Shua Kaminker, a young boy from Crown Heights who united many around the world with Tefilos in his merit, passed away on Monday, 30 Sivan, 5780.
He was 8 years old.
In recent years Shua battled a terrible illness, and many around the world prayed and added in good deeds in his merit.
He is survived by his parents, Chaim Ber and Rochie Kaminker, and siblings.
He is also survived by his grandparents, Shaya and Rivka Kaminker and
Uri and Chani Niasoff.
The levaya will take place today, leaving Shomrei Hadas at 12 pm and passing by 770 at 1:00 pm. 2:00 pm at Old Montefiore Cemetery.
The family will be sitting Shiva at 468 Empire Blvd, second floor.
During the following hours:
10AM-5PM and 8PM-9PM
Shachris 8 am
Mincha 8:15
Maariv 9:05
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Menachem Yehoshua ben Rochel Brucha.
BDE sad sad sad May the family be comforted and we should all be reunited with the coming of Modhiach
I’m so sorry for your loss. There are no words. Moshiach now!
My heart hurts!
BDE. So sorry for your loss.
Our hearts go out to all the families. Moshiach Now.
May we only know revealed and unrevealed goodness from here on out.
So heart breaking noooo
What a beautiful child
So heartbreaking
Ad mosai!?!
I’m soooo sorry to hear about this terrible loss!! May you find the strength to go on with happiness!
I’m so sorry for this tragic loss
We are so saddened by this tragic loss. BDE
So sad to hear this!
May his family find comfort!
May Hashem strengthen and comfort his family and bring the ultimate comfort of Moshiach now!
Hashem should 9nly bless your family!
we davened so much for this precious child we never met before!