As the excitement of planning a wedding can oftentimes be overwhelming, it’s easy to forget that not everyone has the financial means to make their dream wedding a reality. That’s where Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah comes in.
Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah is a non-profit organization that helps brides and grooms, as well as their families with financial difficulties as they prepare for their big day.
It is well noted that on many occasions the Rebbe would listen in from his office as weddings were ongoing just outside his door.
On one such occasion, the Rebbe noticed that there were no musicians to be heard following the Chuppah.
Inquiring as to why that was, Rabbi Groner informed the Rebbe that the families were of little financial means, and musicians were simply not in the budget.
The Rebbe could not accept that, and instructed Rabbi Groner to arrange live music immediately, and not to inform anyone where the funds came from.
The Rebbe saw the foundation being set for a future home of Torah and Judaism, and wanted no corners cut.
By supporting KSCVK, we can help ensure a beautiful and elegant wedding to so many needy young couples and families, and give young brides and grooms the opportunity to set a beautiful foundation for their Binyan Adei Ad, with elegance, grace, and joy.
Support KSCVK:
like our amazing Devora Benjamin !!!!
Devorah your amazing
You are amazing!!!!!