundreds of people you don’t know in an article of what they’re doing wrong. No love and nothing if what is beautiful about their simchas that in today’s day and age, could very well look even worse than a lechaim.
Thank you for reminding us all of what’s truly important.
This is what you are complaining about??? Do you not see the pain of hundreds if our older singles not married???? Instead of talking about this , use your talent to break the horrible ‘crisis’ that’s a lot more dangerous than the lavish celebrations.
let’s post here what steps and actions people can take to solve the shidduch crisis
Did you not see the pain of hundreds 9f people, orphans, widows etc. 8n Israel now?
And your busy with shidduchim?
IYH when our kids get married (2-3 years iyh) we will follow these guidelines mentioned here. It’s gotta a grassroots effort. The more people stand up and don’t cave in to “well everyone else is doing the same” nonsense it will slowly change things
in the R’ Blumenkrantz peasach book, he writes there that many catering venues (hotels etc.) rely on certain leniencies in kashrus that most people would not allow in their homes. People tend to frequent these places as they trust the person making the event and may not realize that that person is hiring a caterer/baal machshir that is forced to work with the venue the way it is and may need to find ways to make it work l’halacha. it’s a good article covering many of the issues and a worthwhile read.
Yes! Hope it resonates! Thank you for the emes!
to solve the shidduch crisis
I, my parents, my kallahs parents, and my kallah, went into debt from all the expenses in getting married. It should be socially acceptable to forgo the lavish lchaims, weddings etc…
I was just at a chasuna last week! A very shpitz
and chashov Chabad mishpacha.
As far as the music – OKAY! – let’s
put Jewish lyrics to this one!:
Btw, when this was first premiered in Paris (1913), they
were not ready for something so bizarre in classical
music. This spawned a near riot. Rumor has it that they
threw tomatoes at him.
There are several problems today with all simchas which arise from people thinking certain things are neccesary. It seems that the purpose of the simcha is outweighed by the celebration “requirements.” “Community standards” do not accomodate different levels of what a family is able or even willing to pay for. Particularly with weddings, people seem to be unable to distinguish between trends which are in line with halacha and minhagim and those which are products of the “wedding industry” or current non-frum sources. Some current trends which seem silly to this Bubby are the extreems of color co-ordination required of… Read more »
no jew should be putting makeup on their children especially under 18! that’s so GOY
You have no right to decide what people should spend on there weddings. People can have very lavish if they want and if you can’t afford it to bad but don’t tell people how to spend there money. Chabad should take an example from other chassidim they live nice lives and dress like chasidim and keep way stronger to fundamentals of yiddishkeit and are able to also live lavish comfortable lives like a yid should. Unfortunately people have ruined the whole picture and that’s why 770 looks the way it does and you have people walking and dressing like goyim… Read more »
When first Wealthy & Mighty couple will create something new in a community everyone will follow. Otherwise we are in bubble that all can afford the wedding when in reality we can’t afford and better to support a young family then paying debts for l’haim /weddings Corona was an example that wealthy can do something else and save $, so not wealthy can breath freely and marry kids young age and not kids that are working and saving and a result marring at 27-30… Painful truth. Regarding doing l’chaim at home – not everyone has home in CH but live… Read more »
I do not agree with the your first sentence. People should not pay more than they afford and should not go into debt. We won’t judge. This is judaism and Torah, we only care about the inside, middot, Torah values. We don’t want people to go into debt. I do not think this problem is only for the “rich and mighty” to solve. Many things he listed in this article have nothing to do with money either. please do not ever wait to marry until 27-30 just so they can have a fancier wedding.. just have a cheaper wedding at… Read more »
When did Lubavitch get so jappy?
Long ago. You haven’t been paying attention?
It’s very interesting to watch weddings taking place during Covid on the street. I saw one wedding that was very moving on the street as people on the porches on both sides sang along and clapped. It was super spiritual. A old grandmother sat on the side with her mask and the kallah looked very spiritual. It was beautiful and they must of save about fifty thousand dollars which can help put a down pymnt on a home. About 22 years ago I made a wedding for a Baal tsuvah couple for 100 people. I am ashamed to tell you… Read more »
Thanks for writing about this. These simchas have become really over the top. I can’t imagine how much food goes to waste and it’s unfair that the community has set such high standards for these events.
Another real issue is that the music is so loud at every simcha I attend, it’s honestly not enjoyable and you can’t even have an interaction with a friend or ask them how they are because you simply can’t hear the person talking who is right next to you.
all y’all please turn the music down
The best way to address this issue is to discuss how to handle the pre-wedding negotiations between the two sets of parents. Engagement is such a sensitive time, we’re walking on eggshells, nobody wants to make a bad impression or start off on the wrong foot. And so parents feel pressured to agree to more than they can afford… Either due to embarrassment, or not wanting the chassan kallah to feel less special or worthy than their peers by not getting whatever is considered standard. When my son got engaged I was told by a few respected mashpios that the… Read more »
no one should ever have to be in that situation
please don’t ever go into debt from something like this. The kallah should be ok with cheaper things if she’s really his bashert.
