Mrs. Sheila Shulamis Friedman of Baltimore, MD, passed away on Wednesday, 20 Av, 5772.
She was 42.
Mrs. Friedman, (nee Lubinizki), was a bookeeper and member of the Chabad community in Baltimore.
She is survived by her brother Ben Lubinizki of Vancouver, Canada; sister Meira Shem-Tov of Kibbutz Baruch Mayan, Israel, and aunt Mary Anne Tater of Vancouver, Canada.
The Levaya will take place Sunday, August 12 at 10 am at Sol Levinson & Bros. Inc. The family will be sitting shiva in Canada.
Contributions in her memory may be sent to Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, 101 Rockland Circle, Wilmington, DE 19803
Baruch Dayan Haemes
I am so sorry for bringing this up, but I need to know how she passed. If any one of you could help bring closure for me as i mourn the loss of a very very dear friend. Just so soon and unexpected.
may she rest in peace
comfort to her family
a kosher napolean slice for all (fairmont deli)
She was so young! Ad Mosai!!! Moshiach Now!!!!!!!
Moshiach is imminent won’t be long before she is reunited with klal yisroel.
Disbelief & shock. Her smile and bright outlook shines.
Shula you ard missed by the manhy nwho knew you.
I am speaking on behalf of myself and many others, you touched the lives of many.
A bachur who learned in Baltimotre told me How she brightened his day many times and touched him.
May Shula’s memory be for a blessing…
Contributions in her memory are requested for the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation ( (This is what’s listed by the funeral home and has been confirmed by a close friend.)
BDE. Will miss her warmth and boundless energy.
may her memory be for a blessing
Boruch Dayan Haemes
hamokom yenachem eschem
baruch dayan haemes!!
Boruch Dayan Haemes
May we merit the immedate Geulah! NOW!