Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

Shul Gabboim In Limbo on Reopening For Shabbos & Shavuos

Ahead of a Zoom meeting of rabbis, medical experts and gabboim of shuls in Crown Heights, two communal figures told COLlive: "The current conditions don't allow women to be there, and how are we keeping kids from distancing?" Full Story

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To the Shluchim Who Felt Discouraged…

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May 21, 2020 8:51 pm

The chiyuv of minyan is for men, not women… as for children, keep them at home until the situation stabilizes.

last i checked..
Reply to  Ploiny
May 21, 2020 9:00 pm

the rabonim said there isn’t a chiyuv of minyan for anyone at this time of tzara
so if you are making a minyan, its not halacha – more a hidur

you haven't checked
Reply to  last i checked..
May 22, 2020 12:51 am

since pesach…

What utopia are we waiting for?
Reply to  Ploiny
May 22, 2020 8:48 am

I don’t think we can get more ‘situation stabalized’ than the high antibody and low new cases count that we have in ch. Unless we choose to wait to hear from a mayor who blamed the Jews for this problem while jogging around town in parks or a governor who has the blood of hundreds of innocent elderly on his hands. Are those the ones whose opinions we are waiting for?

Reply to  Ploiny
May 24, 2020 3:59 am

Regarding a shabbos shacharis this is true. However the rebbe’s stance on aseres hadibros was very clear. That men women and children even the smallest babies need to hear the aseres hadibros because everyone heard them by matan torah

The street closed
May 21, 2020 8:54 pm

Have the streets closed so that families can stand apart and yet hear aseres hadibros

Not mentchlich
Reply to  The street closed
May 21, 2020 9:19 pm

That’s not fair to the non Jewish residents of our neighborhood.

close all CH streets for YomTov
Reply to  The street closed
May 21, 2020 9:51 pm

we would love to come from outskirts too, we did not hear Torah reading at all in this pandemic.

Yossi K.
Reply to  The street closed
May 21, 2020 9:57 pm

If we can close the street for a kinus, we should be able to close the street for aseres Hadibros!!!
Have people use Brooklyn& Kingston to come & go. Qe can layin the Torah in middle of eastern parkway.

Who cares about Cuomo?
May 21, 2020 9:16 pm

From a health perspective, crown heights doesn’t need to do this garbage anymore. Who are we scared of, deblasios gestapo? I’m sure our doctors can work things out with the 71 precinct. There’s reason to keep this up besides giving the mayor more power

I strongly agree
Reply to  Who cares about Cuomo?
May 22, 2020 1:11 am

With this sentiment. Until now there was a legitimate danger from this virus, and thus the shuls were closed. At this point, we know that that danger is not a legitimate and immanent threat. Without listing everything, we know now that this whole business of silent carriers and this whole idea that once a person recovers they could still spread the virus is bubbeh-maises. At one point we did not know this, and so it was worthwhile to be cautious. However, today we know to the best of our ability that there are 5 studies performed by national research institutions,… Read more »

Reply to  I strongly agree
May 22, 2020 1:37 pm

I completely agree with you and also furthermore, it is our constitutional right to gather to daven and it is not allowed to be taken away in any shape or form. Only the Rabonim have power over this. I think that their reasoning is that it would be a chilul HaShem. That’s the only reason I can think of.

If you close the Shul now it’s your fault Not gov
May 21, 2020 9:49 pm

Like Merium told amram you shouldn’t be worse than paro. Ie designate 10 at a time.

Or Who is counting?

If Shul is locked…let them get a warrant.

Or What Shul it’s a food distribution center. And a medical testing place. Get food and swabs and line up.

Safely of course.

Or Eh I like Davening outside better.

Or Everyone is heading to the mountains anyway

For shluchim
May 21, 2020 9:53 pm

This is very hard for shluchim who would love to open their shul, but can’t just say no women allowed.

Kreias hatorah
May 21, 2020 11:06 pm

At shuls can make 1 minyan after the other starting early morning!?
And I’m sure if there’s 11 instead of 10 nothing’s going to happen ok gimme a break. if groups of 11 want to wake up early & daveen in shul why would anyone want to stop that ,it has to b all or nothing? Thats ridicules!

In our building
May 21, 2020 11:39 pm

Pss don’t tell anyone . We had a Minyan in our building tonight . 15 people ! And we got arrested ! Just kidding nothings happened at all.

Listen to Dr Ditchek
May 21, 2020 11:43 pm

Wait 14 days from now before even considering reopening…watch to see if there is a surge, and hold back if that is the case. And these are part of the OU guidelines

Why look outside
Reply to  Listen to Dr Ditchek
May 22, 2020 9:48 am

I’d quicker listen to Dr Rosen and Hatzolah who actually deal with our community and have more of an idea of what is in our best interest. Dr Rosen is an incredibly caring doctor and has been a real leader during this time.

May 22, 2020 6:18 am

Thank you for speaking out for rhe women… We are often left on the side and no one cares about us.

What’s the outcome of the meeting?
May 22, 2020 7:59 am

Any shuls opening – 10 at a time? It’s going to be raining this Shabbat.

Listen to the Rebbe
May 22, 2020 9:51 am

The Rebbe said all Yidden, especially children, should go to shul to hear the aseres hadibros. He didn’t say hear it at home. He knew that a time like this would come. All of the Yidden were healed at Har Sinai. Naaseh v’nishma- let us do – bring everyone to shul for Shavuos.it may not be a mitzva to daven with a minyan but is it a mitzva to listen to the Rebbe? Having all Yidden hear the aseres hadibros is pekuah nefesh.

Who knows
Reply to  Listen to the Rebbe
May 22, 2020 11:36 am

Don’t presume to know what the Rebbe would have advised. Just like the Rebbe gave different advice to different people depending on the circumstances, so too here this probably would have been the case.
And the Rebbe never said not to use your own sechel.

Open the Shuls to ALL
May 22, 2020 10:26 am

This won’t end. Even when the limit is increased to 25, 50 or even 500 Who is going to be Number 501 to be pushed out. Who will decide??!!! it’s time to think about a Goiral NO