Is “Keeping Up With The Jones’s” a Torah way of life? Seems like it’s the “Look At Me” generation. There always was, there is and there always will be the wealthy, the middle class and the not so financially fortunate. It used to be that people understood this and accepted it. The happiness of the couple was not contingent on how much they could get out of each other but how much they could give each other. If you stay within your means you will be more b’simcha at the end. If the Kallah is not satisfied with what her… Read more »
Agree and wish we can move things back to the right place bezH!!!!
Those of u who trash every good article with ‘hey, y dont u focus on another problem’, cheap shot. You can write all about the issues you feel are more pressing. Kudos to anyone that writes about any issue at all.
I think it’s completely fine
With all due respect, it’s 2023. You are asking of things to be done the way they were done back in the day. That will not happen.
Are you saying you won’t make a lchaim for your child in Lubavitcher Yeshiva? I think you will.
Maybe we can focus on the real issue at hand and that is the amount of singles in Chabad. Why is it that when I text multiple shadchanim I get no response?
More people need to step out of their comfort zone and start making suggestions. They will only be appreciated by your single friend.
Every single issue you (correctly) point out is nothing but a SYMPTOM of a much, much larger problem.
If we knew what are PURPOSE in life is, everything else will automatically fall into place.
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing
Thank you for saying what needs to be said! I especially found the change in wedding music unbelievable. The music is way too loud and not the type i would expect especially at a chabad wedding
Its so much nicer having a small group in a home for l’ chaim.
Before the wedding there should not be a mini wedding.
Some couples do break up before the wedding so better not to make anything so public and expensive. Similar to not taking pics together before marriage
I personally don’t like music that has a lot of beats and sounds really techy or low vibe or electronic
You make a lot of good points, but I’m surprised at the simplicity of the article. Things that would be beneficial: 1) offer solutions to said concerns. It’s very easy to be an “armchair” Rabbi, so give people tangible ways to improve. For example, maybe show your students a way that they could “propose” to a young woman they’re dating that isn’t an over-the-top “will you marry me” type situation. That way you won’t be frustrated with them for showing you a secular-style proposal like you described above. 2) Tone, tone, tone. You will catch more bees with honey than… Read more »
I don’t actually understand what’s the problem with having a very romantic, cute, artsy, artistic, creative, sweet, unique, or beautiful proposal. Is there a halachic problem if so what. If the person can afford it of course. What even is the frum way to propose?
please don’t go into a debt for any of this if you don’t have the money. We will not judge you.
you said In the ideal situation, the yungerman learns in Kollel while his wife is involved in some type of part-time occupation.
I disagree with this. Every situation is unique and different. There is no 1 ideal situation.
And if people judge you then they are people you don’t want to associate with lest you become like them.
and what about also all the money wasted on alcohol
just stop buying it and drinking it
People getting divorced because of date nights? What in the world? Did he mean that people are getting divorced because they are not going on enough dates and spending time together?
Bonding, learning, discussing the spiritual. Everything is fun in the sun and there’s no commitment or morals, so the moment things aren’t grand, people foolishly have split.
it’s ok for shluchim to make a mini wedding for the l’chaim?
Some of the points made in this article are, as I see it, quite valid; some less so. I agree, that l’chayims are getting more and more out of hand every year. You need a lavish, never-ending hot smorgasboard to announce an engagenment? and a full sushi bar as well? and mashkeh without end too? and flowers that almost reach the ceiling/ C’mon, gimme a break. This is plain ol’ keeping up with the Joneses, who got it from some other keep up with the Joneses folks, who saw it when they were invited to a simcha in a neighborhood… Read more »
When they stop glorfying the wealthy you’ll have changes for now as long as leaders speak about how much so and so is worth and of course mention the tzedaka they give but in essence show that whats important is money and wealth (or the illusion of it) everything will stay the same and the sheeple will continue to keep up with the jones.
I really appreciated your editorial. These scenarios that you describe have bothered my for a while. Several of my granddaughters have fallen into this trap. The public and inappropriate proposals are all over social media. I jokingly said at the l’chaims, why not just get a rabbi and get married now. Although I love lively music and dancing at one out of town wedding, many of our family walked out. It was a disco hidden as a wedding. My husband and I are ba’alei tshuvim and got married very young. As some of our parents disapproved, we were married in… Read more »
From an article about Reb Chaim Serebryanski and Kallah before their wedding:
“When they had Yechidus before the wedding, the Rebbe spoke to them about the wedding meal and said it was not necessary to waste money on a hall. They had the wedding meal in the home of Reb Mendel Shemtov, Reb Chaim’s uncle. The wedding was on a Friday and it was a low key affair with no wasting of money. The Rebbe was very pleased to hear this and said if only others did as they did”.
I genuinely don’t know so can someone please tell me
Right idea!!
U know ch is not the whole lubavitch there are people everywhere.Just because something is the norm there and who live there doesn’t mean for all places.